

【作者】 房瑞丽

【导师】 蒋凡;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 齐、鲁、韩三家《诗》是汉代重要的《诗》学著作,魏晋以后逐渐亡佚,今仅存《韩诗外传》。清代学者在南宋王应麟所开创的辑佚研究三家《诗》的基础上,展开了对三家《诗》的全面搜讨、考校。清代三家《诗》研究是三家《诗》发展的里程碑,是《诗经》学史重要的组成部分,亦是经学史上重要的课题。本文在对清代三家《诗》研究成果进行比较全面梳理和系统分析的基础上,认识到了三家《诗》研究在《诗经》学史上的重要地位,尽可能挖掘清代三家《诗》研究的巨大价值,试图在三家《诗》研究方面有所突破。正文部分分为六章。第一章是概述清代三家《诗》研究的整体状况,分析清代三家《诗》研究局面形成的原因,材料来源和在研究过程中所呈现出来的特征,从宏观上整体关照清代三家《诗》研究的面貌。第二、三、四章,分别从辨伪、辑佚和今文发挥三个角度,分析清代三家《诗》研究的重要成果。清初的三家《诗》的辨伪研究,净化了三家《诗》材料来源的背景空间,为后来的研究奠定了基础。三家《诗》的辑佚研究贯穿有清一代,经过众多学者的通力合作,使得三家《诗》的遗说搜讨殆尽,成为后学研治三家《诗》的重要依据。道咸以后,探讨三家《诗》今文大义的研究蔚然勃兴。本文重点分析代表人物的著述成就,全面探讨他们的扶危继绝之功用。第五章主要谈清儒对于三家《诗》的运用,指出了《毛诗》研究中融合三家《诗》资料,是《诗经》学史发展的必然。三家《诗》本身的文学特性和清代《诗经》文学研究的发展,也使得三家《诗》的经学研究与文学研究必然走向融合。第六章是对现存唯一比较完整的三家《诗》著作《韩诗外传》的分析,它与先秦《诗》学关系渊源深厚,蕴含着丰富的《诗》学信息。清代在考证、校勘《外传》方面都较前代有了很大的发展。总之,清代的三家《诗》研究取得了丰硕成果,是《诗经》学史的重要课题,是我们认识汉代三家《诗》学的重要资料。

【Abstract】 The three schools of poetry of Qi, Lu, and Han were the important works of the Book of Songs in the Han Dynasty, but all their works had been lost except HanShiWaiZhuan since the WeiJin Dynasty. A scholar named Wang Yinglin in the Southern Song Dynasty had tried to study on the three schools of poetry. On the basis of his works, a lot of scholars made an attempt to comprehensive study on three schools of poetry in the Qing Dynasty. To a certain extent, we can say it is a milestone in the history of studying of three schools of poetry and even the Book of Songs today. Under the circumstances it is essential that make a systematic analysis to achievements find their worth of the study on the three schools of poetry in the Qing Dynasty.This paper is divided into six parts.Chapter 1 give to readers a brief introductory of the study on the three schools of poetry in the Qing Dynasty in order to explain their the main background, source of materials, and the feature of those scholars’ study.Chapters 2,3&4, elucidate three aspects of the fruitful results of the study on the three schools of poetry in the Qing Dynasty, namely, separately from discriminating with ancient books of dubious authenticity, collecting and compiling, and elaborating a meaning. In early of the Qing Dynasty, discriminating with ancient books of dubious authenticity introspected to style of study to the last stage of the Ming Dynasty. All of these were the basis of the later research. The achievements of collecting and compiling passed though a lot of predecessors’ works in the Qing Dynasty. The scholars’ attitude towards work was to seek truth from facts and to be honest. As a result, the scholars gathered nothing less than the lost meaning of three schools of poetry, which became the important foundation into researching the three schools of poetry. The point of the study on the three schools of poetry had changed in accordance with the social situation at the age of the Emperor Dao-guang and the Emperor Xian-feng of the Qing Dynasty. The research of the meaning of New Text Confucianism of the three schools of poetry were vigorously emerged, which magnified the feature of the meaning of New Text Confucianism of the three schools of poetry.Chapter 5 mainly discusses that Qing Dynasty scholars made use of three schools of poetry. It expounds that with help of the information of three schools of poetry is inevitable results in the cause of Mao-shi’s researching. The Literature characteristic of three schools of poetry and developing of Literature researching of the Book of songs in Qing dynasty promoted the blend study between classic and literature of three schools of poetry.Chapter 6 discusses the hanshiwaizhuan which is comparatively fullness the work of three schools of poetry up to now, and it includes abundant information of the study of the Book of songs. Textual criticism of hanshiwaizhuan extensive developed compare to early dynasty.In short, researching of three schools of poetry yieldes the substantial results, which is importation subject of study of the Book of songs. And is important information of we understanding the study of the Book of songs about Han Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】991

