

【作者】 张珊珊

【导师】 吴松弟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要探讨近代开埠后汉口港的贸易发展及其与腹地之间经济关系的互动变迁。第一章绪论,主要做与本文相关的学术史回顾,并介绍选题的缘由和意义,指出以往学术研究不足和本文的研究对象、研究框架及学术创新。第二章,分析汉口洋货进口和土货进出口的数量、结构和发展趋势,并对几种主要的进出口货物给予概述。继而分析汉口在全国贸易的地位第三章,是对茶叶贸易的分析,茶叶是汉口开埠后最重要的出口货物。传统的区位优势和新兴的外部市场,刺激了汉口茶叶贸易的发展,而深居内陆的沿江条件又不能使得汉口市场完全发育。汉口的茶叶贸易变动既影响了腹地范围和生产状况,也受到腹地的制约。第四章,桐油贸易。汉口是中国最大的桐油输出口岸,其桐油腹地涉及范围也是由于汉口桐油贸易的变化而盈缩。本章对汉口桐油的贸易阶段、腹地范围和变化以及桐油市场、腹地桐农经济变化等问题做出分析。第五章是汉口同其他长江流域口岸主要是上海之间关系的探讨。因为汉口不是沿海港口,其货物进出口都要依赖上海,而汉口位处长江中游,其他长江中上游港口又必须依靠汉口进行货物进出口,这就决定了汉口作为开埠通商口岸的发展有不同于沿海口岸的特点,和上海关系密切,又受到其他更小口岸的影响。第六章则单独讨论汉口腹地经济的变化和汉口本身地位的变迁。这一章专门讨论腹地的较为具体的变化。而汉口城市本身,是开埠通商的最大受益者,贸易不仅仅带来经济变化,也提升了汉口各方面的地位。第七章是全文的总结,指出了汉口近代贸易的特点和在中国现代化空间进程中的地位。

【Abstract】 The dissertation mainly discusses the trade development of Hankow Port and theinteractive relationship of economic changes with its hinterland after its opening.In Chapter One, Introduction, some academic terms related with this dissertationare introduced and the time of this study is defined. It also introduces the previous andpresent study on this topic, data, methods used in the dissertation and the significanceof the study.Second chapter, analyzes quantity, the structure and the trend of development ofthe Foreign Goods import and Native Produce import and export of Hankow. And Igive analysis to several kinds of main import and export cargos. Subsequentlyanalyzes Hankow in the national trade status.Third chapter is the tea trade analysis. Tea was the most important part of thetrade. The traditional geographical superiority and the emerging exterior market,having stimulated the Hankow tea trade development. But as it occupied the interior,the condition couldn’t cause the Hankow market to grow completely. Hankow’s teatrade fluctuation has already affected its hinterland and the production condition, alsoreceives restriction of its hinterland.Fourth chapter is about the wood oil trade. Hankow is the biggest port of theoutput of wood oil of China. This chapter analyses the Hankow wood oil trade stage,the hinterland, the change of the market, and the agriculture economy change.Fifth chapter: the relationship between Hankow and other Yangtze valley port isthe title. Because Hankow is not the coastal harbor, its cargo import and export mustrely on Shanghai. On the other hand, Hankow lies on the middle Yangtze River, otherlittle harbor must depend upon Hankow to carry on the cargo import and export.Sixth chapter: I discuss the economical change of Hankow and its hinterland. Thetrade not only brought the economical change, but also promoted various aspectsstatus of Hankow.Seventh chapter is summary of the full text.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1301

