

American Romanticism in the 19~(th) Century with the Angle of Western Religious Culture

【作者】 王林

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮的产生、发展和演变是西方文化由欧洲向美洲扩散的结果。在这一文化扩散的过程中,19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮受到西方基督宗教文化的巨大影响并在美国社会和文化的各个领域和方面产生了各不相同的表现。在政治领域,19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮以西方宗教文化的名义为美国人的侵略行为张目,并为美国领土扩张提供所谓“天定命运”(Manifest Destiny)的理论武器,使得美国在19世纪的领土扩张和对外侵略得以顺利进行。在哲学领域,西方宗教文化培养了19世纪美国浪漫主义的超验唯心主义思想和19世纪美国人独立自主的民主和自由意识。在文学领域,西方宗教文化为19世纪美国浪漫主义文学思潮提供了精神支柱和表现素材。19世纪美国浪漫主义文学思潮通过宣传平等、博爱的基督教思想和观念来倡导由浪漫主义思潮衍生出来的民主、自由的西方人文精神和道德准则,并为美国文学摆脱欧洲文学模式的羁绊和束缚以及独立美国文学的产生做出了贡献。在艺术领域,西方宗教文化为19世纪美国浪漫主义艺术文化的兴起提供了载体和表现舞台,为美国民族艺术的发展奠定了第一块基石。本论文的写作是在西方宗教文化视角下对19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮的考察,其目的在于对19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮的渊源、形成、发展和表现做出回顾与评价,认识西方宗教文化与19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮的关系。在序言部分,本文首先对本课题研究中的基本理论与概念进行了简要梳理和限定,然后简要评述了本课题的国内外研究现状,其中,既有国内外学者对西方宗教文化与19世纪美国浪漫主义思潮关系研究现状的综述和展望,也有对国内外西方文化史研究现状的简要回顾和大体分析。此外,序言部分还说明了本文的研究范围与内容。正文部分共有四章。其中第一章首先通过近代西方宗教文化的演变历程的回顾,综合对浪漫主义思潮在德国的萌芽、在法国的表现和在英国的发展所进行的考察、评述了西方宗教文化的形成和浪漫主义思潮在欧洲兴起的历史原因,美国宗教文化特点的形成、浪漫主义思潮在美国的兴起与表现、欧洲浪漫主义思潮对美国的影响,美国浪漫主义思潮在美国政治、哲学、文学和艺术上的表现;第二章从西方宗教文化的视角考察了19世纪美国浪漫主义文学思潮的欧洲文化渊源、美国本土意识和表现意识等方面内容,得出清教主义及其信条是美国浪漫主义文学思潮的思想源泉和宗教是19世纪美国浪漫主义文学思潮表现的重要内容和形式等结论。第三章以西方宗教文化的视角对19世纪美国浪漫主义政治、哲学和艺术思潮进行了考察,对西方宗教文化在19世纪美国浪漫主义政治、哲学和艺术思潮中的地位进行了初步定位和一定程度的归纳总结。第四章通过对宗教和政治、哲学、文学及艺术思潮关系的历史省察,认识了西方思想文化史中宗教影响的巨大作用。除此之外,该章还从西方文化扩散的角度解释了欧洲浪漫主义思潮对美国浪漫主义思潮的影响,并对西方文化扩散的原因、动力、特点、途径和后果等问题进行了简要分析。

【Abstract】 American Romanticism in the 19th century comes from the pervasion of western culture from Europe to America. In the process of the pervasion, it is strongly influenced by western religious culture and has different showings in all American social and cultural fields. For example, in the field of politics, it propagandizes O’Sullivan’s“Manifest Destiny”for the country’s will of grabbing for more land. In the field of philosophy, it cultivates American’s ideology of democracy, free will and transcendentalism. In the field of literature, it provides the ideal for holding and material for writing. It, moreover, makes an independent American literature by advocating of Christian doctrines and the ideas of equality, liberty and humanity. In the field of art, western religious culture provides carrier and stage for American romantic art in the 19th century, and sets the solid foundation for the development of American national art.This is a survey and a review of American Romanticism in the 19th century with the angle of western religious culture. It aims to give a retrospect and a criticism to the origination, formation, development and exhibition of American Romanticism in the 19th century, and to see the relation between western religious culture and American Romanticism in the 19th century.In the prelude of the dissertation, it firstly sorts and clarifies the concepts of the basic terms and theories of the study. Secondly, it briefly sorts and introduces the contemporary writings for the study, including both general overview of the study of the history of western culture and the summary of the relation between western religious culture and American Romanticism in the 19th century. Besides, in the prelude, it defines the content and the bound of the research.The body of the dissertation is divided into 4 chapters. The 1st chapter reviews the history of the evolution of western religious culture. Moreover, the chapter gives a rough retrospect to the beginning of the thinking trends of Romanticism in Germany, the exhibition in France and the development in Britain. Furthermore, the chapter probes the causes to explain the formation of western religious culture and the rising of Romanticism in Europe. The chapter also studies the forming of the features of American religious culture, the rising and exhibition of Romanticism in America and American Romanticism’s European influence. And then, the chapter explicates the exhibition of American Romanticism in the fields of American politics, philosophy, literature and art. The 2nd chapter, with the angle of western religious culture, probes American romantic literature’s European source, national consciousness and the exhibition to draw the conclusions that Puritanism and its creeds are the intellectual sources of American romantic literature, and religion is the important content and form of American romantic literature in the 19th century. The 3rd chapter, with the angle of western religious culture, probes American romantic politics, philosophy and art to make a rough conclusion to the influence of western religious culture to American romantic politics, philosophy and art. The 4th Chapter probes the strong religious influence of the history of western intellectual culture by historical review of the relation between religion and the thinking trends of politics, philosophy, literature and art. Furthermore, the chapter explains American Romanticism’s European influence under the perspective of the pervasion of western culture, and generally analyses the causes, motivities, characteristics, routes and results of the pervasion of western culture.


