

The Acceptance Process of Lu Xun’s Works in Middle School

【作者】 薄景昕

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 “一个时代的政治文化最能体现在教科书中,尤其是有关人文学科方面的内容,教科书就是一个窗口,从这里我们能够发现一个时代的政治文化是如何改变人们的行为和习惯的。”①教科书是一个国家的政治文化的综合反映,是一定时期文学创作的重要体现,它能折射社会的阅读心理和审美追求,为我们提供一个时代的阅读经典,并进而把握一个时代的文化精神与思想脉络。鲁迅被阅读,其间的反响、评价、争论与研究横亘近一个世纪;在中学语文教科书中阅读鲁迅,同样可以体会到时代的温度与呼吸。通过对中学鲁迅作品接受的世纪玄览,我们可以清楚地看到,各个时期、各种版本的中学语文教材都不同程度地选编了鲁迅作品,并且其历史地位是无人能及的,包括胡适、周作人、徐志摩、林语堂等,虽然他们在民国时期的教材选编中大量选入,且数量比鲁迅多,但在现代教材的选编中都没有连续性,甚至包括孙中山、毛泽东等,而鲁迅作品在各个时期的中学语文教材的选编史上从未缺失。这告诉我们一个基本的事实:鲁迅作品在中学语文教材中的历史地位,具有永恒性,不可动摇。然而,世人对于鲁迅及其作品的评价却是毁誉过当的。陈独秀在《我对于鲁迅之认识》中说:“在民国十六七年,他还没有接近政党以前,党中一班无知妄人,把他骂得一文不值,那时我曾为他大抱不平。后来他接近了政党,同是那一班无知妄人,忽然把他抬到三十三层天以上,仿佛鲁迅先生从前是个狗,后来是个神。我却以为真实的鲁迅并不是神,也不是狗,而是个人,有文学天才的人”。②这是陈独秀在鲁迅接受史上独特的贡献,历史跨越了五十年,鲁研界又回到了陈独秀这里。的确,真正把鲁迅当作人的时代毕竟是太少了。正如孙玉石所说,在鲁迅接受史上,“始终存在着一个超世俗的神圣化与反神圣的世俗化之间的矛盾运动过程”。③中学鲁迅作品的接受,实际上是走了一条“超世俗的神圣化”之路,并且现在还在走。然而,鲁迅并不是不食人间烟火的那种超然与纯净,而是置身于文本世界中的孤立与茫然:“两间余一卒,荷戟独彷徨”。④回望历史,无论是作为“神”的鲁迅,还是鲁迅作为“人的独异性”,都留下了无尽的言说。在这里,我只想希望获得一种与己更直接的方式来走进鲁迅,即在中学视野里,关注鲁迅及其作品,这是我论文撰写的视角。本文写作的目的是使解读回到现场,拟以建国前后中学语文教材中选编的鲁迅作品为核心(建国后以人教社为主),以各个时期的文学批评家、教材与教参编者和语文教师对中学鲁迅作品的接受与阐释的史料为学术基础,在接受美学理论的视野里,梳理鲁迅作品自选入中学以来到本世纪初——八十多年来中学鲁迅作品的接受情况,考究中学鲁迅作品接受的历史演变轨迹,动态地显示中学鲁迅作品的历史生命,藉以观照中学鲁迅作品接受史中所反映的文化意识和审美情趣,厘清中学鲁迅作品在各个时期接受的基本流程以及探讨当代中学语文教师和中学生如何形成正确的鲁迅观。也试图在史料的选编之外,寻找一个牢固的阿基米德点,撬起与中学鲁迅作品选编的相关内容,即通过中学鲁迅作品的外部研究,透过政治文化的视角,叙述中学鲁迅作品接受的原生态历史文化语境,揭示中学鲁迅作品的选编与当时的政治文化之间复杂而多变的内在联系,明确中学鲁迅作品在建设现代民族国家方面所起的重要作用,这也是论文关涉的问题。论文分绪论、正文、结语三大部分。绪论部分简要论及本文的选题理由、研究对象、研究方法以及论文研究的创新点。从中学语文教科书选编的角度入手,在接受史的语意背景下,来测量一个世纪的中学鲁迅作品的思想深度及其文化走向,阐述鲁迅作品在接受过程中,其放大、延伸、扭曲而折射出来的时代的光与影,借助这些曾经感动过无数中国人的文字,更好地理解过去的一个世纪,并与之保持持续的对话,①是本文的冀望所在。