

A Narratological Study on Historical Works between Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty

【作者】 尹雪华

【导师】 郭丹;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文运用西方叙事学相关原理,并结合中国叙事理论,分析了先秦两汉史传作品的叙事特征,探讨了先秦两汉史传作品中历史性与文学性得以生成的深层原因及其表现形态。通过分析史传叙事的写作目的、写作原则,论证了史传叙事是对历史实在的重新建构,在对历史事件重组的过程中对实录原则的恪守保证了史传叙事的真实品性。并通过对《左传》《史记》《汉书》等代表性作品中叙述人、叙述角度、叙述时间、叙述结构等诸多方面的研究,展示了先秦两汉史传作品叙事的深层结构与规范法则,并初步探讨了史传叙事中虚构与真实的关系问题,进而探索了史传叙事中文学性的生成机制。本论文除了对先秦两汉史传作品进行共时性的研究外,也从历时性的角度,对史传作品叙事从先秦至两汉的发展演变过程进行了梳理,总结其发展演变的规律,分析了《春秋》《左传》《史记》《汉书》在史传叙事走向成熟的过程所做出的重要贡献,尤其剖析了在这一过程中处于叙事之巅的《史记》所发挥的特殊作用,指出《史记》正是先秦两汉史传叙事发展过程中的里程碑,也是一个分水岭。从《史记》向《汉书》的发展,标志着史学开始走向成熟与独立,而从《史记》向《越绝书》《吴越春秋》的发展,则显示了史传叙事向小说叙事的流变。

【Abstract】 Using the related principles of Narratolgy along with Chinese theory on narrative,thepresent paper analyzes and presents the narrative characteristics of historical worksbetween pre-Qin and Han Dynasty.It also discusses the deep reasons for its historical andliterary nature.By analyzing the writing aim and principle of the historical works,thepaper argues that the historical narrative reconstructs history, and the principle ofrecording the facts in history guarantees the truth in historical works.By studyingnarrator,narraive viewpoint,narrative time and narrative structure of the classical workssuch as ZuoZhuan,ShiJi, HanShu, the paper presents the deep structure of historicalworks,and discuss the relationship between fact and fiction, doing the further research onhow the literary nature of the historical works is produced.The paper also summarizes thedevelopmental patterns of historical narrative from Pre-Qin to Han Danysty. To thematurity of the historical narrative, ChunQiu,ZuoZhuan, ShiJi and HanShu have made animportant contribution.Especially, Shiji is a milestone.From Shiji to Hanshu,the historicalnarrative begins to be mature and independent; from Shiji to Yuejueshu andWuyuechunqiu,fiction narrative begins to appear.


