

Study on the Historical Situation of the Thought "Two Vanguards"

【作者】 刘晓玲

【导师】 谭献民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 新时期我们党提出了“两个先锋队”思想,这引起了全党和全国人民的极大关注,也引起了一些同志的担心。有的同志担心这样会不会模糊党的阶级性,影响党的先进性,会不会把我们党变成“全民党"。为此,本文把“两个先锋队”思想摆在理论与实践、历史与现实、现在与未来的总体坐标上进行全方位的研究与探讨,以历史与逻辑、比较与分析、归纳与演绎相结合的研究方法,对“两个先锋队”思想的历史地位作了系统地研究。“两个先锋队”思想是与时俱进的马克思主义建党理论。首先,“两个先锋队”思想是对党的性质的新概括。建党以来,我们一直强调党是工人阶级的先锋队。这是正确的。但在理解先锋队的内容上却陷入了阶级范围的思维,认为先锋队天然只属于工人阶级。这种认识势必造成对先锋队内容上的单一理解。“两个先锋队”的提出,表明先锋队已从阶级范围扩展为中国人民和中华民族范围。“两个先锋队”思想从提出到写入新党章,这说明“两个先锋队”思想不是一般的表述创新,而是一个事关党的性质、事关推进新时期党的建设新的伟大工程的重大理论与实践问题。其次,“两个先锋队”思想是对党的执政规律的新认识。”这主要体现在以下几个方面:执政理念的新觉醒;执政基础的新拓展;执政资源的新发掘;执政安全的新认知;执政使命的新定位。再次,“两个先锋队”思想是对党建理论的新发展。“两个先锋队”思想的提出,不是主观臆想的产物,它有着深厚的思想理论源泉和实践基础。马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想为其提供了极为丰富的思想理论沃土,世情、国情、党情的变化是其产生的客观社会现实。“两个先锋队”是新时期党建理论的创新成果。体现了党的先锋队性质的全面性,体现了党的本质要求与社会进步要求的一致性,体现了功能性建党、制度性建党和思想建党的统一性。“两个先锋队”思想是对中国共产党80多年历史经验的科学总结。对此,本文从积极吸收各方面优秀分子入党和加强党的思想建设两个方面,研究了党的各个历史时期为保持党的“两个先锋队”性质而采取的具体政策和举措。建党时期:党提出要创立一个“中国工人阶级的大的群众党”;民主革命时期:党又指出要“建设一个全国范围的广大群众性的马克思主义政党”;社会主义革命和建设时期:中国共产党在成为执政党后指出要“扩大党组织的工人成分”,为保持工人阶级的先进性而斗争;改革开放时期:结合新时期国际国内形势的变化,党进一步提出要不断坚持与时俱进,夯实党的社会基础,永做“两个先锋队”。其中积极慎重地吸收各方面优秀分子入党和加强党的思想建设,是坚持和体现党的“两个先锋队”性质的两个重要环节。在中国革命和建设的各个历史阶段,由于党始终抓住这两个环节从而保持了党的先进性,增强了党的社会基础,党的队伍不断地发展壮大,党的事业也不断地取得胜利。“两个先锋队”思想是中国共产党面向未来、永葆青春活力的胜利之旗。首先,“两个先锋队”思想是永葆党的先进性的必由之路。其次,“两个先锋队”思想是应对国内外各种新的风险和挑战的重要法宝。再次,“两个先锋队”思想是实现中华民族伟大复兴的根本保障。新时期要实现“两个先锋队”,就必须始终做到“四个坚持”,才能使我们党永葆“两个先锋队”性质:坚持与时俱进,始终做到“三个代表”;坚持党的阶级基础与群众基础的统一;坚持党的最高纲领与最低纲领的统一;坚持从严治党,努力提高党的执政能力和执政水平。