中学鲁迅作品受现代人歆慕已久,有些篇章已有口皆碑,进入老百姓的日常生活,成为生活中的常用词汇。把中学鲁迅作品接受定为坐标,以此观照中国现当代文化与文学的发展,我们可以透视出中国学人精神独立过程中的种种内在的认知逻辑、思维方式、内心动因、学术范型及其变迁的原因与规律;把鲁迅精神当作现代知识分子的最高品格,这不单单是一种学术行为,而是知识分子的一种精神选择。然而,世纪之交的中学鲁迅作品教学已是被批得千疮百孔,伤痕累累。从现状而论,中学鲁迅作品接受所面临的问题,比较一致的地方是来自选编者的观念和教师教学目的上的滞后固陋以及社会政治文化的规约,因而导致我们的多数接受主体一以贯之地不喜欢鲁迅,有“谈鲁色变”之嫌。因此我们在痛惜过往的鲁迅作品接受没有给多少学生构筑良好的阅读兴趣的同时,更害怕现在和将来的鲁迅作品接受不能给学生以信心。因此,巩固并传承作为原创性鲁迅文学与思想在中学界的地位和影响,让语文课回到语文本身,唤起人对未知世界的向往,以此达到“立人”的目的,这也是一项切实而有意义的工作。由于受到不同时期的政治文化因素的影响,我们也清楚地看到,中学鲁迅作品的选编与国家的政治文化的关系:当社会政治经济、文化制度保持相对稳定的时期,鲁迅作品的选编也就保持了相对的稳定,即使做调整也是单篇的调整;当社会出现大的转型,经济发展相对落后之时,鲁迅作品的调整、变换甚至删减就越发频繁,鲁迅作品在中学语文教材中的去留增减就成为时代风云的一张晴雨表。一旦社会模式发生变化,选编就会发生变化。因此,无论建国前后,中学鲁迅作品的选编都是当时的政治经济,思想文化的叙述者和表达者,与当时的社会发展紧相连属,具有“配合”与“同构”的意义。这一方面说明鲁迅文本的复杂性,另一方面也说明鲁迅的思想已指向未来。正文分五章。第一章旨在阐明民国时期鲁迅作品是如何进入中学语文教材,学术界和教育界又是如何接受鲁迅作品的,政治文化和选编者的心理架构对中学鲁迅作品的选编产生了怎样的影响。通过对民国时期中学鲁迅作品接受的材料梳理,我们清晰地看到民国时期中学鲁迅作品的选编大多停留在鲁迅的小说与散文上,初中所选篇目比高中量大,教材选编的一个主要特征也是“只凭‘主观偏见’和个人的喜好去选”。①然而,从选编的数量上看,鲁迅作品不及周作人与胡适。选篇只是单独作品的选篇,没有任何的提示和书下注释,到了民国末年才出现简单的课后练习题,教辅资料(教学参考书)在北师大图书馆仅存五本,教参的解读均注重其文学性的表述。但在40年代后的解放区中学语文教材里,所不同的是,杂文的数量明显增加,并且在编者选编的过程中,多少都带有毛泽东观念的某种暗示,这会使人自然地想到符号对人的规训和控制。然而解放区的中学语文教材虽带有草创性,但为建国后中学语文教材建设提供了标本。而在中学鲁迅作品的接受上,毛泽东的鲁迅论,远远超越了中国鲁迅学史上以前的所有鲁迅论,把中华民族对本民族伟人的认识提升到了最高境界,长期成为中国鲁迅研究的宗旨,笼罩达半个多世纪。第二章着重探讨建国后十七年里,鲁迅作品的重新选定。杂文的数量较解放前有了明显增加,这里应该指出的是,与鲁迅其它作品相比,杂文对中国人的精神生活的影响会更大,许多鲁迅语录大多从鲁迅的杂文中得来。但选编突显其政治性,主要关注的是阶级斗争,而且存在深刻的政治文化背景,这对中学语文教学而言,选文显然不够典范。教材和教参编者对中学鲁迅作品的解读存在严重的政治化倾向,因而也不同程度地遮蔽了鲁迅文本的真实意义。主要表现在,自建国后,新闻媒介、文艺创作、理论研讨等上层建筑意识形态都在大一统的思想指导下,众口一词地进行批判与赞颂。试想,当社会纯洁到只有一种思想、一种声音时,人们的思维机能必将僵化,思维进入一种偏执的愚昧之中,也就失去了“人”的价值。