

【作者】 杨萌芽

【导师】 陈思和;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 “清末民初宋诗派文人群体”是本文提出的一个概念,指清光绪、宣统以及民国初年的宗宋诗人群体,主要代表人物有陈三立、郑孝胥、沈曾植、陈衍、陈宝琛等。本文有意突破以理论探讨为主的研究模式,主要以人事、文学活动为研究对象,将其从道光、咸丰宋诗派的脉络中独立出来加以研究,故采用“清末民初宋诗派”的说法。另外,本文认为,并不像人们想象的那样,这是一个松散的文学流派,而是一个人员固定、联系密切、在一定程度上有意识利用现代传媒来扩散影响的群体。本文从收集、梳理第一手资料出发,详细分析了这批诗人在1895—1921年的文学活动。论文共分六章:第一章初步梳理了几个后来成为宋诗派重要成员的诗人的早期文学活动。其中陈三立在湖南和王闿运、郭嵩焘等结碧湖诗社,频繁雅集,多数诗社中人与陈三立一生保持着密切联系。郑孝胥早年有过在京师生活的经历,经由好友王可庄、黄绍箕、张謇、沈曾植和当时文坛优秀诗人建立了广泛联系。陈衍1882年左右在福建结福州支社,他这是只是一个地方性的籍籍无名的诗人。1886年丙戌会试对宋诗派诗人来说意义非凡,这一年,陈三立、郑孝胥、陈衍同时到京师参加会试,郑孝胥初晤沈曾植,郑、沈一见如故,成为挚友;郑孝胥也第一次见到了陈三立,虽然两人在以后较长一段时间内没有实质性交往,但他们有一个互相交叉的朋友群体。第二章着重探讨了宋诗派文人群体与张之洞幕府的关系。甲午战争的爆发,深刻改变着文学的面貌,几个宋诗派诗人进入张之洞幕府,在幕府内频繁接触、切磋诗艺、探讨诗歌理论,宋诗派的重要理论“三元说”就萌生在这个时期。同时,幕府交往也为宋诗派和全国优秀诗人的交往提供了一个更大的平台,宋诗派诗人的诗名开始扩散。第三章梳理了和宋诗派有关的雅集和结社活动。1907年,宋诗派理论家陈衍来到京师,和京师诗人时常雅集,尤其是以宋诗派诗人为主体的辛亥诗社的活动,在京师产生了重要影响。与此同时,陈三立在南京和其他诗人频繁雅集、唱和,逐渐成为诗坛领袖人物。辛亥革命爆发,多数宋诗派成员来到上海,和其他关系较亲密的遗民结成超社、逸社进行唱和。从这些诗社和雅集活动都可看出宋诗派逐渐成为诗坛的主流。第四章通过亲缘、地缘、学缘的研究来探讨宋诗派的影响是如何扩散的。以前的学者也注意到了宋诗派的地缘关系,但对亲缘和学缘的描述较少。本文从阅读原始文献出发,展示了宋诗派文人群体之间错综复杂的人际关系,并尝试用关系网络的理论来分析人物之间的亲疏离合。第五章重点探讨宋诗派和现代传媒的关系。1912后,陈衍在梁启超主编的《庸言》杂志上发表《石遗室诗话》,是近代宋诗运动进入到一个新的时期的标志。1915—1920年宋诗派以《东方杂志》为阵地,发表了大量作品,“同光体”成为席卷民国时期古典诗坛的一种文学思潮。在《东方杂志》诗文栏内发表的1700首诗中,其中百分之七十属于宋诗派诗人的创作,本文初步分析了宋诗派力量是如何占据和利用这样重要的文化传播资源的。第六章研究宋诗派文人群体和清末民初其他文学群体之间的关系。通过宋诗派与“诗界革命”者关系的研究,可以看出他们之间的分歧并没有我们想象中的大;通过对南社1917年唐宋诗之争的重新梳理,我们会发现这是一次文学场域之争,是柳亚子等面对宋诗派的强大压力的一次反击;学衡派是一个精神渊源上和宋诗派很相似的团体,人事上也有诸多纠葛。通过宋诗派与这些文学群体的研究,我们发现这是一个凝聚力很强、对民初其他文学力量有较大影响的团体。本文力图超越“新”与“旧”的进化论模式和意识形态决定论的立场,将这一群体放在具体的历史场景中来加以研究。通过大量的资料梳理和细心考论,本文的结论是:清末民初宋诗派是一个介于传统文学流派到现代文学社团之间的过渡性文人群体,体现了中国文学从古典到现代过渡的复杂性。

