

Conservable Economic Mechanism Studying on Amur Tiger in China

【作者】 周学红

【导师】 马建章; 张伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前,物种保护特别是濒危物种保护已成为国际社会广泛关注的热点。世界各国相继实施一系列政策和措施来保护濒危物种及其栖息地。但是从经济角度来探讨我国濒危物种保护机制尚属空白。从经济角度探讨濒危物种保护的主要原因有:(1)人类活动是决定物种濒危程度的主要因素之一;(2)濒危物种保护具有机会成本;(3)经济激励措施是调整人类活动的关键要素。东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)受到了世界各国的普遍关注。我国乃至全球都相继制定了一系列相关法律法规来保护东北虎,并收到了很好的效果。而且,我国圈养繁育虎种群增长很快,目前已取得了很大的成功,在饲养管理、人工繁育等方面已积累了丰富的经验。目前,我国东北虎保护措施主要有3个:绝对禁贸、就地保护、迁地保护。无疑,这些措施在东北虎保护初期起到了很大的积极作用。但是,随着东北虎保护事业的推进,我国东北虎保护中却面临着严重的经济问题,甚至成为制约东北虎种群发展的主要因素。我国东北虎保护中面临的主要经济问题有:(1)人工圈养繁育陷入经济困境;(2)自然保护区和当地居民产生经济资源冲突。这些经济问题却使得上述虎保护措施的潜在积极作用无法充分发挥。本论文主要从以下3个方面研究了东北虎保护经济机制:(1)东北虎保护的经济价值评估;(2)东北虎就地保护经济机制探析;(3)人工圈养繁育虎产品利用机制探析。对东北虎保护的经济价值评估的研究:以我国野生东北虎保护为研究对象,在采用开放式问卷预调查的基础上,以支付卡、二分式的问卷格式各设计了340份调查问卷,调查分析了哈尔滨市区居民对我国野生东北虎保护的支付意愿。数据处理主要采用t检验,概率单位回归(Probit)模型、主成份分析法等。结果表明:二分式问卷的调查结果是支付卡式调查结果的3~4倍。支付卡式问卷结果的主要影响因素是年龄、文化程度和对东北虎的了解程度;二分式问卷结果的主导因子是户月均收入。考虑到二分式问卷比支付卡式问卷更能逼近样本的真实意愿,因此,就哈尔滨市区居民来说,20a的总支付意愿为24.42×10~8元。认为仅就哈尔滨市区居民来说,用20a的时间使东北虎脱离濒危状况,其总经济价值的现值为24.42×10~8元。并在2个月后,在同一调查地点选取不同的样本检验了结果的有效性。检验结果表明:在不同时间段所做的两次调查结果在统计上差异不显著。对野生东北虎的就地保护经济策略研究:在珲春自然保护区东北虎活动频繁的地区选取了核心区、社区共管区、保护区外的村落11个,并在这11个村随机发放调查问卷共302份。数据处理方法分别采用了Mann-Whitney U检验、logistic多元逐步回归分析及主成份分析法。结果表明:无论是核心区还是非核心区居民对东北的容受性较差。但是如果对当地居民给予一定的经济补偿,大部分核心区的居民表明不愿意伤害东北虎。而且家畜数和虎伤畜数是影响当地居民对东北虎容受性和补偿政策的主要因素。并在所调查的东北虎分布区,同时调查了当地居民对野猪(Sus scrofa)的容受性。结果表明:当地居民对野猪的容受性很差。对人工圈养繁育虎产品利用机制的研究:以横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心东北虎种群为例,整理了近年来该中心东北虎圈养种群的饲养记录,使用EXCEL、SPARKS和GENES软件对数据进行分析。得出该圈养种群雌性东北虎和雄性东北虎的平均世代时间T分别是7.816年和7.965年,净增长率Ro分别为6.691和3.950,周期增长率λ分别为1.280和1.190,内禀增长率r分别为0.243和0.172。东北虎圈养种群的年龄结构和性比比较合理,年龄锥体属于A型,幼龄个体数量大,有很大的发展潜力。种群雌雄性比为1:1.07,基本处于平衡状态。并发现,谱系完整的现存种群中2只个体的近交系数为0.0625,28只个体的近交系数为0.125,9只个体的近交系数为0.25。研究结果表明,该中心东北虎圈养种群具备了稳定的繁育水平和很大的发展潜力。但是在东北虎圈养管理中存在着饲养成本太高以致中心难以维持、谱系不清、近交比较严重的问题。本论文研究结果表明:东北虎保护的经济价值要远远高于其保护成本,因此从经济学角度而言应对东北虎予以重点保护。同时建议可将如下措施纳入东北虎保护策略中来:(1)对圈养虎产品进行妥善处理;(2)科学、合理狩猎东北虎分布区的野猪。这不仅大大有利于缓和“人-虎”冲突,而且,以妥善处理圈养虎产品及狩猎东北虎分布区野猪所得资金,补偿当地居民和促进东北虎人工圈养繁育业的发展,将充分调动当地居民和圈养繁育单位保护东北虎的积极性,形成“以虎养虎”的虎保护良性循环,以从根本上促进东北虎保护事业的发展。