这是长期的思想教育的规约所必然产生的禁锢性的结果。第三章侧重分析文革时期中学鲁迅作品的选编。由于文革时期的中学语文教材被“四人帮”所控制,人教社没有出版全国统编教材,各地方出版的语文教材又比较零乱,这一章主要是以北京市和吉林省出版的语文教材为核心,以此观照全国中学鲁迅作品的接受情况。北京是全国政治和文化的中心,为配合文革错误的历史进程和当时阶级斗争的需要,中学语文教材也成为政治夺权的工具,鲁迅是最大的傀儡。文革初,鲁迅作品一度被逐出中学语文课堂,因为鲁迅文学与思想与当时的斗争环境配合不上。两年后,选篇才不断地增加,杂文的选编走上了语文教材史上鲁迅作品选编的最高峰。文革中语文教参的阐释者与中学鲁迅作品教学的经验者对鲁迅文本极为政治化、庸俗化的描述,以及对鲁迅作品的弱化、扭曲和变形的阐释,都是极其严重的。其根本原因在于受政治文化的影响,因而解读的意义已完全背离了鲁迅文学和鲁迅思想的自身,使鲁迅成为一个政治的附庸,地地道道的“工具”。然而,文革时期,让人极为欣慰的是李何林先生出版了《北京市中学语文课本中十五篇鲁迅作品的问题试答》②,这在中学界引起了极大关注,并且对普及鲁迅的著作和传播鲁迅文化,发挥了巨大作用。“问题试答”的特质是把中学鲁迅作品中存在争议的问题以及中学语文教师在教学中遇到的困难,“问题试答”对此都进行了一一的解读,因此它具有强烈的针对性和很大的实用价值,在中学鲁迅作品接受史上掀开了辉煌的一页。第四章论述新时期中学鲁迅作品的选编(1978—2000)。新时期中学鲁迅作品的选编则完全从“文革”时期“政治压倒一切”的框框中解放出来,这与学术界的大力倡导有直接的关系,当然社会转型是决定因素。选文的数量还在增加,达到了中学语文教材中鲁迅作品选编的最高值。但保持了各类体裁作品的基本比例,同时删掉了一些不合时宜的杂文,删减的原因是这些杂文一方面被“四人帮”利用过,在受众群体的潜意识中存在前理解,文本背景复杂;另一方面主要是因为社会政治文化的转型,这些删减的作品已经不适合政治文化的需要。新时期中学鲁迅作品的选编出现了良好的发展态势:体裁多样,题材广泛,编排由浅入深,教材内部明确了学习重点,课后习题建立了能力训练体系。然而从新时期中学鲁迅作品接受与阐释的文化语境与历史语境的生成与转换以及阐释者共时性与历时性的历史事实表达中,可以看到,新时期的中学鲁迅作品教材与教参在国家意识形态的影响下不同程度地遮蔽了鲁迅及其文本的真实意义——深层文化逻辑与诗意表达。显然,选编者与阐释者还完全没有从“文革”时期的政治文化的语境中解放出来,并带有深深的“文革”的印迹。中学鲁迅作品的意识形态化,严重阻隔了作为原创性的鲁迅文学在中学界的传承,同时也揭示出中学鲁迅作品教学作为一种教学系统的滞后与阐释的僵化。鲁研界以至社会各界对鲁迅及其作品的接受在世纪末的风潮中发生了重大转变——从神坛请下又送上了祭坛。后现代主义课程观消解了一切权威,鲁迅也在其中。第五章论述新世纪中学鲁迅作品选编(2000年以后)的重大突破,面对多元文化,教材删去了论战的时文,尤其是那些与旧文人“对峙”的杂文,相反,鲁迅曾经反对过的文人,如胡适、徐志摩、梁实秋等,他们的文章也已进入教材,并且有些篇章还排在同一单元中。这种教材的选编方式使我想起了“人在五四”。新版教材(人教社第8版教材)由于袁行霈、冯其庸、钱理群、林非、谢冕等学术界的大学者的广泛参与和指导,中学鲁迅作品的选编就更加科学化与学理化。杂文的数量在减少,小说与散文的数量在增加。注重学生人文性的培养和文化底蕴的熏陶,唤醒人的独立精神的存在。因为社会政治文化的发展已进入了和谐发展阶段,需要反思人性,“以人为本”成为当今政治文化发展的主流。结语部分综合归结鲁迅文学和鲁迅思想并置交融的现代性意义。