

【作者】 潘碧华

【导师】 蔡达峰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文的研究目标,是运用人居环境科学的理论模型,以考古学材料为对象,以长江三峡工程重庆库区为空间范围,以忠县到巫山一段长江沿岸为核心区域,以距今约5000~2200年为时间跨度,考察这一时空框架内的人居环境状况与发展演化过程。同时,还将对人居环境研究中如何解读和整合考古学材料,进行理论上的探讨,尝试籍此充实或完善人居环境科学现有的学科体系。18世纪工业革命以后城市化问题日益加剧,在此背景之下,人居环境科学应运而生。它强调运用多学科交叉的研究方法从事城市研究,把创造更为适合人类居住的环境,达到人与自然的协调作为自己的研究任务。尽管人居环境科学面对的是当代人居环境中的现实问题,展望的是未来人居环境的建设趋势,但也从来没有忽视对古代人居环境的研究。而就我国古代人居环境研究的现状来说,其对象主要是那些具有丰富史料记载和考古发掘材料的古代城市,或者是至今仍有保存的明清村落;对于那些无文字可考或文献很少、只有考古发掘材料可查的早期聚落,则十分有限。本文的研究一方面可以帮助我们更全面地了解人类聚居活动发展的客观规律,为解决当前现代化过程中的城乡矛盾与城市化问题提供经验和教训,为建设更好的人类聚居环境提供借鉴;另一方面也有助于我们用宏观的、统筹的眼光去看待目前日益细化和多样化的考古学资料,提高我们对早期聚落认识的整体性,这对考古学研究来说也不无裨益。本文首先根据现已正式发表的考古材料,对忠县到巫山一段的三峡库区的早期人居环境进行复原和分析,重点从人类的居住形态和生存方式两方面展开:1.全面收集了忠县、万州、云阳、奉节和巫山境内132处先秦遗址,着重对遗址数量、平面分布、垂直分布、时间分布等要素进行统计分析,并加以图表化处理。将当时聚落发展分为“新石器时代稀少期”、“夏商增长期”、“西周稳定期”和“东周再增期”四个阶段,并辨析了夏商和东周两个增长期在增长模式上的不同。根据遗址分布区位和各遗址发现的房屋遗迹,重建当时人类的居住形态:人们主要选择长江及其支流,特别是支流入江口的岸边阶地为聚居点,既便于取水和获取江河中的水产品资源,还可避免长江洪水的侵袭;为了适应这些阶地的坡状地势,人们建造干栏式建筑以木柱支架的方式获得水平居住面,而对于斜坡较为平缓地方,人们则通过垫土的方式平整地面,并加以烧烤保持干燥,再在其上建造木骨泥墙式的房屋。2.整理各遗址出土的有关生产活动的工具遗存,如石锄、网坠、鱼钩、箭镞、制盐工具等,结合环境考古研究的成果,探讨三峡库区早期人类的生存方式。三峡早期先民主要以渔猎为生,当时发达的渔猎经济一方面是得益于当地丰富的动物资源,另一方面也得益于忠县(洽甘)井沟一带对自然盐泉的开发和利用,解决了剩余渔猎产品的保存问题。也正是由于长江水域丰富的水产资源和周边森林中的野生动物资源,使得他们缺少发展农业生产的动力,只是将其作为一种辅助性的生产行业。从对忠县到巫山一段三峡库区早期人类的居住形态和生存方式的复原式研究中,我们对当时当地的人居环境状况有了基本的了解。但由于考古学材料的残缺性和各遗址发掘、研究水平的参差不齐,这种了解还是十分有限,展现在我们眼前的还是早期人居的片段式场景,难窥全貌。因此,运用考古学材料进行人居环境研究,特别是对人居环境变化发展的深层次原因进行探究,需要从考古材料中获取更多信息,为整体性的融贯研究提供条件。本文专门对在人居环境研究中如何运用考古学材料进行了探讨:首先,需要考古学不断突破传统理念的限制,以获取更多的信息;其次,需要多学科介入,特别是自然科学技术手段,从考古遗存中提取隐含信息;第三,在使用考古学材料时,必须注意共时性、历时性的问题,这就像是对人居环境的发展历史进行切片,共时性的材料反映的是某一时间点上人居环境的状况,将这些切片按时间序列组合起来,比较之间的异同,并探究趋同与变异的原因,就可以对人居环境的演化问题进行动态的分析。本文以万州麻柳沱遗址为例,在充分提炼信息的基础上,综合多学科研究的成果,对麻柳沱早期人居环境状况,尤其是人居环境演化过程中的动力机制,进行了深入的探讨。麻柳沱聚落的人居环境系统在新石器时代晚期到商代基本上比较稳定,但到了东周时期,一方面受到内部经济发展、人口膨胀的压力,另一方面受到楚文化的巨大冲击,打破了原有的系统稳定结构,在东周之际对自己的系统结构做出调整,如新产生的金属冶铸业、劳动力配置、聚居地迁移等等,最终达到了一个新的平衡状态。通过对忠县到巫山的三峡库区和万州麻柳沱聚落这面、点两个层面上的分析与研究,不仅填补了我们对三峡早期人居环境认识上的空白,而且还在方法论意义上对运用考古学材料研究早期人居环境进行了有效的探索。

