

Study on Rock Burst Induced by Roof Falling and Its Control Methods in Gypsum Mine

【作者】 王官宝

【导师】 张世雄;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 根据国家安全生产监督管理局2005年的统计资料,矿山顶板冒落、采空区垮塌造成的人员伤亡和经济损失,仅次于煤矿瓦斯突出灾害,已经超过了道路交通事故跃升为第二位。而在非煤矿山事故中,这类事故造成的人员伤亡和经济损失占第一位,尤其是石膏矿山发生的采空区顶板大面积冒落垮塌灾难性事故,造成的人员伤亡、财产损失和严重后果触目惊心。目前对冲击地压的研究工作主要集中在煤矿和金属矿山,在非金属矿山中的研究工作相对滞后。非金属矿山在井工开采过程中,不可避免地会出现矿山压力和岩层移动问题,出现采动动力损害问题,石膏矿山发生的采空区大面积垮塌灾害性事故充分说明了这一事实。通过对石膏矿山发生典型的冲击地压事故的调查研究,特别是顶板大面积垮塌引发冲击地压发生前、后的显现特征,从分析石膏矿山开采特点和采场结构参数入手,结合分析研究石膏矿山矿柱—顶板井下工程结构失稳破坏的机理,运用冲击地压的基本理论和分析方法,基本查明石膏矿山冲击地压发生的类型、发生条件和主要影响因素。运用FLAC-3D三维有限差分数值分析工具,研究了矿柱、顶底板的应力状态,查明了石膏矿山井下矿柱—顶板支撑系统的破坏过程和破坏模式。石膏矿山顶板大面积冒落是因为矿柱破坏失去支撑能力后,使顶板悬露面积扩大受拉破坏而发生的,是顶板断裂引起的顶板冲击。根据冲击地压的发生是自然地质条件和开采技术条件相互作用的结果的观点,通过对石膏矿山采矿技术条件和自然地质条件的研究认为:石膏矿山使用的采矿方法、采场结构参数不合理和采空区不处理,是造成石膏矿顶板垮落事故的物质条件,采空区的存在是矿山安全生产的极大隐患,是矿山的重大危险源。鉴于该类矿山的数量较多,潜在的危害极大,运用安全科学的理论和方法提出“采空区危害矿山”的概念,并提出该类矿山的分类和危险性分级方法。根据石膏矿床的赋存特点,提出使用改进的无底柱分段崩落采矿法,以此来提高矿山的回采率和消除因采矿形成的地下采空区;结合矿山开采的实际情况,推荐使用无底柱分段崩落采矿法在下分层处理上分层遗留的采空区处理方法,已经通过当地安监部门组织的专家评审,正在实施。

【Abstract】 According to the statistic data of State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS), thecasualty and economic loss caused by roof failing has surpassed that caused by trafficaccidents, and gone up to the second place. Especially in non-coal mine, the roof fallingaccidents have led to serious consequences. The large-area roof falling in gypsum hasproved to be rock burst.At present, the research on rock burst in non-metal mine fall behind that of coaland metal mine. The problems of mining dynamic damage such as mine pressure androck movement usually appeared during the underground mining of non-metal mine, asseen in gypsum mine where large-area gob falling often take place.Through the survey of typical accidents and presentation features before and afterrock burst, the types and conditions of rock burst emergence and its influencing factorsin gypsum mine has been figured out. The finite differential software FLAC-3D isapplied to analyze the stress state of roof and floor, then the process and mode offracture of pillar, roof and floor is discussed.The accidents of large-area roof falling in gypsum mine are the result of rock burstafter the roof rupture. Through analysis of interaction between mining method andgeological condition, it is concluded that the mining method, the structure parameters ofstope and non-disposal of gob are the substantial conditions and result in the roof fallingin gypsum.The gobs are the hazardous sources of mines, so the author has put forward theconcept of "gob hazard mine", and also presented the methods of classifications andhazardous ratings for this kind of mine.According to the features of gypsum ore deposit, the improved sublevel cavingmethod is recommended to raise the recovery ratio and eliminate the underground gobs.