随着市场经济的全面展开,社会物质和经济条件得到改善,素质教育的有效实施,科技知识的全面普及,中学鲁迅作品教学越来越趋向人文化和专业化。但伴随市场经济的深入发展,个人竞争的日渐加重,学校片面的追求升学率,以达到学校利益的最大化,因而,学生成了考试的机器。学校在重视学生的智育发展的同时,完全忽视了对学生的全面教育。不扭转当今的以功利为目的的教育手段,就无以达到“人的现代性”,学生的全面发展就会受到阻碍,提倡学习鲁迅文学和鲁迅思想的意义就是提升人的全面发展观。因此有必要对中学生进行启蒙主义教育。启蒙思想应当从基础教育开始,提倡人文精神,以人为本,充分发挥人的创造精神和批判精神,由于社会政治意识形态的束缚,课堂权威话语的拘谨,教师自身的局限,使新一轮启蒙困难重重,但伴随社会经济市场化,政治文明的倡导,语文教改的进行,无疑给启蒙主义的教育带来希望。将中学鲁迅作品置于当时的历史文化语境中,复原鲁迅文本的真实意义是比较困难的,我们现在所做的只不过都是在接近鲁迅本体并丰富鲁迅本体。因而不同时代,不同历史文化语境中因阐释者因情势而构建的鲁迅作品的意义是不同的。

【Abstract】 “Teaching books embody the political cultures of an era best, especially the content about humanities. They are windows, where we can find that how the political cultures changes public’s behaviors and customs.”1Teaching books reflect the political cultures of a country comprehensively. They are important embodiments of the literature creative works of a period and also the refraction of the social reading psychology and aesthetic judgments. They provide a classical readings for us by which we can grasp the cultural spirit and sequence of ideas of an era.The reverberation, comments, arguments and research toward Lu Xun’s works lasted for half of a century. We can also feel the temperature and breathe of that century when we read his works in the middle school Chinese books. After a general survey, we can find clearly that Lu Xun’s works are chosen into Chinese books of the middle schools though the edition and times are different. Furthermore, the important position of his works in Chinese books of the middle schools can not be challenged by any other writers, including Hu Shi, Zhou Zuoren, Xu Zhimo, