

【作者】 刘霁

【导师】 谢天振;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 “宏大叙事”影响下的中国现代翻译文学史一方面在编撰体例和内容上依附于中国现代文学史,另一方面没能接近历史的现场,忽略或遗忘了不少在历史中发挥重要作用的译介者群体,“学衡派”便是其中之一。“学衡派”的译介活动最大程度上体现了学人的追求和特色。本文以学术网络,知识传播为视角,从学人、学院和学术三个方面对现代文学社团中“学衡派”的译介活动进行研究。以《学衡》为研究的核心资料,辅之以《大公报·文学副刊》、《文哲学报》等“学衡派”其他系列刊物。避免宏大叙事,关注历史的细节,从译介者的日常学术交往和教学活动出发,考察译介行为的组织、安排和传播。全文一共分为三章。第一章“学术共同体与文学译介”,研究译介活动的发起和组织,从“共同体”的角度考察《学衡》中译介者群体的聚集与更迭,“学衡派”与其“社会圈子”之间,与美国新人文主义之间,就译介形成的学术网络。第二章“期刊译介与文学知识传播的互动”,主要以“学衡派”在东南大学、清华学校(后改为大学)等高校的西洋文学系(或外文系)所参与的课程设置、教学、教科书译介和学术演讲,研究其刊物与教学和学术活动之间的关系,并探讨该派对西洋文学经典符号化的过程。第三章“学衡派”译介的学术性,讨论主要译介者的学术立场,在翻译中对“学术规范”的自觉,以及在实际翻译中表现出的学术性。最后总结了全文的要点,从“学衡派”传播西洋文化的理想与现实之间的落差,简要讨论了他们在历史中的两难境地。

【Abstract】 "Grand Narrative" has exerted enormous influence upon the histories of modern Chinese translated literature, which on one hand imitated the structure and contents of the histories of modern Chinese literature(especially before 1985), on the other hand neglected some significant groups who had participated earnestly in translation activities. Xue Heng School is a case in point.This dissertation explores Xue Heng School’s translation activities, which demonstrates scholars’ pursuit and characteristics to a great extent, from the perspectives of academic community, university, and academic research. The major materials employed here are the journals and newspapers of this school, namely, Critical Review, Literary Supplement of Ta-Kung-Pao and others. With a micro-view, this study focuses upon the translators’ everyday life, like socializing, teaching and academic exchanges.It falls into three chapters. Chapter one, "Intellectual community and literary translation", discusses how Critical Review knitted the academic network with its translators, its "social circle" and the New Humanism in U.S. and in what way these translation activities were mobilized or organized. Chapter two, "Interactions between translation and knowledge diffusion", concentrates on the relationship between translation and the western literature education in Southeast University and Tsing Hua University, to be concrete, curriculum design, teaching, textbook compiling and academic lecturing. The symbolization of the canons of western literature is also examined in this chapter. The third chapter, Xue Heng School’s academically-oriented translation, mainly explores the properties and reception of research-based translation. The conclusion analyzes briefly the gap between the ideal and the reality in Xue Heng School’s translation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I046
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】771

