

【作者】 吴媛媛

【导师】 王振忠;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本项研究探讨了明清时期徽州地区的灾害实态、社会的灾害应对及其相关问题。文章对徽州一府六县范围内明清以来的水灾、旱灾、火灾、虎患、蝗灾、虫灾、冷灾、风灾、雹灾和地震诸种灾害分别进行了数量统计,并就统计数据、灾害的表现形式、危害程度和社会应对措施作了相关分析。由于水、旱灾害对徽州地区的农业和社会影响最大,且可以降水量为指标对灾害作定级处理,因此对水旱灾害资料进行了定级量化处理,以便对灾害状况的描述更为科学与直观,大致廓清了明清550余年来徽州地区的灾害概况。当地水旱灾害从危害程度与成灾范围上来说,都不算严重,但因其发生的频繁性而对当地农业生产和社会有着重大影响。水旱灾害造成了局部农业生产环境的恶化,长期以来徽州地区在种植结构上不断调适,但粮食仍难以自给,故而外界粮食的正常足量输入是维持当地社会稳定的重要保证。文章勾勒了当地的粮食运输网络与方式,描画了地方米市场景,探讨了明清灾荒时期的米价变动,并对粮食运输中的遏籴现象作了个案的探讨。仓储备荒是社会救济职能的重要体现,文章基本阐明了明、清两代徽州仓储体系的变迁,通过概括、对比与分析,明、清官私仓储发展历程,认为徽州仓储具有以下四个特点:1、发展具有连续性,但也具有明显的阶段性。2、转折明显,重大事件、关键人物对仓储发展影响巨大,地方政治对官仓的影响尤为明显。3、商业运营出现早,手段多样。4、民间力量对仓储体系的发展影响明显。当地的水利设施或引水,或蓄水,或自流,或提水灌溉,名目不一,因时因地而异。不论是灌溉或防洪,其设施多具有规模小、兴废无常的特点。而利用两份村落水利文书对歙西昌堨、吕堨水利设施的个案研讨,明确了民间水利的兴治,水利组织的规章、构成、与水相关的权力分配等等问题。灾害与城乡生活论及而较广。应对灾害的公共事务包括城市排水设施,农田与水利设施,用水矛盾与规则等。乡村环境的变迁则以棚民的迁入及其在徽州的活动为中心展开。林业保护则试图揭示保护规则中所显现的明清以来的主要变化轨迹。晚清救济体系的研究是利用光绪三十四年徽州水灾的征信录为主要资料,先大致复原了洪水的受灾范围与重灾区域,继而探讨了晚清徽州灾后赈济方式的变迁。

【Abstract】 This disertation is organized into three relatively indepentdent parts: what the disasters was factually in the history of Huizhou district, certain issues about the relationship between disasters and the local society, and how people dealt with disaters.In the first part ,the treatise begins with an historical overview of the disaster occurrence in the past 550 years of Huizhou district. Through ordering large amounts of data, presentes the general circumstance of following ten disasters, those was flood, drought, fire, wild animals, locust, pest, extremely cold, hurricane, hail and earthquake. The primary goal of this part is to show how the disasters were in the past and what the people did over time. In terms of flood and drought were the most often disasters in this area, and fortunately the flood and drought can be compared in the sense of rainfall, the article produces a flood and drought rating chart.The second part comprises three special topics.Section one focuses on how the flood and drought impact on agriculture. Although not only the degree but also the extention of the flood and drought disaster in Huizhou was not serious, the high frequency effected the local agriculture still greatly. They deteriorated the agricultural conditions in some areas greatly, accordingly adjusted the planting structure virtually and continuely. For short of foodstuff, the plenteous and regular rice import became the important guarantee of the stability of local society in the history, this chapter then discusses the foodstuff transportation net and manner , gives a detailed description of the local rice market picture, as well as the rice price fluctuation in those disaster years.Section two traces the basic practices of the Ming and Qing civilian granary system from its inception to its demise.Through analyzeing its organization and management, success and failure, clarifies the significance in maintaining the social stability and concludes three characteristics. Scetion three is given over to a description of city and country life. The public affair ranges from city drainage system, agricultural irrigation to conflict and regulation of water-using. The question of how the country enviornment changed certers on the movement of PengMing(a given name to the people who settled in Huizhou moutains mainly in middle Qing). The attempt of discovering the change of forest protect regulations is the last point of this section.The third part composes of three cases studies, providing variant practices in diffrent social fields. Case one centers on two food supplies holding-up incidents. Case two focus on how an agricultural irrigation works which locates in west She County(歙县) excavated and managed. Case three concerntrates on a flood occurred in 1908, described the situation of a disaster and analyzed the relief process.

【关键词】 徽州灾害社会
【Key words】 HuizhoudisasterSociety
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期

