

Research on QoS Routing Protocols in Wireless Mobile Self-Organized Networks

【作者】 陈年生

【导师】 李腊元;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 无线移动自组织网络(Wireless Mobile Self-Organized Networks,又称MobileAd Hoc Networks,MANETs,移动Ad Hoc网络)是由一组带有无线收发装置的移动节点所组成的一个临时性多跳自治系统,在军事和民用方面具有广阔的应用前景,是目前网络研究中的热点问题。随着多媒体应用日益普及,在移动自组织网络中提供QoS已经逐渐成为移动自组织网络研究中的一个重要研究领域。但是,由于移动自组织网络的无线多跳特性、网络带宽资源有限、网络拓扑结构动态变化等,使得在移动Ad Hoc网络中提供QoS变得更加复杂,给网络研究人员带来了新的挑战。近年来,国内外学者在QoS路由技术方面做了大量的研究,但是仍然存在许多未解决的问题,特别是在移动Ad Hoc网络上支持QoS路由技术的研究尚处于初级阶段。本文在研究分析国内外大量相关文献的基础上,对如何在移动自组织网络中提供具有QoS保证的路由协议和算法展开了较为系统的研究工作,主要创新性工作可体现在以下几个方面:(1)提出了支持单向链路的路由协议QRUA。在采用无线通信方式的移动Ad Hoc网络中,由于各个终端发射功率的不同以及地形等环境因素的影响会导致单向链路的存在,文中针对移动Ad Hoc网络该特点,提出了具有支持单向移动Ad Hoc网络并且能提供QoS保证的路由协议QRUA。该协议由路由准备、路由请求和路由维护三部分构成;由于每个主机只接收其上游主机的信息,从而实现了对单向链路的支持;同时,通过路由请求过程中延时和带宽的保证实现了QoS的控制。(2)设计了分层结构的多播路由算法MALS-QoS。针对移动自组织网络其分层管理框架体系结构,文中首先提出了一种基于分层结构的支持多播通信的路由算法MALS,然后在MALS算法的基础上,通过采用权重因子分簇的方法,使产生的多播树具有带宽、能量、延时和延时抖动等方面的QoS约束,提出了满足QoS约束的多播路由算法MALS-QoS。(3)建议了多播路由算法MRQW。MRQW是本文从反映网络真实特性的链路可用带宽以及节点剩余能量出发提出的具有QoS保证的多播路由算法,该算法通过可行链路和选择函数的定义,来实现QoS多播路由的建立,既体现了以链路可用带宽作为主要优化因素的特点,同时又保证了节点剩余能量、链路延时和延时抖动等约束条件的QoS保障。(4)设计了多播路由协议MQRA。随着移动Ad Hoc网络应用的不断扩大,提供满足QoS约束的多播路由是必然的发展,本文根据移动Ad Hoc网络应用中对多播的要求以及Ad Hoc网络的特点,提出了基于延时、延时抖动和带宽约束的QoS多播路由协议MQRA。该协议通过邻居节点协议的支持以及可行链路的定义来实现QoS保证,在路由过程中,首先构建初始多播树,并通过初始多播树来快速高效的实现满足多QoS约束多播路由。(5)提出了针对多QoS约束路由问题的优化方法和算法模型。对于属于NP完全问题的多QoS约束路由问题,本文既从传统的智能优化算法(如遗传算法、禁忌搜索算法等)出发进行了问题求解的尝试,给出了采用禁忌搜索方法、基于禁忌搜索的混合遗传算法的QoS路由算法模型;同时,又从量子遗传算法和DNA计算技术等新型智能优化方法的角度,对多QoS约束路由问题的解决进行了思考,给出了采用量子遗传算法、DNA计算技术的QoS路由算法框架,给多OoS约束路由问题的解决提供了一种新的思路。本文对移动自组织网络的QoS路由协议和算法进行了较系统深入的研究,针对不同的问题提出了有效的解决方案,旨在为促进移动自组织网络的科技进步起到一定的作用。本文得到国家自然科学基金项目(60672137,90304018)、教育部博士点基金项目(20060497015)、湖北省武汉市科技攻关项目(20041001001)、湖北省自然科学基金项目(2004ABA023)、湖北省教育厅科研项目(20032001,2004X085,D200622003)等的资助。

