

Research on Cultural Synergy in Strategic Alliance of Multinational Corporations

【作者】 王君华

【导师】 刘国新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 跨国企业战略联盟是经济全球化和科学技术迅猛发展背景下获得持续竞争优势的最佳方式,我国加入WTO后,跨国企业战略联盟也是我国企业跨国经营的首选战略。跨国企业战略联盟面临诸多差异,其中最重要的差异是文化差异。许多研究表明,实现联盟成员企业文化协同是跨国企业战略联盟成功的关键。但是,理论上对于如何实现联盟成员企业动态文化协同问题的研究很少,因此研究跨国企业战略联盟的文化协同具有重大的实践意义和理论意义。本文主要由以下九个部分组成:第1章导论。在论述本研究背景及意义的基础上,概述了国内外的相关理论研究现状,并对本文的研究体系、方法与目的作了阐述。第2章从理论上对跨国企业战略联盟进行一般分析。首先,对跨国企业战略联盟的概念进行界定,深入探讨跨国企业战略联盟的基本特征与类型。其次,从交易成本理论、价值链理论、资源基础论三个方面分析跨国企业战略联盟的理论基础。再次,对跨国企业战略联盟的形成动因进行了全面分析,在与企业传统扩张理论比较的基础上,得出跨国企业战略联盟的发展趋势。第3章研究跨国企业战略联盟文化协同的基本原理。从与文化协同相关的概念入手,就实现文化协同的基础原理:文化的差异原理、文化的冲突原理和文化的整合原理展开论述,提出针对文化差异和冲突的处理模型,并对文化协同概念进行了系统的分析,认为文化协同的实施程序分为三步:形式描述、文化解释、文化创新及文化协作。第4章研究跨国企业战略联盟如何认识文化差异。在对文化差异进行理论分析后,提出了跨国企业战略联盟文化差异的来源和给跨国企业经营管理带来的问题和困难,并对目前流行的文化分析模型进行评价,在此基础上,构建基于文化差异的跨国企业战略联盟的竞争优势分析框架。人力资源管理高绩效是联盟高绩效的前提,而跨国企业战略联盟的文化差异将不可避免地给人力资源管理带来冲击。通过监控文化差异对人力资源管理绩效的影响,得出文化差异对跨国企业战略联盟人力资源管理绩效有不同程度的正面影响。第5章研究跨国企业战略联盟如何对文化风险问题进行有效的管理。本章通过分析跨国企业战略联盟的文化风险作用机制,结合国内外学者的因素和定性分析,构建了跨国企业战略联盟的文化风险度量模型。通过计算得出跨国企业战略联盟文化风险的分值,参照跨国企业战略联盟文化风险评价表,得出企业战略联盟的文化风险状况,并可以根据各个指标的得分,有针对性地进行风险规避和转移。认为跨国联盟必须正确识别不同类型的跨文化风险,以采取相应的风险管理策略和选择适当的风险控制工具,因地制宜的建立跨文化经营风险的防范机制。第6章研究跨国企业战略联盟如何在文化协同的基础上建立信任机制。分析了信任的基本涵义,阐释了跨国企业战略联盟中的信任及其特点。信任存在低度信任、中度信任和高度信任等三种类型。为了衡量战略联盟成员企业相互信任的程度,特提出衡量指标:信任度。对战略联盟成员企业信任度的主要影响变量进行了分析,指出主观、内部机制原因和客观的、外部环境原因的共同影响着战略联盟信任度T,并运用模糊综合评判法对T的确定作了简要的说明。第7章研究跨国企业战略联盟文化协同的过程。从文化协同效应入手,对联盟双方文化进行深入的比较研究,以求所选择联盟目标能够最大限度地发挥文化协同效应。在联盟建立后,从跨国企业战略联盟内部文化协同这个角度,针对解决文化冲突的三种方案,提出选择协同方案的具体文化模式和实施路线。构建共同管理文化模式(CMC),提出共同管理文化模式是伴随着文化协同的过程发生的,它是跨国企业战略联盟文化协同的一部分。建立联盟CMC是一个有计划、有目的的管理过程。第8章关于跨国企业战略联盟文化协同的案例分析。本章分析了国际汽车行业和中国国内汽车行业战略联盟的发展现状及其发展态势,以中美合资企业长安福特汽车公司作为研究对象,运用跨文化管理的理论,通过剖析该公司从管理思想、管理规范到管理行为的差异,寻找出中美合资企业管理中存在问题的根源——文化差异,分析冲突产生的主要原因,提出长安福特汽车公司实施文化协同的措施。第9章全文总结与展望。对全文进行了总结性的阐述,提出了主要创新点。并在本研究的基础上,对后续研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Strategic Alliance of Multinational Corporations (SAMC) is the best way tosustain competitive advantage under the background of economic globalization andthe rapid development of science and technology. After China’s Accession to theWorld Trade Organization, SAMC is the preferred strategy of China’s multinationalcorporations. SAMC facing many differences, the most important one is culturaldifference. Many studies have shown that achieving enterprise culture synergy ofalliance members is the key to the success of SAMC. However, theoretically, fewresearch works have addressed on the study about how to achieve enterprise-dynamiccultural synergy of alliance members. Therefore, the study on cultural synergy ofSAMC is the great theoretical and practical significance. This paper contains nineparts as follows:The first Chapter is introduction. Based on the background and significance ofthis research, Chapter one summarizes the current-research situation of the relativetheory at home and abroad, and described the research system, methods and purposes.The second chapter analyzes theoretically SAMC. Firstly, it starts with thedefinition of SAMC, deeply exploring the basic characteristics and types of SAMC.Secondly, it analyzes the theoretical basis of culture synergy of SAMC from the threeaspects that are transaction cost theory, value chain theory, and resource-based theory.Lastly, it analyzes comprehensively the motivation of SAMC. In comparison with thetraditional expansion theory of enterprises, it predicts the development trend ofSAMC.The third chapter mainly analyzes the basic theories of cultural synergy ofSAMC. After analyzing the relative concepts of cultural synergy, it explores theprinciples about how to realizing cultural synergy. These principles include culturaldifferences, cultural conflict and cultural integration. It puts forward the managementmodel of dealing cultural differences and cultural conflict. And the concept of