

【作者】 邓建国

【导师】 张国良;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 传播学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 传播学集大成者威尔伯·施拉姆曾就传播与社区的紧密关系指出:传播是社会得以形成的工具;没有传播,就不会有社区;同样,没有社区,也不会有传播。而美国社会政治学家罗伯特·普特南指出,社区对人们的社会资本至关重要;在社区中,传播是产生和保有社会资本的关键前提。由此可见传播、社区和社会资本是三个密切相关的概念。它们相互融合、相互促进。有研究表明,社会资本对人们的健康、教育、有效的公共治理、可持续发展、经济增长以及人类福利等都有着重要和积极的意义。而由以上传播、社区和社会资本三者的关系可以看出,提高和促进人类的传播以及创造新的传播空间是增加人们的社会资本,进而推动社会、经济和人类福利进步和繁荣的根本途径。如今,快速发展的互联网超乎想象地变革了而且还在变革人类的传播活动。作为这一变革大潮中新的浪花,Web2.0现象正在扩散的力量将如何改善人类的传播、提高我们的社会资本,进而推动社会的进步?本研究试图对这一问题做出解答。本研究全面、系统地分析了三种主要的Web2.0网络应用(博客、网络大众分类网站和社会交友网站)的原理、传播学意义以及它们对网民社会资本的潜在意义;并在此基础上根据社会学中关于社会资本的理论,从传播学的角度使用实证研究方法考察了以上三种网络使用行为对网民社会资本的影响。本研究发现:博客使用者、网络大众分类网站使用者和社会交友网站使用者比非使用者具有更多的网络社会信任、更广更多样的社会网络以及更倾向于认为上网增加了或没有降低他们的网下社会参与;网民的以上三种网络使用时间与他们拥有的社会资本呈正相关关系;三种网络使用行为分别作用于社会资本的三个维度(社会信任、社会网络以及社会参与),而其中受影响最大的维度是社会信任。本研究发现的意义是:在Web2.0时代,网民因为不同的网络使用行为而在社会资本上存在差异;Web2.0网络应用的使用者与非使用者之间可能存在着“社会资本沟”。本研究从传播学的角度出发,借用社会学中社会资本的理论研究互联网的最新进展及其对社会的影响,在跨学科研究方面具有一定的创新性。本研究在选题上也首开先河、具有较大的实际意义和应用价值,属于创新性的研究。

【Abstract】 Wilbur Schramm once observed on the close ties between communication and community: Communication is the tool that forms community; communities can not exist without communications and nor can the latter do without the former.Robert Putman noted that community is essential to people’s social capital and that the most important way to increase social capital is to encourage communication and to create more space for communication. These shows the concepts of communication, community and social capital are closely interrelated: The three complement and contribute to each other.Researches indicate social capital is conducive to people’s health, education, effective public governance, sustainable development, economic growth and human welfare at large. And given the close relations among communication, community and social capital as highlighted above, encouraging and enhancing human communication and creating more pubic communication spaces are the most practical and effective approaches to generate social capital and ultimately to better human life.Nowadays, human communication has been changed and enhanced by the fast-developing Internet beyond our imagination and the so-called Web2.0 has been a major driving force behind such changes. With their huge potential in increasing human communication and creating communities online, how will Web2.0 applications transform our social relations, change our social capital and push (or pull) the societal development? This is the questions that the current research tries to answer.Drawing on existent theories on social capital and human communication, the current research first comprehensively explores the mechanism, communication implications of and their contribution thereof to the accumulation of social capital of the users of three major Web2.0 applications: Weblog, folksonomy Websites and social networking Websites. Based on such explorations, the research comes up with its hypotheses, which are tested by analyzing data collected from both face-to-face and online surveys. The research finds thai: Weblog, folksonomy Website and social networking Website users have more social trust, wider and more diversified social network and are more inclined to say Internet use haven’t decreased their offline social participation; that the time of such uses positively correlate to the users’ social capital; that while the uses of the three applications contributing respectively to each of the three dimensions (social trust, social network and social participation) of social capital as defined in the present research, they all work on the social trust dimension to increase the users’ social capital. The finding of the present research may imply that different Internet uses affect the users’ social capital differently and that a "social capital gap" may exist between Web2.0 Internet users and other Internet users. These finding are useful for Internet communication and development policy making.The research is innovative in combining sociological and communicative theories for new media research and in using online survey for such purpose. It also reflects the researcher’s forward-looking in his selection for his dissertation of such a topic on the latest development in information and communication technologies and their impact on human life.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】43
  • 【下载频次】5447