【Abstract】 Wireless Mobile Self-Organized Networks(mobile Ad Hoc networks, MANETs)with the prospect of extensive application in military and civilian fields, which are multi-hop temporary autonomous system of mobile nodes equipped with wireless transceivers and receivers, have been a study focus in current network research. Due to the prevalence of multimedia applications, QoS issue has been regarded as an important research field in MANETs. However, it is more complex to provide QoS in MANETs characterized with multi-hop, limited bandwidth resource and dynamic network topology than in traditional wired or wireless networks. Therefore networks researchers are confronted with new challenges.Scholars at home and abroad have done enormous researches studies on QoS routing in recent years, however there still exist many unresolved problems and the studies on QoS routing technology in MANETs just begin, especially in the initial stage of QoS routing technology in MANETs. Based on studying and analysis of current relevant research contributions, this dissertation makes extensive and thorough research on how to provide routing protocols and algorithms with QoS guarantee in mobile Ad Hoc networks. The main creative work can be seen as follows:.1) Point out a routing protocol, QRUA.Because of variation of each terminal transmit power and influence of geographical conditions, there exist the unidirectional links in mobile Ad Hoc networks. In this dissertation, regarding with the characteristics of Ad Hoc networks, a routing protocol has been proposed, QRUA, which can support unidirectional MANETs and provide a QoS guarantee, The protocol consists of routing preparation, routing request and routing maintenance. The unidirectional links are supported by making each host only to receive information from its upper tier hosts. Moreover, the delay and bandwidth are guaranteed to implement QoS controlling during the course of forwarding routing request.2) Design a Multicast Routing Algorithm, MALS-QoS.Regarding the system structure of MANET’s hiberarchy manage architecture, the dissertation puts forward MALS algorithm based on the hierarchical structure that supports multicast communication. And then based on MALS algorithm, MALS-QoS algorithm is proposed which sets up multicast trees with QoS constraints such as bandwidth, energy, delay and delay jitter by cluster partition with weight coefficient.3) Discuss the Multicast Routing Algorithm, MRQW.Regarding the available bandwidth and surplus energy of node reflecting the characteristics of the actual networks, this dissertation presents a multicast routing of multiple QoS constraints algorithm (MRQW). The algorithm establishes QoS multicast routing by the given definitions of feasible links and selection functions. It not only represents the characters of the available bandwidth of links as the main optimizing factor but also ensures the QoS guarantee of the constraints such as node surplus energy, link delay and delay jitter etc.4) Design a Multicast Routing Protocol, MQRA.With the widespread application of mobile Ad Hoc networks, it is an inevitable tendency to supply a multicast routing which meets the QoS constraints. According to the demand of the multicast application in mobile Ad Hoc networks and the characteristics of mobile Ad Hoc networks, this dissertation puts forward QoS multicast routing protocol (MQRA) with constraints of bandwidth, delay and delay jitter. The protocol provides the QoS guarantee via neighbor nodes protocol and feasible links. In the routing process, first initial multicast trees are set up, and then base on them, the multicast tree which satisfies multiple QoS constraints can be established efficiently.5) Points out optimistic algorithm and algorithm model base on multi QoS constraints routing problem.Because the multiple QoS constraints routing problem belongs to NPC problem, the dissertation tries to apply the conventional artificial optimistic algorithm (such as genetic algorithm and taboo searching algorithm) to solve the problem and put forward QoS routing algorithms models based on taboo searching algorithm, genetic algorithm and the mixed genetic algorithm which combines genetic algorithm with taboo searching. In addition, from the points of newest artificial optimistic algorithm such as quanta genetic algorithm and DNA computing technology, QoS routing algorithms models based on quanta genetic algorithm and DNA computing technology to solve the QoS constraints routing problem in MANETs are gived.The dissertation studies thoroughly on QoS routing protocols of mobile Ad Hoc networks and makes effective proposals in terms of different problems which hope to contribute improving mobile Ad Hoc network technology. This dissertation is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60172035,90304018), Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(No.20060497015),NSF of Hubei Province of China (No. 2004ABA023), and The Research Project of Hubei Province Department of Education in China (No. 2003Z001, 2004X085, D200622003).


