

All-optical Signal Processing Technologies Based on SOA Nonlinearities in Optical Network

【作者】 张君毅

【导师】 林金桐;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 物理电子学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文的主要研究对象是光网络中基于半导体光放大器(SOA)非线性效应的全光信号处理技术,包括全光波长变换技术、全光格式变换技术、全光逻辑NOR门和OR门技术。论文提出了实现四种技术的几种新的方案,通过实验进行了验证,建立了相应的理论模型,并进行了仿真研究。采用这些方案实现的波长变换器、格式变换器、逻辑NOR门和OR门具有结构简单、可集成等优点。第一部分:半导体光放大器的非线性偏振特性及理论模型推导出了考虑半导体光放大器(SOA)长度效应的偏振相关的理论模型。在此理论模型基础上,研究了SOA偏振相关的增益特性、相位特性、光谱特性和啁啾特性。第二部分:基于SOA非线性的全光逻辑NOR和OR技术首次提出了由一个SOA和一个带通滤波器组成的逻辑NOR门,该逻辑门利用了SOA的交叉相位调制(XPM)和蓝移边带滤波两种效应(简称XPM—BF)。在40Gbit/s通过实验进行了验证。通过增加一个偏振控制器和一个偏振分束器(即利用了NPR—BF方案)进一步改善了XPM—BF方案实现的逻辑NOR门的性能。基于SOA的偏振相关的增益饱和模型,建立了XPM—BF、NPR—BF两种方案实现逻辑NOR门的理论模型,仿真实现了两种方案的逻辑NOR功能。对于XPM—BF机制实现的逻辑NOR门,通过数值模拟进一步研究了一些参数对NOR逻辑门性能(消光比ER)的影响,这些参数包括:输入数据信号功率、滤波器中心波长偏移量和带宽、SOA的相位调制系数、输入线偏振光的偏振角度;研究了在NPR—BF机制中,一些参数对NOR逻辑门性能(消光比ER)的影响,这些参数包括:输入数据信号功率、滤波器中心波长偏移量;对这两种方案实现的逻辑门的性能进行了简单的比较。首次提出了将SOA的非线性偏振旋转效应与红移滤波相结合(NPR—RF)实现逻辑OR门的方案,并在20Gbit/s进行了实验验证。借助模拟研究,探讨了在NPR—RF机制中,一些参数对OR逻辑门性能的消光比ER和Q因子的影响,这些参数包括:输入数据信号功率、滤波器中心波长偏移量;并对两种方案(XPM-RF和NPR-RF)实现的逻辑门的性能进行了简单的比较。第三部分:基于SOA非线性的全光波长变换技术和格式变换技术独立提出了实现波长变换的一种新的方案,该方案将SOA的非线性偏振旋转效应和红移边带滤波效应(NPR—RF)相结合。在实验上成功地实现了40Gbit/s的波长变换,波长上变换的范围约17nm;该方案能改进通常的非线性偏振旋转效应所实现的波长变换器的性能;在20 Gbit/s成功地同时实现了两波长变换的输出。运用半导体光放大器偏振相关模型,建立了结合SOA中的非线性偏振旋转和红移边带滤波两种效应的波长变换模型;基于琼斯传输矩阵,仿真实现了波长变换功能;对该种波长变换器的性能进行了数值研究,研究了一些参数对波长变换器性能(消光比ER)的影响,这些参数包括:滤波器中心波长偏移量、数据信号光功率。利用SOA的非线性偏振旋转效应(NPR)实现NRZ—to—RZ格式变换的方案;通过实验成功地实现了10Gbit/s的NRZ—to—RZ格式变换。并将SOA的非线性偏振旋转和红移边带滤波两种效应相结合(简称NPR—RF),实现了NRZ—to—RZ格式变换,改善了NPR方案实现的格式变换器的性能。运用半导体光放大器偏振相关模型,基于琼斯传输矩阵,仿真实现了这两种方案(NPR、NPR-RF)的格式变换功能。

【Abstract】 This dissertation mainly focuses on the subject of photonic technologies based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) nonlinearities in optical network, including all-optical wavelength conversion, all-optical NRZ-to-RZ format conversion, all-optical logic NOR gate and OR gate. Several new schemes are presented and experimentally demonstrated for the first time or independently; corresponding theoretical models are built, and numerical analyses are conducted. The devices including wavelength converter, NRZ-to-RZ format converters, two logic NOR gates and logic OR gate have the advantages, including having simple configuration and allowing photonic integration and etc.1. Nonlinear polarization characteristic and theoretical model in SOAA theoretical model in relation to polarization is derived considering length effect of SOA. Based on the theoretical model, numerical analyses are conducted about polarization characteristics of gain, phase, spectrum and chirp in SOA.2. All-optical logic NOR and OR gate based on SOA nonlinearitiesTwo novel schemes are presented to realize logic NOR function. The first is by exploiting cross phase modulation and blue-shifted sideband filtering, here called XPM-BF scheme. The NOR gate is experimentally demonstrated at 40 Gbit/s with good extinction ratio and with clear open eye. The second scheme (NPR-BF) is by adding a polarization controller and a polarization beam splitter to XPM-BF scheme, here called NPR-BF scheme. The performance of logic NOR gate by exploiting NPR-BF can excel that by exploiting XPM-BF.Two theoretical models for logic NOR function are built by exploiting XPM-BF and NPR-BF considering polarization dependence in SOA. Numerical simulation are made for XPM-BF scheme, including the dependence of extinction on the input data power, offset of central wavelength of filter to input probe wavelength, phase modulation coefficient of SOA, 3dB bandwidth of filter and polarization angle of input linear polarization light. Numerical simulation are also made for NPR-BF scheme, including the dependence of extinction and Q factor on the input data power and offset of central wavelength of filter. A comparison is made among three schemes including XPM-BF, NPR and NPR-BF.A novel scheme is presented to realize logic OR function by exploiting nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) and red-shifted sideband filtering, which is called NPR-RF. The logic OR gate is experimentally demonstrated at 20 Gbit/s.Two theoretical models to realize logic OR function are built by exploiting XPM-RF and NPR-RF considering polarization dependence in SOA. Numerical simulation is made for NPR-RF scheme, including the dependence of extinction and Q factor on the input data power, offset of central wavelength of filter to input probe wavelength. A comparison is made among two schemes between XPM-RF and NPR-RF.3. All-optical wavelength conversion and NRZ-to-RZ format conversion based on SOA nonlinearitiesA novel scheme is independently proposed to realize wavelength conversion by exploiting nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) in SOA and red-shifted sideband filtering, which is called NPR-RF. The wavelength converter is experimentally demonstrated at 20Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s over up-conversion range 17 nm. The scheme can enhance the performance of conventional nonlinear polarization rotation. The simultaneous two wavelength conversion outputs are successfully obtained at 20 Gbit/s.A theoretical model for wavelength conversion is built by exploiting NPR-RF, considering polarization dependence in SOA. Based on Jones matrix, function of wavelength conversion is simulated by exploiting the scheme. Numerical simulation is also made for dependence of performance of the wavelength converter on the central wavelength offset of filter to input probe wavelength and input data signal power.A novel scheme is independently proposed to complete NRZ-to-RZ format conversion by exploiting nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) in SOA. The format converter is experimentally demonstrated at 10Gbit/s. By adding red-shifted sideband filtering, the performance of format converter based on NPR is enhanced. Based on Jones matrix, function of format conversion is simulated to realize by exploiting two schemes considering polarization dependence in SOA.


