

A Study on Modern Fujian Translators

【作者】 陈爱钗

【导师】 林国平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 福建(闽)地处中国东南,背山面海,独特的地理环境与丰厚的文化底蕴孕育了近现代众多的翻译家。“闽籍翻译家”群体为近现代中国社会的发展作出了积极的贡献,自1840年鸦片战争至1949年中华人民共和国的成立这近百年的时间中,中国经历了二次鸦片战争、洋务运动、中日甲午战争、维新运动、辛亥革命、五四运动、新民主主义革命等重大的历史变革,每一次变革都与闽籍翻译家相关联。本文主要运用历史学的方法,分别从1840-1894年、1895-1910年、1911-1949年这样三个历史阶段来考察各个时期闽籍翻译家的翻译活动、主要成就以及社会影响等。积极吸收与利用学术界现有的研究成果,把每一阶段中的重要人物、重要译作作为我们研讨的重点,如林则徐、陈季同、严复、林纾、辜鸿铭、林语堂、郑振铎等:同时,我们也注意一些鲜为人知的译作、翻译家的挖掘,如对东京闽学会出版翻译的各种翻译书籍进行收集与整理。通过这些工作,我们可以大致勾勒出一部简明的、以闽籍翻译家为骨干的中国近现代翻译史,在此基础上探讨福建故土与闽籍翻译家群体的因缘:福建船政学堂、福建近现代基督教、移民、留学和新式教育与闽籍翻译家的关系。论文认为,近代以来福建出现大批杰出的翻译家,并非偶然,而是有其优越的自然地理因缘和深厚的社会历史文化积淀:闽籍翻译家不但人数多,翻译作品无数,更重要的是水平高,独领风骚一百年。一部闽籍翻译史,在某种意义上说,就是一部中国翻译史;闽籍翻译家翻译的作品多是经世致用之作,与时政紧密关联,对于中国近现代社会有着深远的影响,中国近现代每一步进步都和他们息息相关;闽籍翻译家还具有故土的情怀,为近现代福建历史书写了辉煌的篇章。

【Abstract】 During the modern and contemporary era, numerous translators and interpreters werecultivated in Fujian Province (also called as Min), a coastal and mountainous province inSouth-east China, with unique geographic surroundings and rich cultural heritage. Formore than one hundred years, from the Opium War in 1840 to the founding of thePeople’s Republic of China in 1949, China witnessed many historical events, such theSecond Opium War, the Westernization Movement, the 1894 Sino-Japanese War、theReform Movement, the Chinese Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement and theNew-Democratic Revolution. The Fujian translators made aspiring contribution to thesocial development of modern China as almost every revolution had certain relation withthem. This thesis in the historical way, delves into the translating activities, theachievement and the social influences that the Fujian translators made in the threedifferent periods of 1840-1894, 1895-1910, and 1911-1949. On the basis of the previousstudy in the academic field, the paper focuses on introducing the leading translators andtheir main works in different periods, taking Lin Zexu, Chen Jitong, Yan Fu, Lin Shu, GuHongming, Lin Yutang and Zheng Zhengduo etc., as examples. At the meantime, someunknown translators and their works are also our concern in the paper, esp. the collectionof the translated works by some students and scholars who studied in Tokyo, Japan andwho founded an academic school called Min Xuehui (Fujian Academy). On studyingthis, an outline of modern translation history in China is drawn, with Fujian translators asits main participants; and the interrelationship between Fujian and the colony oftranslators is discussed, ie, the link of the translators to, say, the Fujian Arsenal Academy, the moderrn Christianity in Fujian, the immigrants, the phenomenon of studying abroadand the westernized education. According to the author of this thesis, owing to thesuperior landscape and the profound accumulation of its social culture, it is not accidentalto have the emergence of large quantities of outstanding translators in modern Fujian. TheFujian translators played a leading role in the Chinese translation history not only becauseof the large number of the translators and the translated works, but also because of theexcellence of the works which were unsurpassable for over a century. To some degree, the translation history of Fujian can be claimed as that of China, for the works translated by them were of practical utility and closely related to the current affairs at that time. Thetranslators exerted great influences on the modern society of China and theircontribution was closely bound up with the every progress of Chinese modernization.At last, the passion of the translators to their hometown can never be neglected, whichdevoted a great chapter to the history of Fujian Province.


