

The Effection of Christianity of Chosun Nation Society in the Early 20th Century China Yanbian Area

【作者】 金东春

【导师】 金成镐;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国延边地区的朝鲜民族,在20世纪初期整个朝鲜民族的抗日解放斗争中一直占据着特殊的历史地位。这一时期其以越境迁入和聚居的形式居住在延边地区,通过宗教活动、外交活动、文化启蒙教育运动、示威运动和武装斗争等各种各样的斗争形式,站在了整个朝鲜民族抗日独立解放斗争的最前列。本文认为,20世纪初期延边地区朝鲜民族抗日运动的兴起与发展,包括着多种历史因素,其中宗教活动不容忽视。而宗教团体及其活动在初期抗日运动中能够起到有效的积极作用,则是由当时延边朝鲜民族所处的特定的社会环境和生活条件所决定的。19世纪末20世纪初天主教、基督教及以大倧教为首的诸多民族宗教相继从朝鲜传入到延边朝鲜民族聚居区。延边的宗教扎根于贫苦民众之中,逐步发展成为了一个组织群众、教育群众的合法组织。朝鲜民族反日志士们通过参加这些宗教团体,积极开展民族文化启蒙教育,宣传反日民族独立思想,进而组织反日民族团体,进行社会性的反日革命运动。本文主要考察了19世纪末至20世纪30年代初从天主教传入延边地区到伪‘满洲国’建立的这一历史时期,以基督教在延边朝鲜民族社会的演变及其影响为中心,研究当时的朝鲜社会及其宗教情况、宗教传入中国延边朝鲜民族社会的背景及其过程,分析反日人士组织、利用宗教团体进行反日民族启蒙教育运动和反日革命斗争的基本情况,并总结概括延边朝鲜民族宗教的时代特点及其分化演变等问题。本论文包括绪论、本论、结论三个部分。绪论部分,简要叙述了本课题研究的目的及意义、国内外研究动向及现存问题、研究方法及资料的运用、研究的中心内容等。本论部分分为四章。第一章,叙述了从19世纪末到1909年,基督教等宗教在朝鲜国内和中国延边地区朝鲜民族社会的传播、发展过程及其特点。首先,考察了朝鲜的宗教概况,包括朝鲜传统宗教、西洋宗教的传入过程、新的民族宗教的产生及其特点以及在丧失国权时,传统宗教和近代民族宗教的状况及局限性等问题,论证了朝鲜社会接纳基督教的特点以及基督教在朝鲜近代爱国文化启蒙运动和反日独立运动中的独特的历史地位和积极作用等问题。其次,考察了基督教等宗教从朝鲜传入于中国延边朝鲜民族社会的过程及其特点,包括延边地区特点、朝鲜民族社会的形成及特点和基督教传入于延边地区的特殊性等。延边地区的朝鲜民族社会是由从朝鲜越境迁入而来的移民所形成的,其大多数原是朝鲜咸镜道地区的贫民阶层;朝鲜的民族宗教和基督教等外来宗教则是随着延边朝鲜民族社会的形成而传入和发展的。再次,考察了基督教在延边朝鲜民族社会传播过程中的特点。指出基督教在朝鲜的特点及其作用、朝鲜咸镜道地区及中国延边朝鲜民族社会对基督教传播的收容环境及其特点等问题。当时,延边社会正处于新旧文化的交替时期,新学与旧学、近代思想文化与封建思想文化之间的矛盾尖锐复杂,而延边朝鲜民族是越境迁入而形成的‘垦民’,他们在新开垦地憧憬新文化,渴望新思想,所以较为容易接受基督教所带来的近代思想文化。第二章,阐述从1910年到1918年,朝鲜反日爱国启蒙运动的特点及其对中国延边朝鲜民族社会的影响以及基督教等宗教对反日文化启蒙运动所产生的历史作用;考察民族教育运动与垦民教育会、垦民会等延边地区朝鲜民族的社会自治团体运动,进而研究宗教的特殊作用及其与民族自治团体的关系。当时,业已成为日本独占殖民地的朝鲜,广泛掀起了反日义兵斗争和反日爱国文化启蒙运动;在日本残暴野蛮的殖民统治下,朝鲜反日爱国志士们逐步认识到了在国内进行反日民族独立解放运动的困难和局限性,开始策划在国外的反日民族运动。早在1905年,由于朝鲜的外交权被日本剥夺,朝鲜国内的部分反日义兵将士和爱国文化启蒙志士们开始越境迁入到中国东北地区,在图们江、鸭绿江北岸地域以朝鲜民族社会为基础,开展反日爱国文化启蒙运动。以1906年建立的‘瑞甸书塾’为嚆失,朝鲜反日志士们建立了众多的民族学校。1910年朝鲜被日本‘吞并’之后,反日志士们大批转移到中国延边地区,尤其是在朝鲜咸镜道地区以基督教活动进行过反日独立运动的李东辉等反日志士,在延边地区建立了基督教系统的新式学校,大力开展反日启蒙教育,积极准备反日民族解放运动。这一时期,延边朝鲜民族基督教会建立在贫苦民众之中,而大多数基督教指导者的反日民族性和其所创办的新型学校的近代文化性,进一步推动了基督教的迅速发展。基督教等宗教在延边朝鲜民族社会的新文化普及和反日启蒙教育运动中发挥了不可替代的重要的积极作用。第三章,以1919年‘三·一三反日运动’为主线,论述延边朝鲜民族社会的反日革命斗争概况,并以当时具有代表性的反日民族团体—国民会的活动情况为中心,具体阐明了基督教的特定的积极作用。朝鲜民族反日志士们利用基督教等合法的宗教团体,宣扬和传播自由、平等、民主与民权等近代思想文化和科学技术等近代文明,引导群众建立新型学校,进一步提高反日民族意识,组织群众性的反日民族团体,逐步开展社会性的反日民族运动,对‘三·一三反日运动’起到了积极的推动作用。‘三·一三反日运动’后,基督教等宗教系统的反日人士建立‘国民会’等各种反日民族团体,积极开展抗日武装斗争,对朝鲜民族的反日独立解放运动起到了极大的推动作用。本章还提出了抗日民族运动团体的联合问题,进一步阐明了基督教系统的‘国民会’与大倧教系统的‘北路军政署’之间的关系问题。第四章,阐述了1922年到1931年间,延边朝鲜民族社会基督教等宗教的分化演变过程及其原因等问题。由于1920年遭受日帝的残酷镇压,延边朝鲜民族资产阶级反日独立运动开始进入低潮;而社会主义思潮的广泛传播与深刻影响,直接冲击和促进了基督教等宗教组织内部的分化演变。本章阐述朝鲜民族内部社会主义阵营与资产阶级阵营之间,围绕抗日独立解放运动的方针政策问题所发生的复杂而尖锐的矛盾斗争,尤其是以基督教为基础的‘国民会’被社会主义阵营所吸收而引起的与基督教民族主义者的矛盾等。同时本文以李东辉、金跃渊、具春先等为代表的基督教民族主义者为中心,具体考察了基督教组织分化演变为三派,即社会主义派、纯粹的宗教派和亲日派的过程。当时,延边朝鲜民族社会主义阵营的“反基督教运动”之所以有别与朝鲜国内和中国其他地区,并非运动本身的激烈程度,而是因为延边基督教具有其历史特点,且曾对抗日运动有过积极的历史作用。结论部分,主要综合整理了上述论点,强调基督教与社会主义体制之间的关系不是敌对关系,基督教对社会有一定积极的作用,可以与社会主义体制共存。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of the 20th century chosun people in Yanbian district in China played the most superior role among the whole chosun nationals’ anti-Japanese independent movements, chosun nation who had already inhabited in the Yanbian district in China prepared the struggle against Japanese Imperialism in every aspect through religious, diplomatic, cultural enlightenment, demonstration and armed campaigns.This thesis regards the religious activity as the most important reason why the independent movement in Yanbain area rose first and developed more than those of other regions. Religious organizations had a big effect on the early anti-Japanese movements, and that was due to the peculiar social environment and living conditions of the time. Starting from Christianity(the end of 19c.), Catholicism(beginning of 20c.), and "The Great Religion," many religions were brought in to Yanbian from chosun peninsula. The religions organized the poor people and educated them maintaining somewhat lawfulness. Then the anti-Japanese patriots used religious organizations to cultivate the ethnic culture and to propagate the anti-Japanese independent ideology among the chosun people. Before long this kind of awareness became the effective tool of fighting against Japanese Imperialism.The time line of this thesis paper is from the beginning of 19th century, when Catholicism entered Yanbian area, to before the "Manchuria Nation" was established in the early 20th century. The thesis searches the condition of chosun society and religions at that time, the background and process of how religions were transmitted into Yanbian chosun people’s society, and the distinctive mark of Yanbian chosun people’s religion which was shown while they used religions to.struggle toward Japanese Imperialism.This thesis consists of the introduction, body, and conclusion, and the body has 4 parts.The introduction narrates the purpose and significance of this research, the researching trend of Korea and overseas, the present chosun problems, the researching methods and the use of research materials, and the main topics of the research.The first chapter deals with the overall condition of Christianity and other religion in’chosun and Yanbian, China from the end of 19th century to 1909. First it looks into the outlook of chosun’s religions, the disseminating process of western religion at the time of losing national rights, and the birth of new national religion. Further researches were done on the conditions and limits of the traditional and modern national religions, the characteristics of Christianity newly introduced to chosun society and the role the Christianity played in the patriotic enlightenment campaigns and the anti-Japanese independent movement of modern chosun society.Then it discusses spreading process of religions in Yanbian and the formation of Yanbian chosun society. The characteristics found in Yanbian chosun people’s acceptance of Christianity can be explained by the fact that the early migrators in Yanbian area were mostly paupers from HamGyeng-do.Nest the paper surveys Christianity’s distinguishing function in Yanbian, the acceptance of Christianity in HamGyeong-do, the Yanbian migrators’ home town, and Yanbian. Now in Yanbian the new culture was replacing the old one, so there existed a sharp conflict between the modern and the feudalistic idea. As "Ganmin," who moved to a new area and inhabited themselves in there, chosun people in Yanbian area were anxious for a new culture and thoughts so they could accept Christianity with comparative ease.Chapter 2 is about the Characteristics of anti-Japanese enlightenment movement in chosun(1910~1918) and its effect on Yanbian chosun people’s society. It further discusses religion’s function in those enlightenment movements, the national educational movement and the self-governing bodies in Yanbian like "The Society of Ganmin Education" and "The Society of Ganmin." In those times Koreans(chosun people) launched an army in the cause of justice and organized anti-Japanese enlightenment movements to get independence from Japan. Soon they realized the limitation of national rights recovery campaign, however, and then initiated oversea independent movements. From 1905, when Korea was deprived of its diplomatic power by Japanese Imperialism, the army in the cause of justice and anti-Japan enlightenment activists migrated to Yanbian area. The army raised campaigns along Tuman river and Yalu river valleys, while