

The Study of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration

【作者】 王恩俊

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 十七世纪是我国历史上一个重要的变革时期,而复社的兴起和发展则是这一时期最为引人瞩目的历史事件之一。本文将复社置于一个较长的历史时段中进行考察,以期能够得出比较全面系统的认识。本文分为以下几个部分:引言部分简要地介绍了本文的选题意义,及资料情况,分析了国内外相关课题的研究现状,并在此基础上进一步阐明了本文的研究思路,对相关问题做了必要的说明。第一章着重探讨了复社兴起的历史背景,涉及到中国古代文人结社发展的基本脉络、晚明文人结社的特点、江南地区的独特地位及其社会生活模式的辐射作用、明代科举制度的变化、特点和影响等问题。总之,笔者认为复社的兴起以中国古代渊源流长的文人结社传统为一般文化背景,以科举制度在明代的变动为制度前提,以晚明以来社会生活的剧烈变动为契机。第二章对复社的兴起过程、组织状况及主要活动进行了考察。本章首先对复社的前身——应社进行了分析,指出复社在组织结构、价值取向等方面受到了应社的影响。关于复社组织状况的研究一直比较薄弱,笔者从复社的结构、经费来源、联系方式、盟辞社规等角度对这一问题作了详细的梳理,认为复社是知识阶层的松散联盟。最后,笔者考察了复社的集会及选文等日常活动。第三章对复社成员及社内关系进行了考察。笔者首先考察了复社成员的地域分布情况、家世状况,并以此为基础考察了复社成员间的关系。笔者认为,复社内部的话语权实际上掌握在少数官僚世家子弟手中,而伦理关系则是复社内部各种关系的基础。第四章考察了复社与明清之际政局的关系。本章讨论了复社与明清之际地方势力的关系、复社成员入清后的活动及生存模式、复社成员的政治反思等三个问题。笔者认为复社的发展壮大与明清之际地方势力的崛起有着密切的关系,而复社成员入清后生存模式的多样化反映了这一时期社会生活的相对宽松。此外,笔者认为地方势力的削弱和复社成员政治反思中的负罪感,最终导致了文人结社的衰微。第五章对复社与明末清初学术流变的关系进行了分析。本章首先讨论了举业对复社成员的影响,指出时文写作和时文评选构成了复社成员学术活动的基础,并在一定程度上决定了复社成员的学术修养和学术成就。接下来笔者分析了晚明学风对复社成员学术活动的影响,指出尽管复社不是一个学派,但复社成员的学术活动仍旧表现出某些共同的趋向。最后,笔者对复社成员的学术批判和学术实践进行了分析,笔者认为复社成员的学术批判和学术实践集中反映了明清之际学术流变的大趋势,复社应在学术史上占有一席之地。结语对相关问题做了进一步概括和说明,指出复社是中国古代文人结社的颠峰,集中反映了明清之际士阶层的各种变化。

【Abstract】 The 17th century was a vital changing era in Chinese history, and the rising of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration was the most outstanding event at that time. The dissertation would place the Society of Classical Learning Restoration in a longer time to inspect. The author hopes to reach overall and systematic conclusion. The dissertation consists of seven parts:The preface introduces the significance of the chosen theme, the condition of the material, and situation of the related question. Past achievements as the basis, the author explains the study thought and related issues further.The first chapter approaches the historical background of the rising of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration emphatically, relating to the thread of the society of Chinese ancient intellectuals, the character of the society of intellectuals in late period of Ming Dynasty, the special status of regions south of the Yangtze Rivers, the influential sphere of the life style of this district, and the changing function and influence of Ming Dynasty’s the Imperial Examinations. In a word, the author thinks the old tradition of the society of Chinese ancient intellectuals was of the ordinary cultural background, the changing of the Imperial Examinations is its system prerequisite, and the sharp changes of social life in Ming Dynasty was the turning.The second chapter approaches the rising process of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration, the state of its organization, and its stamina. The author analyses firstly Ying_Society that was the predecessor of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration, and points out Ying_Society affected the framework of organization, and values of the Society. The study of states of its organization was always weak. The author researches carefully its framework, its source of incomes, its way of the contacts, its oath, and its regulations. The author thinks the Society of Classical Learning Restoration was a loose coalition of the stratum of intellectuals. Lastly, the author inspect its movement, including its assembly and its selection of the essay.The third chapter approaches members of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration and the relations in the Society of Classical Learning Restoration firstly. The author inspects their regional distribution, their family backgrounds, and relations. The author thinks minor youth of bureaucrats mastered utterance power of the Society, and the ethical relationship was the base of internal relation of the Society. The fourth chapter inspects the relation between the Society of Classical Learning Restoration and political situation at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty. The author studies the relation of the Society and the local force at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the movement and life style of members of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration at the beginning of Qing dynasty, and their political self examination. The author thinks there were close relation between the development of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration and the rising of the local force, moreover, the member’s diversified life styles at the beginning of Qing Dynasty reflected that the social life was loose and comfortable relatively at that time. Furthermore, the author considers the decay of the local force and the guilty feeling of its member’s political self examination led to the decline of the society of intellectuals.The fifth chapter analyses the relation between the Society of Classical Learning Restoration and academic changes at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty. Firstly, the chapter discusses the learning content regulated by the Imperial Examinations. The author points out the writing and comment of the eight_part essay comprised the base its member’s learning movement, and affected their academic achievement and their academic accomplishment. Then, the author analyses the affection the style of learning in late period of Ming Dynasty, and point out the Society of Classical Learning Restoration was not a school of thought, but there still were some common tendency of its members’academic movement. Lastly, the author analyses its member’s academic criticism and academic practice, and considers their academic achievement and their academic accomplishments reflected the tendency of the changing at that time. In brief, the Society of Classical Learning Restoration was very important in academic history.The extension summarizes and explains relative ideas. The author points out the Society of Classical Learning Restoration was the apex of the old society of Chinese ancient men of letters, it embodied a concentrated reflection of all changes of the stratum of intellectuals at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty.