【Abstract】 During the process of the new time, our party has proposed "two vanguards", which has caused the entire party and whole nation’s enormous attention, also has caused some comrade’s worry. Some of comrades have worried that would blur the class nature of the party, affect the party’s sophistication, and turn our party to "the party of all the people". Therefore, this article presented the thought of "two vanguards", proposed by our party in the new time, on the coordinates of theory and practice, historical and reality, present and future to research and discuss omni-directionally, by the history and logic, the comparison and the analysis, the induction and the deduction, underground will unify the research technique, on the basis of the full absorption existing research results, I had studied the historical situation of "two vanguards" thought systematically.The thought of "two vanguards" is the Marxism party-building theory which keeps pace with the times. Firstly, the thought of "two vanguards" is the new summary of party’s nature. Since the party building, we always emphasized the party is working class’s vanguard, which is correct. But, in the understanding vanguard’s content, fell into actually the thought of social class scope, to regard naturally the vanguard only belongs to the working class. This kind of understanding will create inevitably to content of the vanguard in the sole way. The statement of "Two vanguards" has indicated the vanguard expanded the scope from the social class to the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The thought of "Two vanguards", from proposing to reading in the new party constitution, has explained that is not the general innovation of indication, but is a new great project of significant theory and the practice question, which is referred to the Party’s nature and the construction of the Party in the new time. Secondly, the "two vanguards" thought is the new understanding to the Party’s ruling rule which is manifested mainly as following: ruling ideas awaken newly; the new development of ruling foundation; the new excavating for ruling resources; the new cognition of ruling security; the new localization of ruling mission. What’s more, the "two vanguards" thought is the. new development of theory to the Party’s construction. The statement of "Two vanguards" thought is not the product of subjective conjecture; it has the deep fountainhead of thought theory and the foundation of practice. The Marxism-Leninism, the Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "The Three Represents" have provided extremely rich thought theory fertile soil for it, the condition of the world, the nation and the Party is the objective social reality which it produces. "Two vanguards" is the innovation achievement of theory of the. Party’s construction in the new time. It has manifested the integrity of party’s vanguard nature, the uniformity of the demands between the party’s essence and the social progress, the unity of the functionality party building, the institutional party-building and the. thought party-building.The "two vanguards" thought is the scientific summary of more than 80-year history experience of the Communist Party of China. This chapter is divided into four stages, mainly from the two aspects: positively absorbing outstanding member to join the Party and the enhancement to the Party’s thought constructs, it has researched the Party’s concrete policy and action, during each historical period, to maintain the nature of "two vanguards". The stage of party-building: Establish "China working class’s big populace party"; the stage of the democratic revolution: "Constructing a Marxism political party of the general mass in nationwide scale"; the stage of the socialist revolution and building: "Expanding worker ingredient in the Party organization", struggles for maintains the sophistication to the working class; the stage of reform and open: Keeping pace with the times, ramming party’s social basis will. be forever. In the article, to absorb prudently outstanding member to join a political party positively and to enhance the Party’s thought construction, are the two important links of persisting and manifesting the nature of the party’s "two vanguards". Among the historical stages of revolution and construction in China, because the Party throughout held these two links to build, thus the Party’s sophistication can be maintained, the Party’s social basis can be strengthened, the Party’s troop grew strong unceasingly, the Party’s enterprise also unceasingly gained the victory.The "two vanguards" thought will be the flag of victory to Communist Party of China to facing the future, and preserving the vigor of youth. It has made the analysis and the elaboration from three aspects. First, the "two vanguards" thought is the advanced way that must be taken to preserve the party forever. Next, the "two vanguards" thought is the important magic weapon to face kinds of new risk and the challenge both in the domestic and foreign. Once more, the "two vanguards" thought is the basic safeguard that the Chinese nation revives greatly.In the new time, how does realize "two vanguards", which does achieve throughout the "four insistences" below, the Party can preserve forever the nature of "two vanguards": persisting to keep pace with the times, and achieve "The Three Represents"" throughout; insisting the unification between the Party’s social class foundation and mass base; insisting the unification of the Party’s maximum program and minimum program; insisting to govern the Party severely, and enhance the Party ruling ability and level diligently.

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