

【作者】 孙霞

【导师】 倪世雄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 学界关于能源安全问题的研究主要是从市场结构和地缘政治两个视角展开分析。在影响东北亚能源安全合作的诸多因素中,除了市场结构和地缘政治这两个因素,作为观念性要素的认同因素也是关键变量。因此,本文引入“地区认同”这一因素,与市场结构和地缘政治一起,作为影响东北亚能源安全合作的三个主要因素。通过对这三个因素的具体分析,本文建立了自己的分析框架,即东北亚能源安全竞争与合作的局面是由三个因素共同作用形成的,合作模式的构建也有赖于对这三个因素各自发展方向的制约。从东北亚地区的能源市场结构来看,政府引导下的市场竞争有利于能源安全合作,而完全依靠市场的自发调节作用则易于引起恶性竞争和冲突。从东北亚的地缘政治环境来看,石油消费国为抢占石油进口来源产生冲突的可能性很大,要把东北亚地缘政治劣势转化为合作的优势,各国必须把追求绝对收益作为目标,追求相对收益的国家行为只会阻碍合作。东北亚地区认同中对能源安全合作影响最大的是观念认同。东北亚的观念认同存在明显分歧,即权力政治认同和制度规范认同之间的分歧。观念认同也影响了能源安全合作的发展方向,权力政治认同会引起能源领域的竞争与冲突,制度规范认同有利于能源领域的合作与发展。在以上结论的基础上,本文结合东北亚能源安全合作的实践过程,分析了三个因素之间的互动。影响东北亚能源安全合作的三个因素:市场供求、地缘政治和地区认同,各自有两个发展方向,一共形成三对六种元素:自由竞争和政府引导、相对收益和绝对收益、权力政治和制度规范。这六种元素组合而成的八种结果中,只有四种能够形成合作的路径,而在这四种合作路径中,最理想的合作路径只有一种,即各国认同以制度规范的方式解决地区能源问题,市场供求方面强调政府对市场的引导作用,地缘政治方面关注绝对收益。遵循这一路径发展能源合作,即形成东北亚能源安全合作的模式——主导型合作模式。中国应当在内政、外交和地区机制三个方面制定能源安全对策。中国的能源市场化改革不能照搬西方的发展模式,要找到适合自己的发展道路;地缘政治环境决定了中国的能源外交总体上是能源目标模式的,中国应重点开展对俄罗斯和日韩的能源外交;中国一方面要积极参与地区安全机制的建设,制约美日等国的权力政治扩张,另一方面,也要致力于构建新型的地区安全机制。

【Abstract】 Some researches on energy security have been done in academic circle from the perspectives of market structure and geopolitics. However, in addition to the two factors, focus should also be put on ideas in the study of energetic security cooperation in northeast Asia. Therefore, this thesis introduces regional identity, taking it and the other two as three core factors influencing energetic security cooperation in northeast Asia. On the basis of analysis of the three factors, this thesis proposes that cooperation of energetic security in northeast Asia depends on the interaction of the three factors; and models for cooperation could be established if their respective trend of development is checked.From the perspective of market structure, competitions dominated by governments benefit energetic security cooperation, while competitions dominated by market may lead to harms and even conflicts. From the perspective of geopolitics, there is greater possibility of conflicts in oil-consuming countries’ struggle for oil import resources, while there is greater chance of cooperation in the construction of oil pipes and the protection of energy shipping routes. In order to turn geopolitical disadvantages into cooperative advantages in northeast Asia, each country should aim at absolute gains but not relative gains. Identity plays the most important part in influencing energetic security cooperation in this region. The northeast Asia is characterized by great differences in the identities of power politics and regime politics. Identity of power politics will bring about competition and conflicts, while identity of regime may lead to cooperation.Based on the above analysis, this thesis makes a study of the interaction of the three factors--market structure, geopolitics and regional identity-- in northeast Asia. Each of the three will develop in two ways; and they will develop into six elements: free competition and governmental guidance, relative gains and absolute gains, and power politics and regime norms. The interaction of the six elements will lead to eight results, only four of which can benefit cooperation. Among the four, there is only one ideal way, namely, each country adheres to regime norms, advocates the governmental guidance of markets and aims at absolute gains. This ideal way will develop into a model for energetic security cooperation in northeast Asia--a model of dominative cooperation.China is faced with many problems in energy security. On the basis of the interaction of three factors in northeast Asia, China should make policies for energy security in foreign affairs, domestic affairs and regional regimes. Market-orientated reforms in China’s energy policy should not be modeled on western ways but be based on Chinese national conditions. Influenced by geopolitics, China’s energy diplomacy has taken energy itself as goal, but not tool. Now China should put emphasis on energy diplomacy to Russia, Japan and Korea. Besides, China should make efforts to evolve itself in establishing regional security regime to check the power politics of America and Japan. Meanwhile, China should also advocate the establishment of a newly-typed security regime in this region.

【关键词】 东北亚能源安全合作制度
【Key words】 northeast Asiaenergy securitycooperationregime
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F416.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】839

