

【作者】 赵国军

【导师】 孙哲;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 美国国会议员中国观是美国议员对于中国国家形象的认知。它之所以重要,是因为美国议员中国观会对美国国会对华决策产生直接而重大的影响。过去的美国国会与中美关系的研究,多侧重于从对华决策的角度,很少从形象认知的观念视角深入探悉决策的根源。至于美国议员的中国观本身及其生成机制,更是付之阙如。1989年以来,由于天安门事件的冲击,加上冷战结束以后国际环境的变迁,中国的形象在美国国会议员那里也经历了巨大的转变。从一定意义上讲,美国议员没有统一的中国观。在美国多元政治社会的现实之下,美国国会本身对中国也缺乏一个完整的、前后一贯的中国形象。不仅美国国会作为一个政治实体没有统一的中国观,就是同一个议员,在不同的议题领域,也会具有对中国形象的不同感知。因此,美国议员的中国观,应当从美国议员对中国的政治形象、经济形象和安全形象三个议题领域分别加以探讨。本文基本结构分为导论、五章和结论部分。导论部分包括阐述论文的理论意义和现实意义,介绍国内外关于美国国会议员中国观、美国国会与对华政策等方面的研究现状,论文的章节安排、理论创新、分析模式与研究方法。第一章是对美国国会议员中国观的历史考察。以1949年为界,分两个历史时期探讨美国议员在历史上对中国的看法。历史考察表明,美国国会议员对中国的看法总是在理想和现实、浪漫和幻灭之间摇摆。同时,美国议员的对华态度也受到美国的价值观传统、种族主义、美国国内政治因素等的影响。这些历史上的现象,时至冷战结束后的今天,仍然可以从美国议员的对华态度中找到存在的痕迹。第二章分析美国议员对于中国政治形象的建构。美国国会议员对中国的定位首先来自于对中国政治制度的认知。总体而言,美国国会议员依凭自己对美国民主制度和价值观的优越感,对中国人权状况和政治制度的不满,通过对中国负面形象的塑造,建构出一个与美国的价值观和意识形态对立的“他者”形象——政治上不“民主”、侵犯“人权”的共产党国家形象。同时一部分极端派议员倾向于把中国塑造成对美国的价值观构成严重威胁的意识形态上的对手。对中国政治形象的负面建构构成了美国议员看待中国的其它问题的基础。不过,在对中国政治形象总体负面的情况下,美国议员之间在中国的社会是否进步,如何促进中国的民主以及如何评估中国政治改革的现状和未来发展等方面有着程度不一的分歧,从而在总的负面建构的背景下形成了几种关于中国政治的具体镜像。第三章探讨美国议员眼中的中国经济形象。美国国会议员在1990年代围绕最惠国待遇辩论对于中国经济形象的认知是分化的,主要在于对于与中国开展正常贸易是否对美国有利。辩论的结果是主张正常贸易的一派占据上风。进入后PNTR时代之后,由于中美贸易不平衡的加剧,美国议员对于中国贸易行为的不满日渐强烈,美国议员对于中国的经济形象负面观感加重。不少议员利用美国国内政治斗争,大打“中国贸易牌”,抛出人民币汇率法案,给中美经贸关系的发展蒙上一层阴影。第四章是美国议员对中国安全形象的定位。美国国会对于中国军事安全的关注肇始于第三次台海危机的触动。部分美国国会议员试图把中国塑造为一个军事现代化正在取得迅速进步,将对台湾进而对美国形成威胁的国家,并为此作了应对准备。但与此同时也必须注意到,美国国会内部既有对中国威胁论的鼓噪,也有来自不少国会议员对这一论调的反制。近年来,国会“中国连线”和“美中工作小组”的成立,从非正式组织的视角,代表了美国国会内部两种对待中国崛起的不同声音。这表明,在军事安全等领域,美国议员对于中国的看法也是分化的。第五章是对美国议员中国观生成机制的分析。运用层次分析法分析了影响国会议员中国观的国际环境、国内政治以及议员个人因素。国会议员中国观是多种因素竞相作用的“合力”结果。显然,就国会议员对中国的看法而言,国际环境、选区利益、利益集团、媒体舆论、议员个人因素都会起到或大或小的作用。在有些情况下,这些因素朝着一个方向起作用。但在更多的情况下,这些因素在国会议员“观察中国”的时候有可能是相互冲突的。这些相互冲突的因素作用到国会议员的头脑中,就会形成一个支离破碎甚至相互矛盾的“中国形象”。这在很大程度上可以解释国会议员头脑中的中国观何以如此复杂多变和具有多元性。本文的结论是:一、美国议员的中国观是负面主导的多元复杂的中国观。在中美关系的不同议题领域,中国在美国议员的眼中分别呈现出不同的政治、经济与安全形象。二、美国议员中国观与“议题政治”联系紧密。三、美国议员中国观是国际一国内一个人多重复杂因素互动的产物。四、美国议员对中国的负面观念对美国国会对华政策产生了重大的影响。

