

A Study on Modern Chinese Psychological Verbs

【作者】 文雅丽

【导师】 张旺熹;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 “心理动词”是指与人的“心理”活动相关的动词。心理动词的概念最先由马建忠在1898年的《马氏文通》中提出,在许多语法学家及语法研究者的努力下,心理动词最终成为动词公认的一个重要分类。关于心理动词的研究也一直得到广泛的关注。尤其是近十年来,随着新的语法理论的产生以及交流的增多,心理动词的研究也逐步地深入,许多学者都尝试在更深的理论层次上进行深入、系统的研究,取得了一系列研究成果。这些成果不仅涉及到界定心理动词的语法功能框架,更涉及到句法、语义、认知、配价等各个层面。在心理动词的研究上,虽然已经取得了许多成果,但有些问题的研究还不够深入,对某些问题的认识也还不能达成一致,因此,心理动词尚有很大的研究空间。在日常交际中,许多心理动词使用频率非常高,是现代汉语中的常用词。对“现代汉语心理动词”这一课题进行研究,不仅可以在理论上丰富汉语词汇与语法研究的思路和方法,更能清楚地了解和掌握这些词,在实际应用中,提高语言表达的精确性和生动性。同时,在对外汉语教学实践中,也能起到扩充学生词汇量、启发学生思维和提高应用水平的作用。本文以《现代汉语词典》2005年第5版中所收的动词为考察范围,以心理学为研究的基点,从三个心理过程,即认识过程、情感过程和意志过程的角度出发,结合动词的语义特征、语法功能等特点来设定判断心理动词的功能框架。通过这些功能框架,界定出了765个心理动词。在具体的研究中,根据人的心理活动同外界刺激之间的相互作用关系,将心理动词分为心理活动动词、心理状态动词和心理使役动词三类,并从各自的语义、语法两方面对这三类心理动词进行了专门的系统研究。结合心理动词应用灵活的特点,本文在研究中采用了语料库。通过大量的实用语料,来充分展示三类心理动词的语义特征和语法特点。在充分汇总、分析的基础上,寻找其中的应用规律及语法上的相关联系并进行穷尽性的描述和说明,分析汉语心理动词在语法应用上的特点及内在机制。

【Abstract】 The 1st psychological verbs introduced to Chinese grammar study by Mr. Ma Jianzhong in the book“The Grammar by Mr. Ma”(Ma Shi Wen Tong) in 1898. After many years of hard works by other grammarians, the psychological verbs became one important part of the Chinese verbs family. Following by the new grammatic theories and international exchange on Chinese grammar study in the past decade, more researches and studies had been carried out and many achievements have been accessed. Now we have the studies on many grammatic aspects such as Syntax, Semantics, Cognition and Valency.There are still many issues have not been solved in the psychological verbs study. Different recognizations are still be there waiting for further studies.Many psychological verbs are everyday used in commucation with high frequency. The study on psychological verbs may enrich ideas and methods on the gramatic research, helping people express the feelings and emotions more accurate and colorful by more understanding the skills using these verbs. Furthermore, foreign students may gain profits on mind opening, glossary enlargement and more fluent speaking.Based on the three main human psychological procedure of“Recognition, Emotion and Detemination”and some senmatic and grammatic function frames, we can distinguish the psyological verbs from all the verbs in“Modern Chinese Dictionary”(The 5th Edition, 2005). By doing so, 765 verbs were filtered out. And the second step was to divide the 765 verbs into three groups: Active Psychological Verbs, Stative Psychological Verbs and Causive Psychological Verbs. Each group was studied independently by the aspects of Senmatics and Gramars.We used the Corpora to reflect the various usage of the psychological verbs in modern Chinese. By analysing the example sentences, we were able to find the relative links and principles between certain relative psychological verbs.

  • 【分类号】H146.2
  • 【被引频次】49
  • 【下载频次】3684

