

A Research on the Literary Thoughts of the Classicists in Middle Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘奕

【导师】 陈广宏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以过去一直不被文学史家重视的清代中期经学家的文学思想为研究对象。在学术和文学的时代背景下,通过深入的挖掘和细致的分析,我们认为清代中期经学家在清代文学思想史上有极其重要的地位,他们最深地感知了“儒家智识主义”兴起的时代精神,是形成和塑造清代中晚期文学思想面貌的基本力量之一。本文在绪论中主要完成了两个工作,一是解题,二是对本论文基本的研究立场、态度和研究方法作一阐述。第一章主要结合经学家的文学创作情况,对他们的学术作一个概貌式的描述。第一节主要探讨乾嘉经学兴盛、发展的原因以及经学家的学派和代际问题。第二节则比较详细地分析了经学家的治学方法和为学精神。第二章分析经学家对古文与骈文的认识与思考。第一节通过探析经学家与桐城派文论的对立、冲突和相互影响,以确立经学家文论的基本立场和定位。第二节具体分析他们对学术文体的认识与总结。第三节则详论经学家对义理、考据、词章三者关系的种种看法。最后第四节则勾勒文笔说在清代的重提与发展,并将其发明权由阮元交还给了凌廷堪。第三章选取了经学家诗学思想中比较有特色的部分加以讨论。第一节论述经学家对沈德潜和袁枚诗歌性情论的继承、发挥和修正。第二节则讨论了经学家对学问在诗歌中存在方式的认识以及学问与性情关系的问题。第三节以性灵、性情论为例,论析焦循的经学义理之学是如何影响他的文学思想的。第四章则是关于经学家的词学思想。所重点强调的是词学与经学、诗学的视域融合,是经学家经学立场在词学中的贯彻。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studies the literary thoughts of the classicists in middle Qing Dynasty which are neglected by the scholars on history of literature in the past. The study is put down roots on historical materials which are thoroughly collected and minutely analyzed and are rooted on their age, especially on the development of academic and literary activities in this age. We think the classicists in middle Qing Dynasty have the very important status in the history of literary thoughts in Qing Dynasty, because they most deeply apperceive the age spirit that is the rise of Confucian Intellectualism and are one of the basal power that shape the character of literary thoughts in middle and late Qing Dynasty.The exordium takes on two tasks. First it defines the subject of the dissertation. And then it expounds the essential standpoint, attitude and study method about this dissertation.The first chapter describes a general picture of classicists’ academic and literary activities. The first section discusses the causation of rise and development of classicism in middle Qing Dynasty and descripes the schools and generationgs of classicists. The second section analyzes the classicists’ study method and spirit.The second chapter analyzes the classicists’ comprehension and meditation on ancient prose and parallelist prose. The first section researches into and analyzes the facts of hostility, conflict and mutual influence on prose thoughts between classicists and essayists in Tongcheng School. The work makes us ascertain the essential standpoint and value of classicists’ prose thoughts. The second section concretely analyzes the classicists’ comprehension and summarization on academic style. We analyze the classicists’ opinions on the relation of argumentation, textual research and prose in the third section. In the fourth section we restudy the reconstructiong and development of the thoery of Wen and Bi in Qing Dynasty and we find Ling Tingkan is the first man who puts forward a new concept of Wen from its criterion, character, history and basis of theory.In the third chapter we discuss the distinctive parts in classicists’ poetics thoughts. The first section is about the classicists’ poetics theories of personal nature and emotions that come from Shen Deqian and Yuan Mei and are exerted and modified by classicists. In the second section we scan the classicists’ views about the existence of learning and the relation between learning and personality in poetry. In the third section we discuss Jiao xun’s doctrine of Xing Ling and doctrine of Xing Qing that is a example about how the argumentation can influence the literary thoughts.The fourth chapter is about the classicists’ thoughts of Ci. We emphasize the syncretism of eyeshots of learning of Ci, poetics and classicism and that classicists stand on the standpoint of standpoint when they studu the learing of Ci.

【关键词】 清代中期经学家文学思想
【Key words】 middle Qing Dynastyclassicistsliterary thoughts
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1147

