

Research on Mass Customization in Multinational Companies in China

【作者】 Hamala Sidibe

【导师】 Cheng Guoping;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , Management Science and Engineering, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文探讨了大规模定制的概念,分析了其优势和劣势,指出其作为一项管理战略有效实施的途径,并分析了其在在华跨国公司生产中的应用。研究目的是通过一个案例中的行为研究分析大规模定制的竞争优势。研究中将跨国公司大规模定制的竞争优势界定为用大规模生产系统的效率来满足个性化的需求和定制产品。大批量生产通过规模经济实现低成本,而企业通过实施大规模定制,削减零部件成本、半成品和库存成本。大规模定制系统需要一系列的外部和内部因素的配合才能成为有效的竞争战略。在日益国际化的今天,企业需要战略更新与技术创新。在华跨国公司大规模定制包括了公司为客户的定制服务,跨企业的定制以及跨国的定制三个层面。客户定制服务:是通过将客户需求纳入企业生产制造过程的一种集成化与协同的过程。为了实现定制化服务,企业必须了解客户的性别、习惯、收入、购买行为等。在了解顾客的个性化需求的基础上,通过定制化生产来满足其需求。跨企业定制。主要是在保持大规模生产的效率以及高质量、低成本、快速响应的优势的基础上为特定顾客群提供定制化的产品和服务。跨国定制。一国在遵循国家商标法等一系列法律法规的基础上通过大规模定制生产方式为他国提供满足其需要的产品和服务。国际化企业日益面临着为不同国家不同客户提供定制化产品和服务的问题,这为跨国企业提供了充分发挥大规模定制优势的机会和发展空间。本文将定性与定量方法相结合,研究样本涵盖了武汉市及其它中国大城市的企业。根据武汉市行政划分分别对汉口、汉阳和武昌三个部分进行调查。调查采用问卷调查的方式,调查对象涵盖了不同行业、不同规模的企业。研究结论为在华跨国公司开展大规模定制业务提供了参考。

【Abstract】 This paper explored the concept of mass customization i.e. explained why it is not anoxymoron but a reality and has come to stay. In addition it also looked at the advantagesand disadvantages of Mass Customization; discussed how it may be effectivelyimplemented as a strategy in management, and analyzed its applications to production inChinese Multinational Companies. The main purpose of this study was to investigate thecompetitive advantages of mass customization using an action research resulting in a casestudy. For this study the competitive advantages of mass customization in multinationalcompanies (MNCs) are defined generally as the key factor that has enabled businesses insome industries to access and analyze individual customer needs and tailor products indirect response to these needs with the efficiencies of a mass production system.In mass production cost economies are typically generated through economies ofscale, while mass customization typically generates cost economies by massproducing common modular components that are shared in multiple products throughthe use of which a firm can cut the costs of parts, reduce production costs the semi-finished products by mass producing, and reduce inventory levels for both componentpart and semi-completed products awaiting further customizing based on orders.Postponement of product differentiation also significantly lowers the costs of holdingfinished goods inventories. Finished goods are produced only when a customer ordersa specific product.The success of mass customization systems depended on a series of external andinternal factors justified it use as a competitive strategy and supported it systemsdevelopment. In other words, being the first to develop a mass customization systemcan provide substantial advantage over competitors.Innovations in strategy and new technology are transforming supply possibilities are atthe heart of today’s rapid internationalization. Competitive advantage is not just a function of how well a company plays by the existing rules of the game. More important,it depends on the firm’s ability to radically change those rules.Mass customization in multinational companies in China can be innovate in company tocustomer customization, company to company customization, and country to countrycustomization.Company to customer customization is an intensive integration and collaboration with thecustomer in all process of manufacturing and production using information about thecustomer profile. For that company have to know its customers, gender, habits, activities,income, shopping, when they are online, of line, medium of information. Knowing thoseenables companies to invest in developing and maintaining its products, create commonstrategy for diverse products that meet customers’ needs and requirements.Company to company customization aims to provide customized products and servicesfor niche groups of customers on a mass scale without loosing the mass productionbenefits efficiency and productivity, high quality, low cost, and rapid response. In thiscontext customization should focus on the most valuable technologically, operationallyand economically feasible.Country to country customization is producing/manufacturing mass customized servicesand goods successfully implemented in one country that meet the needs, requirements ofanother country based on national trademark law, regulations, practices, forms, fees,institutions, trademarks agents, other trademarks services, case law providers, courtdecisions, and the specific administrative procedures available with the same success.International enterprises are more and more confronted with the fact that they have tooffer goods and services in different countries in order to care for customer loyalty. Thisis an opportunity, and a necessity for the host country (country provider) and thecompany to develop new services which support the customer’s business processes(country customer). The data analysis consisted of a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The purpose ofhaving two analysis methods was to eliminate the limitations in each method and torefine the basic model used in the research. The sampling framework comprised some bigcompanies and other firms in Wuhan City (Hubei province) and other provincial bigcities in China. Most of the companies and firms in the area taken into consideration, dueto availability of information from the city are as a sample to represent the population.Variety was considered important in the survey rather than random sampling. The samplewas drawn from firms in Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang, since Wuhan is divided intothree parts; the sampling followed the same pattern. The firms range from small, medium,to large enterprises with different kind of businesses and services. The main survey wasimplemented using the questionnaire modified from the pilot survey.Competitive advantage is not just a function of how well a company plays by changingthe existing rules of the game. Knowing those enables companies to invest in developingand maintaining its products, create common strategy for diverse products that meetcustomers’needs and requirements. Straightforward company should understand theirtarget customers needs and wants.Accordingly study results insights for managerial implications in mass customization inmultinational companies (MNCs) in China.

  • 【分类号】F276.7
  • 【下载频次】414