【Abstract】 On the basis of theoretical model of the Human Settlements Sciences, the dissertation is aimed at investigating the human settlements situation and evolutive process 2200-5000B.P. of the Chongqing Section of the Reservoir Area in Three Gorges Project, by using the archaeological materials, especially focuses on the riverine area of Yangtse River between Zhong-xian and Wu-Shan. Meanwhile, it also discusses theoretically how the Human Settlements studies explain and integrate archaeological materials for an effort to consummate the disciplinary system of Human Settlements Sciences.The Sciences of Human Settlements was originated from the progressively urbanization issues since the industrial revolution in the 18th Century. It emphasized the use of multidisciplinary approaches in urban study for the sake of creating more suitable settlements for human habitation and of coordinating human and nature. In despite of the Sciences of Human Settlements deals with practical matters of contemporary human settlements and prospects the future construction tendency of human settlements, it still attaches importance to the researches in ancient human settlements. For the concerned results up to the present in China, the researches of ancient human settlements were mainly for those cities with abundant historical documents and excavated fmdings or for the preserved villages of Ming or Qing Dynasty, only a few researches for those early residences only with archaeological materials and barely literatures. In addition to ascertain comprehensively the objective regularity of human resident activities’ rise and fall in order to supply experiences to solve the urban-rural contradictions and urbanization problems during modernization process, as references for better human settlements; the dissertation, on the other hand, will also facilitate us to examine the various archaeological material with an integrated viewpoint thereby improve the integrality of knowledge about early residences.According to the published archaeological reports, the dissertation firstly reconstructed and analyzed the early human settlements of the area from Zhong-xian to Wu-Shan in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, stressed on the two aspects of resident states and subsistent modes:1. To gather extensively the archaeological materials from 132 Pre-Chin Period sites of Zhong-xian, Wan-zhou, Yun-yang, Feng-jie and Wu-shan, analyzed statistically the elements such as quantity, horizontal and vertical distributions, temporal distributions of those sites, and presented the data in the form of diagrams. The settlements development process of the day were divided into four stages, thereof the two increasing periods of Xia-Shang Period and East-Zhou Period were differentiated in increased mode. Bases on the distributive regions and dwelling ruins of those sites, the author reestablished the human resident states of the day.2. To organize the tool findings of productive activities from those sites, such as stone hoe, net plummet, fishhook, arrow and salt-making tools, combined with the results from environmental archaeological researches to consider the subsistent modes of early human in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.Form the above reconstructive methods we could comprehend basically the human settlement states of the day in the area. However, since a great deal of the archaeological materials are fragmentary and the various levels of sites excavation and investigation, the understanding to early settlement was still limited in a segmental vision. Therefore, applying archaeological materials into the human settlements study, especially into the exploration of the further reasons of human settlements evolvement, needs to acquire more information from the materials to the effect of continuous entirety. The dissertation discussed particularly how to use archaeological materials into human Settlements study: first of all, we must go beyond the limits of traditional ideas of the archaeology in order to gain more information; secondly, we need a multidisciplinary approach, especially the techniques and means of natural science, so that to extract hidden information from archaeological findings; furthermore, we must regard the synchronic and diachronic issues when using the acquired information thus to find out the reasons of adience and variation of human settlements.Based on the information that had extracted richly and the results from multidisciplinary researches, the dissertation gave an example of Maliutuo Site, discussed its early human settlements states, particularly the dynamic mechanism of the evolutionary process of human settlements. The human settlements system of Maliutuo was in a generally stable state during the period of the Neolithic Age to Shang Dynasty, but the stable structure was destroyed in East-Zhou Dynasty by the pressures of internal economic development and population expansion and of far-reaching impact from Chu Culture. The system then adjusted its structure, for instance the metallurgy industry, labor force allocation, settlement movement etc., and reached a new equilibrium finally.Through the investigation of above-mentioned areas and sites, the dissertation not only enhanced the knowledge of early human settlements in the Three Gorges, but also explored methodologically the approaches of applying archaeological materials into the early human settlement study in an effective way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K872
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】854