【Abstract】 At present, species conservation especially endangered species conservation has been focused widely by international society. A lot of counties implemented a series of policies and measure on endangered species conservation and their habitat protection. But it is still blank in China that endangered species conservation mechanisms are discussed from the angle of economics. Discussing endangered species conservation mechanisms from the angle of economics has the following reasons: (1) human activities are one of the main factors that led to species endangered. (2) endangered species conservation has opportunities cost. (3) Economic incentive mechanism is the key factor to regulate human activities.Amur tiger(Panthera tigris altaica) has been concerned in the world. In China and the world, a series of laws and regulations have been established to protect tiger and its habitat. And these laws and regulations acted on wild tiger conservation.Tiger population in captive have been increased very much in china and been stable. But Amur tiger conservation faces serious economic problems that even are the key factor inhibiting Amur tiger conservation in China. The main economic problems faced by Amur tiger are as follows: (1)Captive breeding of Amur tiger was getting into economic jam; (2) the conflict of economic resources between protecting and the economic life of local people. These economic problems led the potential positive function of tiger conservation strategies, abosulute trade ban, in-situ conservation, ex-situ conservation was hard to be exerted.Conservational economic mechanism of Amur tiger have been explored from the following three aspects: (1) To evaluate economic value of Amur tiger. (2) To analyze economic strategy of wild Amur tiger conservation. (3) To explore utilization mechanism of tiger products of captive breeding..In order to evaluate the economic value of Amur tiger, we used dichotomous choice questionnaire and payment card format of CVM. And design 340 questionnaires for each format to investigate the willingness to pay of the residents in Harbin. Data were analyzed with t-test, Probit model and Principle factor analysis. The analysis shows that the result of dichotomous choice questionnaire is 3-4 times of the result with payment card. The main factors influenceing the result of payment card are age, education and comprehending on Amur tiger. And the dominant factor of dichotomous choice format questionnaire is the average household monthly income. Considering the result of dichotomous choice is closer to the real willingness than the result of payment card, the willingness to pay of the residents in Harbin is 24.42×10~8 Yuan for 20 years. In other words, the residents will make the Amur tiger divorced from endangerment in 20 years, the total economic value is 24.42×10~8 Yuan. Two months later, another investigation was conducted in the same site for testing the validity of the result. The analysis shows that the results are not significant difference before and after investigation using the same format of questionnaire.The economic strategies for wild Amur tiger were analysed: 11 villages of core zone, community co-management zone, the zone outside community co-management were selected in Hunchun nature reserve where Amur tiger moved about frequently. 302 questionnaires were conduced face to face. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U test, Logistic stepwise regression and principle factor analysis. The result shows the villagers neither in core zone nor non-core zone have little tolerance to Amur tiger. But, if they were compensated for the damage by Amur tiger, most of the villagers in core zone don’t want to injure the Amur tiger. The number of livestock and the number of livestock damaged by tiger are two main factors of impacting on villagers’ tolerance to Amur tiger and compensating policy. We also investigated the villagers tolerance to wild boar (Sus scrofa).The result shows that the villagers could hardly bear wild boars.Research on the utilization mechanism in breeding tigers production are as follows: we use EXCEL, SPARKS and GENES to analyze the data from Amur tiger feeding record data in Hengdaohezi Felid Breeding Center in recent years shows. The analysis show that in this breeding population, the Average Generation Time (T) of female and male are respectively 7.816 & 7.965, and the net increase rate (Ro) of female and male are respectively 6.691 & 3.950, the cycle increase rate (λ) are respectively 1.280 & 1.190 and the intrinsic increase rate are respectively 0.243 & 0.172. The result shows that the age configuration and sex ratio of this Amur Tiger breeding population is reasonable, age structure is A style and the number of young tiger is great relatively. So it is a developing population. The sex ratio of this population is 1:1.07, which explains that this population is in a balance state. We find that inbreeding coefficient of two is 0.0625, that of 28 is 0.125 and that of 9 is 0.25 in this existing population with complete lineage. Although this existing population is stable and increasing, there are many problems such as high breeding cost, unclear lineage and serious inbreeding.The results of this paper have shown that the economic valuation of Amur tiger conservation is higher, thus Amur tiger should be key conservation. In our suggestions, some economic measures should be taken in the Amur tiger conservation: (1) The productions of breeding tigers should be disposed in appropriate manner; (2) Hunting for the wild boars in the Amur tigers’ distribution region scientifically and reasonablly. Funds accumulated from breeding tiger’s productions and wild boars hunting in Amur tigers’ distribution region can be compensated for local people and development funds of Amur Tiger’s breeding industry. It must help to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local people and tiger-breeding enterprises to protect Amur tigers and form a tiger-for-tiger cycle style for the tiger conservation to promote the development of Amur tiger conservation career.


