

【作者】 解旬灵

【导师】 王水照;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以南宋四灵诗派为研究对象,分别从四灵诗派的背景、本体及影响等各方面展开,以期对于这一诗歌流派进行全面深入地探讨。全文分为绪论、正文及结论三大部分。正文内容九章,计有《四灵诗派背景研究》、《四灵生平考论》、《叶适与四灵关系之探讨》、《四灵并世诗人考论》、《四灵诗集版本校考》、《四灵诗歌理论研究》、《四灵诗歌创作研究》、《北宋初期晚唐体之回溯》、《南宋以下晚唐体之播迁》。全文本着从作品出发的原则,尽可能地从四灵所处时代环境出发,再现其生平经历,注重四灵与同时代诗人交往,考察四灵诗集版本流传情况,对于其理论及创作进行精细化研究,并将在四灵前后诗歌史上不同时期出现的“晚唐体”加以分析比较,凸显出四灵诗派的文学史意义。另有《钱锺书论南宋四灵》一文作为附录。该文主要从钱锺书先生《宋诗选注》、《谈艺录》、《钱锺书手稿集·容安馆札记》等著作的相关论述出发,力图厘清钱先生关于四灵的诗学观念、创作实践以及“晚唐体”等问题的观点,以便更为深入地了解钱先生在四灵研究方面的成就。

【Abstract】 This dissertation mainly tackles problems related to Siling poetry school and tries to research on its background , noumenon and influence. The dissertation includes three parts , i.e. the introduction, the text and the conclusion. The main matter is divided into nine chapters: the background of Siling poetry school, textual research on their lives, their relationship with Ye Shi, contemporary poets, textual research on their poetry anthologies, their poetry theories, their poetry works, review on style of late Tang Dynasty in early times of the Song Dynasty and its spread after Southern Song Dynasty. On the basis of close reading, the dissertation tries to reveal the times and lives of Siling, pay attention to their fellow poets , stress their achievements on poetics and give prominence to their literary significance. An article titled Qian Zhongshu’s Opinion On Siling is attached to the dissertation as an appendix, which reveals Mr Qian’s contribution to this issue.

【关键词】 南宋四灵诗派晚唐体
【Key words】 Southern Song DynastySilingpoetry schoolstyle of late Tang Dynasty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】762