【Abstract】 The View of China in the Capitol is the American Congressmen’ scognition of China’ s national image. Its magnitude goes to the fact thatthe congressmen’ s view of China will exert a direct and significantimpact upon the Capitol’ s policy-making to towards China. The paststudies on the American Congress and the Sino-American Relations centeron the U.S. policies to China, rather than learn the roots from theconceptual perspective of image cognition. As for the View of China inthe Capitol per se as well as its generation mechanism, it’ s relegatedto the category of unknown.Due to the Tian’ men Square Event, in addition to the transition ofthe international atmosphere since the end of the Cold War, China’ s imagehas undergone a dramatic change for in the Congressmen’ s eyes since 1989.There is no standard view of China for them somehow. With the reality ofa multi-element politics society in the United States, the AmericanCongress itself has no comprehensive and coherent Chinese image. Exceptfor the fact that the Congress, a political unity, has no standard Viewof China, even same Congressmen generates different cognitions of theChinese image regarding different fields. Therefore, it’ s better for usto probe into the View of China in the Capitol from its views of China’ sthree respective images, namely the politics image, economy image andsecurity image.The outline of this thesis is composed of introduction, five chaptersand conclusion.The introduction of this thesis interprets the theoreticalsignificance and realistic significance, elaborating the currentresearch situation on the View of China in the Capitol together with theAmerican Congress and the Sino-American Relations, the outline of thisthesis, theoretical innovation, analysis patterns and research methods.The first chapter works on a historical review of the View of Chinain the Capitol Hill. It probes into their views of China in history with the year of 1949 as the watershed. According to the historical review,their View of China swings between ideal and reality, as well as romanceand disillusionment. Meanwhile, their attitudes towards China areinfluenced by the American values traditions, racism and the domesticpolitics in the United States, etc. Even in the post-Cold War era, we canstill find these historical phenomena from the Congressmen’ s attitudestowards China.The second chapter analyzes the construction of the Capitol’ sChinese politics image. First of all, the Capitol’ s positioning of Chinastems from its cognition of China’ s political system. Generally speaking,with their superiority of the American democratic system and values, inaddition to the dissatisfaction with China’ s human rights and politicalsystem, the American Congressmen construct a "Other Image" against theAmerican values and ideology with the modeling of China’ s negative images,a communist state with undemocratic politics and human-right infringement.At the same time, certain radical Congressmen are likely to portray Chinaas an acute ideological adversary against the American values. But anyhow,with a general negative image of China’ s politics, the Congressmen divertmore or less as for whether the Chinese society is progressing, how toenhance China’ s democracy and bow to assess the current situation andfuture development, therefore, we can generalize several specific imagesof China’ s politics with a general negative background.Chapter three analyzes the Chinese economy image in theCongressmen’ s eyes. In the 1990’ s, the Congressmen diverted in regardsof China’ s economy image centering on the PNTR issue, specificallywhether the U.S. can benefit from the normal trade with China. And theconsequence of that debate is that American should maintain the normaltrade with China. In the time of post-PNTR, as a result of the imbalanceof the Sino-American trade, the’American Congressmen are more and morediscontent with China’ s trading action, and in turn they are conceivinga much more bitter view of China’ s economy. Several Congressmenmanipulate the domestic politics to set obstacles to the business andtrade between China and America, playing the China Card and proposing theRMB Currency Bills. Chapter three analyzes the Capitol’ s positioning of the Chinesesecurity image. The Capitol Hill began to pay much attention to the Chinesemilitary security with the outbreak of the 3rd raiwan Strait Crisis. Anumber of the Congressmen maneuvers to portray China as a power which isgaining military modernization at a rapid pace, only to operate as a menaceagainst Taiwan and the U.S. in turn. And they are preparing for thatearnestly.The fifth chapter analyzes the generation mechanism of the View of China in theCapitol. The author analyzes the international environment, domestic politics andpersonal factors that place impacts upon the Congressmen with the method ofstratification analysis. The View of China in the Capitol is the result of the ResultantForce of various factors. Conspicuously speaking, as for the Congressmen’s attitudestowards China, the international environment, electoral district, interest group, mediaand the Congressmen themselves are playing a role somehow. Under certainconditions, these factors are functioning in the same direction. But under moreconditions, they are conflicting with each when the Congressmen are watching China.With these conflicting elements in mind, sometimes a split and even contradictoryimage of China slips into their brains. Therefore, the View of China is complex anddiverse for the in the Capitol.The conclusion of this thesis goes as follows: 1. The View of Chinain the Capitol is a diverse and complex view with a negative background.China emerges with different images for the Congressmen, such as politics,economy and security images in respective fields of the Sino-Americanrelations; 2. The View of China is the product of various dynamic factors,such as the international environment, domestic politics, and thepersonalities of the Congressmen themselves; 3. The negative concepts ofChina in the Capitol exert many impacts upon the Capitol’ s policy towardsChina.

【关键词】 中国观国家形象生成机制
【Key words】 View of ChinaImage of nationMechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1520