the activists set up many anti-Japan nationalistic schools, starting from Seojunseosuk, a modern private school built in 1906. After chosun lost its sovereignty over to Japanese Imperialism, the anti-Japan enlightenment activists came to Yanbian area in a body. Led by Donghwi Lee, an anti-Japanese activist who was also engaged in propagating Christianity, the enlightenment activists founded new-style Christian schools, actively Preparing the national liberation campaign.Poor Koreans of this time established many Christian churches. The anti-Japanese national spirit of the Christian leaders and the modernity of schools set up by them contributed to the fast growth of Christianity. Along with the quick development of Christianity, the spread of new culture in Yanbian chosun society and the expansion of anti-Japanese enlightenment movement founded the base of anti-Japanese campaign, which is discussed in the next chapter.In chapter 3, the author looks into the overall condition of Yanbian chosun society’s anti-Japanese campaigns, putting 3.13 movement in 1919 as a core. The chapter also deals with the actions of "The Society of Nation," the noted anti-Japanese organization in Yanbian area of this time and spotlights the Christianity’s role and influence on the movement. The anti-Japanese patriots used legal religious organizations as Christianity to disseminate scientific technology and modern ideas such as liberty, equality, democracy and civil rights. The patriots established Sinhyung School to’improve the crowds’ national consciousness and further united the Joseon people against the Japanese Imperialism. These actions served as a momentum of the 3.13 movement in 1919. After 3.13 the anti-Japanese figures of religious groups contributed much to the independent movement by setting up various anti-Japanese organizations like "The Society of Nation" and by raising armed forces against Japan. In this chapter it mentions the unity issue of the anti-Japanese organizations, especially pointing out the relationship between "The Society of Nation" and "Bukro-Gunjungseo."Chapter 4 looks into the cause and process of differentiation and hanging of religions, including Christianity, in Yanbian area of 1922~1931. Because of Japan’s cruel oppression in 1920 the bourgeois’ anti-Japanese movements became inactive, while the expansion of socialism caused many religious bodies to go under internal differentiation and changes. The disagreement of opinions between the Socialist and the bourgeois camp on the anti-Japanese struggle policy led to the sharp and complicated struggle between classes. Even "The Society of Nation" was absorbed into the Socialist camp due to the Christian national leaders’ conflicts. The paper specially looks into how the Christian organization divided into three factions; the Socialist, pure religion, and the pro-Japanese group, with the Christian nationalists like Donghwi Lee, Yakyeon Kim, and Chunseon Gu as the central figures. The author lays an emphasis on that it is Yanbian Christian groups’ active function in the past anti-Japanese struggle which made the "anti-Christianity" movement in Yanbian not as fierce as those in chosun and China.The conclusion summarizes what was discussed in the body. It also highlights that the hostility between the Christianity and Socialism that has been held on so far should be wiped out, and that they can coexist if the Christianity increases its role in society.

【关键词】 基督教延边地区朝鲜民族演变影响
【Key words】 ChristianityYanbiandistrictchosunchangeeffect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K28;B979.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】575