【Abstract】 This paper puts forward the concept of "the literary community of the school ofSong poems (SSP) in the late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China (LQDERC)",referring to the poets community holding Song dynasty poems in esteem in the yearsof Guangxu, Xuantong and LQDERC. The representatives are Chen Sanli, ZhengXiaoxu, Shen Zengzhi, Chen Yan, Chen Baochen and others. Breaking through theresearch mode of academic discussion, the thesis takes people and their literarymovements as study objects and separates them from the SSP in years of Daoguangand Xianfeng. Therefore, the name of "the school of Song poems in the late Qingdynasty and early Republic of China" is adopted. Besides, to the contrary of thecommon belief that this is only a loosely tied literary group, it is a community withfixed members, tight communication and to some extent, consciously, making use ofthe modern media to expand its influence. Basing on the first-hand collected material,this dissertation analyzes in detail the literary activities of these poets in years1895-1921. There are six chapters in this paper:The first chapter probes into the early literary activities of several poets who laterbecame heads of SSP. In Hunan, Chen Sanli, Wang Kaiyun, Guo Songtao and so onformedthe Blue Lake Poem Society. They got together frequently and many of themembers kept close touch with Chen Sanli for a lifetime. Zheng Xiaoxu lived hisearly years in Peking and through his good friends—Wang Kezhang, Huang Shaoji,Zhang Qian and Shen Zengzhi, established wide contact with outstanding poets inliterature world in his time. Chen Yan, then only a local noteless poet, founded theBranch Society of Fuzhou in Fujian about the year 1882. The province examination in1882 was significant to the poets of SSP. That year, Chen Sanli, Zheng Xiaoxu andChen Yan went to the capital to take part in the same province examination. Zhengand Shen appreciated each other very much on their first meeting and they becamebosom friends. Zheng also met Chen for the first time. Although having no substantialconnection with each other for rather a long period, they shared a conjunct friendcircle.The second part mainly discusses the relation between the community of SSPliterati and Zhang Zhidong’s thinking pad. The breakout of the war in 1894 had changed the literature field deeply. Several poets of SSP joined Zhang Zhidong’sthinking pad and they met frequently, discussed poems and the theory of poems. Inthis period budded the important theory of SSP—"Three Yuan Theory"(The years ofKaiyuan and Yuanhe in Tang dynasty and Yuanyou in Song dynasty). Meanwhile, thecommunication in the thinking pad provided a greater platform for SSP to contactexcellent poets all over the country and the repute of SSP began to spread.The third chapter explores the get-together and society founding of SSP. In 1907,Chen Yan, an ideologue of SSP, went to the capital and often gathered with the Pekingpoets. The activities of "xinhai society" centering poets of SSP exerted great influencein Peking. At the same time, Chen Sanli met other poets in Nanjing and changed theiropinions with frequency and gradually grew to a leader of poem field. With thebreakout of the war in 1911, most of the SSP members went to Shanghai. They recitedand changed opinions with acquaintances who were advocates of the former dynastyand formed "chaoshe society" and "yishe society". From these societies andget-togethers it is clear that SSP was becoming the main stream of the poem field.The fourth chapter discusses the diffusion of the influence of SSP through theconnection by blood, birthplace and discipleship. Former scholars have alreadynoticed the connection by birthplace of SSP, but they pay less attention to theconnection by blood and discipleship. Original documents have been read, this paperexplains the complicated ties among literati communities of SSP and attempts toanalyze the familiarity and alienation among them through the theory of relationnetwork.The fifth chapter studies the relation between SSP and modern media. In 1912,Shi Yi Shi Shi Hua published on Yong Yan edited by Liang Qichao was the symbol thatmodern Song poem movement has entered a new era. In 1915-1920, SSP published ahost of articles using the platform of The Orient Magazine and Tongguang style (aschool which mainly imitated the Song poem style; actually, Tong refers to the yearsof Tongzhi and Guang, the years of Guanxu in Qing dynasty) became a literary trendthat prevailed in the classic poem seminar in the Republic of China. Of the 1700poems published in the poem column of The Orient Magazine, 70% was composed bySSP. Therefore, how the SSP took up and utilized such important literary diffusionresource is examined in this thesis.The sixth chapter explores the connection between the SSP literati communityand other literati communities in LQDERC. From researching the ties between SSPand the "revolutionists of poem society", it could be seen that their diverge is not as huge as we thought. From reexamining the controversy between Tang and Songpoems in Nan Society in 1917 we can find that this is a literary dispute—ancounterattack from Liu Yazi against the strong pressure of SSP. And Xueheng Societyresembles SSP a lot in the aspect of spirit origin and its leagues also have complicatedconnections. We can see that SSP is a group with strong cohesion and great forcesover other communities in the early Republic of China.This dissertation tries to surpass the standpoint of evolutionary model andideological determinism of "new" and "old" and study the group into the concretehistorical context. Based on plentiful materials and careful study, the conclusion isreached: SSP in LQDERC is a transitional literati community between traditionalliterary school and modern literary society and represents the Chinese culture’stransitional complexity from classic to modernness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1586

