Research into Shi Diao(Popular Tunes) during the End of the Qing Dynasty and the First Period of the Republic of China
【作者】 李秋菊;
【导师】 黄霖;
【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士
【摘要】 时调,这种俚俗的文学样式,自明代中期兴起以来,发展到清末民初,已经具有数百年的历史。清末民初,民间刻印的时调唱本浩如烟海,但目前尚未得到全面、系统、深入的整理及研究。本文对目前收藏时调最为集中而丰富的中国国家图书馆、上海图书馆与复旦大学图书馆所藏清末民初时调进行了彻底的调查。并且,在此搜集整理原始文献的基础之上,对清末民初的时调进行了一系列的探讨。正文部分除绪论、结语之外,另包括四章。第一章对清末民初时调的一些常用曲调作了简单介绍。既论述了[银纽丝]、[青阳扇调]、[剪剪花]、[满江红]、[九连环]等传统曲调的源流及主要特征等,又探讨了[叹十声]、[梳妆台调]、[十朵花]、[马灯调]、[无锡景调]等清末民初的新兴曲调。第二章对清末民初时调的内容作了一些分析,着重介绍了以时事政治、社会新闻、劝善戒恶、地方风物、市井百态、烟花妓院为主要题材的六类时调。时调大多出自一些下层民众或民间艺人之手,其艺术性自有独特之处。因此,第三章对时调的命名方式、结构艺术及修辞手法也有所探讨。清末民初,民间刻印时调唱本的书坊很多,而且遍及全国各地。虽然有些书坊已无从查考,但也不乏“赫赫有名”者,如扬州鸿文堂、聚盛堂,苏州恒志书社,北京宝文堂、秀文堂等。第四章第一节对这些书坊及其刻印的时调唱本作了一些梳理。而第四章第二节则分析了清末民初时调唱本流传过程中的一些情况,虽然一些官府或卫道者极力抵制时调唱本的流传,但并不能令其销声匿迹,仍然风靡民间。附录部分对目前搜集到的清末民初时调进行了整理。附录一“清末民初时调叙录”,凡叙录清末民初流传的时调640种。叙录内容主要包括每首时调的现存版本、所用曲调、形式特征及主要内容等。现存多种版本的时调,不同版本之间,若有显著的异文,也作了说明,一些本子中较明显的脱文、衍文,也一一指出。附录二“清末民初期刊所载时调篇目汇录”,采用表格的形式,著录《智群白话报》、《童子世界》、《绣像小说》、《宁波白话报》、《吴郡白话报》等21种清末民初期刊上登载的97首时调。附录三“民国间时调选集目”,凡著录民国时期书坊或个人等编选或抄写的时调集30种,主要介绍了各种时调集的版本形态、所录篇目及馆藏地等。
【Abstract】 Shi Diao(Popular Tunes),as a kind of uncultured literary style,had arisen in theMid-term of the Ming Dynasty.Shi Diao had had a history of several hundred years tillthe End of the Qing Dynasty and the First Period of the Republic of China.During theEnd of the Qing Dynasty and the First Period of the Republic of China, there werenumerous block-printed books of Shi Diao among the people. Up to now, we have notmade overall, systematic and deep study on the materials.We make a full investigation on Shi Diao materials during the End of the QingDynasty and the First Period of the Republic of China collected in National Library ofChina, Shanghai Library and Fudan University Library, which have a plentifulcollection of Shi Diao materials.The main body of the thesis includes Introduction,ChapterⅠ, ChapterⅡ, ChapterⅢ, ChapterⅣand Conclusion. In Chapter I, we give a brief introduction to the tunes ofShi Diao. We expound the histories and traits of some traditional tunes, such as Yin NiuSi, Qing Yang Shan Tune, Jian Jian Hua Tune, Man Jiang Hong and Jiu Lian Huan. Wealso discuss some new tunes which appeared during the End of the Qing Dynasty andthe First Period of the Republic of China, for example, Tan Shi Sheng, ShuzhuangtaiTune, Shi Duo Hua, Ma Deng Tune, Wuxi Jing Tune.In ChapterⅡ, we discuss the theme of the Shi Diao of the End of the QingDynasty and the First Period of the Republic of China. We lay emphasis on six kindsof Shi Diao, which touch on political affairs, social news, scenery, customs, prostitute orbrothel.Because of Shi Diao works mainly written by ordinary people or folk artists,theyhave distinctive artistic quality. So, In ChapterⅢ, we inquire into the namingmethod, construction and rhetorical devices of Shi Diao.During the End of the Qing Dynasty and the First Period of the Republic ofChina, there were many bookshops inscribing Shi Diao books all over thecountry. Although there is no knowing of some bookshops’ names, there are also somebookshops we can know their names, such as Hong Wen Tang and Ju Sheng Tang inYangzhou, Heng Zhi Shu She in Suzhou, Bao Wen Tang and Xiu Wen Tang inPeking. So, we touch on some bookshops and the Shi Diao books inscribed by them InPartⅠ, ChapterⅣ.In PartⅡ, ChapterⅣ, we research on the circulation of Shi Diao works among the common people.SKi Diao works still spread widely among the people though theymet with resistance from some local authorities and apologists.The thesis has three appendixes.The materials in the appendixes are mainlycollected from National Library of China, Shanghai Library and Fudan UniversityLibrary.AppendixⅠis the brief introduction to 640 pieces of SKI Diao(popular songs)circulating among the people during the End of the Qing Dynasty and the First Periodof the Republic of China.In AppendixⅠ,we introduce the extant editions,the tune,theform and the content of every piece of Shi Diao.we also point out variations indifferent editions.AppendixⅡis the contents of 97 pieces of Shi Diao,which are in the 21 kinds ofperiodicals during the End of the Qing Dynasty and the First Period of the Republic ofChina, such as Zhi Qun Baihua Bao, Tong Zi Shi Jie,Xiu Xiang XiaoShuo(Embroidered Novel),Ningbo Baihua Bao and Wu Jun Baihua Bao.AppendixⅢis the contents of 30 kinds of the Shi Diao selections, which werecompiled or transcribed by bookshops or someone individually during the Republic ofChina. AppendixⅢis in chart form.In AppendixⅢ, We introduce the editions andthe content of the Shi Diao selections.We also point out the libraries collecting theselections.
【Key words】 the End of the Qing Dynasty and the First Period of the Republic of China; Shi Diao(Popular Tunes); Tune; theme; Art; Shi Diao books;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
- 【分类号】I207.39
- 【被引频次】8
- 【下载频次】980