culturalsynergy are systematically analyzed, it puts forward the implementation procedures ofcultural synergy.The forth chapter focus on how SAMC understand cultural differences. Aftertheoretical analysis of culture differences, it puts forward the source of culture differences of SAMC, the problems and difficulties brought to operating managementof multinational corporations; it evaluates popular model of culture analysis. Itestablishes analytical framework of competitive advantages based on the culturaldifferences between SAMC. High-performance of human resources management(HRM) is the premise of high-performance alliance, but cultural differences of SAMCwill inevitably impact on HRM. Through monitoring the performance of humanresources management and cultural differences, cultural differences will bring varyingdegrees of positive influence on performance of HRM.The fifth chapter studies how SAMC effectively manage cultural risks.According to cultural analysis of action mechanism, this chapter establishes themeasurement model of cultural risks of SAMC, combining with factors andqualitative analysis that have studied by scholars at home and abroad. And itconcludes that in order to take appropriate strategy of risk management and choosethe appropriate tool of risk control, SAMC must correctly identify the different typesof cross-cultural risks, must build prevention mechanism of cross-cultural risks byadjusting measures to local conditions.Chapter 6 studies how SAMC build trust mechanism on a basis of culturalsynergy. Starting with analysis of the basic meaning of trust, this chapter explains thetrust and its features of SAMC, which distinguishes three types of trust, low trust,moderate trust and high trust. In order to measure the trust degree of mutualconfidence of strategic alliance members, measurable indicators are especially putforward: trust. By analyzing the key variables to the trust degree of Strategic Alliancemembers, this chapter points Out that both the causes of subjective-internalmechanisms and the causes of objective-external environment jointly impact on thestrategic alliance trust T, and simply describes the use of fuzzy comprehensiveevaluation method for the T determination.Chapter 7 focuses on the collaborative process of strategic alliances Cultural ofSAMC. To begin with the effect of cultural synergy, this chapter conducts the in-depthcomparative culture study on both sides, with the purpose for the chosen alliance tomaximize the synergy cultural effect. After the alliance’s foundation and form theangle of internal culture synergy of SAMC, this chapter, against the three options tosolve the culture conflicts, puts forward the specific culture mold for selectingsynergy scheme and the implementation courses. For the construction of a common culture management (CMC), this chapter suggests that common cultural pattern willcome into effect, along with the process of cultural synergy, which is a part of culturesynergy of SAMC. CMC is a planned, aimed management process.Chapter 8 employs a case analysis of cultural synergy of SAMC. This chapteranalyzes the current situation and development trend of both the internationalautomobile industry and the strategic alliances in the domestic auto industry. TakingChangan Ford Motor Company, a Sino-U.S. joint venture as an example, this chapter,on the base of the cross-cultural management theory, discusses the company’smanagement from the aspect of management thinking, management rule andmanagement behavior difference, and then find out the problem root—culturaldifferences. Moreover, it analyzes the main causes of conflict, propose and implementmeasures and cultural cooperation for Changan Ford Motor Company.The last chapter, chapter 9 is the summary and outlook of the full text. It putsforward main innovations of this paper, and forecasts the follow-up study.


