

Key Technologies of Photopolymer Abrasive Tools

【作者】 高涛

【导师】 彭伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 采用光固化树脂作为结合剂制造新型树脂磨具是快速成型技术在磨具制造领域中的新应用,本文对光固化树脂结合剂磨具的几项关键技术进行了深入研究。(1)研究了光固化树脂结合剂磨具的结合剂性能。分别就填料的粒径、浓度以及不同种类对光固化树脂磨具的硬度、拉伸性能、压缩性能和弯曲性能等几方面的影响进行了研究。此外还对光固化树脂磨具的玻璃化转变温度以及填料对该温度的影响进行了初步探讨。(2)研究了光固化树脂结合剂磨具的结合机理。通过分析经典粘接理论的作用机理,针对光固化树脂的特点,讨论了适合光固化树脂磨具的结合机理,分别从磨粒和结合剂两个角度提出了一系列改进光固化树脂磨具结合性能的措施。(3)研究了光固化树脂结合剂磨具的固化机理。分析了金刚石磨料和其它填料的加入对光固化树脂磨具固化性能的影响,然后选择光固化树脂锯片作为研究对象,对锯片的固化机理进行了分析并建立了模型,通过实验对模型进行了验证。最后对光固化树脂磨具内部的光量分布进行初步探讨。(4)研究了光固化树脂结合剂磨具的加工特性和磨损机理。选择光固化树脂锯片作为研究对象,结合光固化树脂的特点找到了光固化树脂锯片实现导电性的方法。针对不同的被加工材料和锯片配方,对光固化树脂锯片的加工特性进行了评价与分析。借助锯片加工端面的扫描电镜照片,从结合剂和磨料两个方面对光固化树脂锯片的磨损机理进行了讨论。此外还选择市场上的同类产品与光固化树脂锯片进行了加工性能的对比。

【Abstract】 It is a new technology to make photopolymer abrasive tools in application field ofstereo lithography. Several essential technologies of making photopolymer abrasivetools were studied.(1) The performances of bonding agent of the photopolymer resin abrasive toolswere studied. The effects of different grain size, proportion and type of fillers for theperformance of the photopolymer resin abrasive tools were discussed with the hardnessand the mechanical intensity as conference. Furthermore the influence of the fillers forthe vitrification point of photopolymer abrasive tools was studied.(2) The bonding mechanics of the photopolymer abrasive tools was studied. Thebonding mechanics between the bonding agent and abrasives was analyzed with theparticular characteristics of the photopolymer resin comparing the classical theories.Some measures were carried out to improve the bonding ability between the bondingagent and the abrasives of photopolymer resin abrasive tools.(3) The curing mechanics of the photopolymer abrasive tools was studied. Theinfluence of the diamond grain and the fillers in the photopolymer abrasive tools on thecuring performance was discussed. A kind of photopolymer abrasive tool,photopolymer dicing blade was selected to analyze the curing mechanics of thephotopolymer abrasive tools. A mathematical model was developed to represent thecuring process of photopolymer dicing blade. The simulated data fit the experimentalresults, which demonstrated the analytical models and numerical algorithm were ofhigh reliability. The distribution of the light quantity inside the photopolymer abrasivetools was studied finally.(4) The processing characteristics and the abrasion mechanism of thephotopolymer abrasive tools were discussed. The necessity of conductibility of resindicing blade was introduced firstly, and then a suitable method to realize theconductibility of photopolymer dicing blade was found with metal plated diamondabrasives being used not only as abrasives but also as conductive fillers. Aim atdifferent processing materials and different dispensations; the processingcharacteristics of the photopolymer dicing blade were discussed with service life andcutting quality as reference. Furthermore the abrasion mechanism of the photopolymerresin dicing blade was analyzed by bonding agent and the abrasives respectively.Finally a cutting contrast test was preceded between the photopolymer dicing bladeand two kinds of like products.

  • 【分类号】TG74
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】367

