

【作者】 张卉

【导师】 张军;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 西方经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 纵观工业革命后世界范围内各国经济的发展历程,经济的发展经常显示出一定的地理特征,这既包括在世界范围内,位于不同地理位置的国家之间存在较大的经济发展差距,也包括在一国以内不同地区间的经济发展不平衡。在本文中我们致力于解决的问题主要有:1、截止到2005年,中国制造业的集聚总体情况如何?在不同的地区,中国制造业中的各产业分布有何差异?2、中国制造业集聚模式是怎样的?是以产业内集聚为主还是以产业间集聚为主?产业集聚模式在地区之间有何差异?3、中国制造业集聚对不同地区间的经济增长的影响是通过何种模式产生的?为什么在不同的地区间制造业会以不同的集聚方式产生作用?为了更加全面地回答以上问题,我们对本文的内容作了如下安排:第一章是导言。在这一部分,我们通过描述建国后中国的工业化进程以及这一进程中制造业的地理分布状况,引出本文要研究的主要问题。第二章是对之前国内外相关研究的一个文献综述。在第三章中,我们对中国制造业各产业在全国范围内的分布作了一个统计性描述。我们通过图表等形式,对中国各地区经济发展水平、制造业产业在全国范围的分布差异等进行了比较分析。写作这一部分的目的在于让我们对中国制造业的整体布局形成一个基本认识,从而为后面的分析打下基础。第四章的主要内容是对中国制造业产业集聚程度的计算与分析。首先我们简单分析了造成中国制造业产业集聚的几个因素。随后,本章介绍了较为通行的几种集聚指标的计算方法。然后我们引入EG指数并对之进行修正,使得它能够符合目前可以得到的中国数据要求。通过对中国制造业产业EG指数的计算,我们得到了全国范围与中国东、中、西部地区的制造业产业的集聚程度并对之进行了分析。为了更加客观地反映中国制造业产业的集聚程度,我们同时还计算了赫芬达尔指数和区域基尼系数,并用这两个指数的计算结果与EG指数进行对比分析。在第五章中,我们选取2003、2004和2005年中国30个省市C门类制造业中17个大类产业中的88个中类产业作为研究样本,检验了中国制造业产业集聚对中国地区经济增长的影响。我们通过构造国民经济产业分类标准C门类制造业中类产业间共同集聚指数、产业内集聚指数等作为解释变量,同时控制专业化指数和企业规模来计量和解释不同产业集聚结构对中国地区经济增长的影响。研究表明,产业内集聚和产业间集聚都对劳动生产率存在显著影响,但是这种影响在东、中、西部地区的表现存在较为明显的差异。随后我们运用Hoover(1937)和Henderson等(1995)发展的产品周期理论对实证结果进行了解释。第六章是本文的结论与政策建议部分。在这一章,我们回顾了本文的工作,并对本文得到的一些主要结论作了总结。根据这些结论,我们针对中国产业集聚在未来的发展趋势提出了一些政策建议。在这一章的最后,我们指出了本研究的不足之处,并对我们之后进一步要做的工作作了展望。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the process of economic development in worldwide since theIndustrial Revolution, economic growth is always characterized as some patterns ofgeographic agglomeration, which include large gap of economic developmentbetween countries with different location as well as regional imbalance in the samecountry. In this paper, the following issues will be discussed in detail:1. What about the situation of agglomeration of manufacturing industries incurrent China? And what about differences of the distribution of manufacturingindustries between regions in China?2. What is the mode of the agglomeration of manufacturing in China? Is thereany difference of the mode between regions in China?3. How does the agglomeration of manufacturing industries in China put itseffects on regional economic growth in China? Why are there different ways takenby agglomeration of manufacturing industries to put effects on economic growth?For giving an answer to above problems, this paper is organized as follows:Chapter 1 is an introduction, where we bring out the main issues studied in thispaper on the basis of the description of industrization in China since 1949. Chapter 2is a survey for existing studies on related issues.In Chapter 3, we make a statistic description to the distribution of manufacturingindustries in the nationwide. By means of graphes and tables, a comparative analysisis made for the difference of regional economic growth and the difference ofdistribution of manufacturing industries. As a result, we shape an outline fordistribution of manufacturing industries in China and establish a foundation forfurther analysis.We measure industrial agglomeration of manufacturing industries in China bysome indices in Chapter 4. First of all, we give an initial introduction for factorsresulting in industrial agglomeration in China. As a following, several indices formeasuring agglomeration are introduced. And then we modify the EG index and applyit to make an evaluation for China’s industrial agglomeration. In addition, wecalculate Herfindahl Index and local Gini coefficient to make a futher analysis.In Chapter 5, we make an evaluation to the effect of industrial agglomeration onlocal economic growth on the basis of the sample of data of 88 categories ofmanufacturing industries in China for 2003, 2004 and 2005, for which we conduct intra co-agglomeration index and inner agglomeration index as explaining variablesand put specification index and firm scale under control. It is concluded that intraco-agglomeration index and inner agglomeration index have significant influence onlabor productivity which, however, make obvious difference between the east, middleand west area in China. The empirical results are explained by the theory of productcycle developed by Hoover (1937) and Henderson et al.(1995).Chapter 6 is the conclusion, where we give a brief review to this paper and makesome summarizations. We also propose some policy advice based on our studies. Atlast, we review some shortcomings in this paper and outline our further studies infuture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F424
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】3987

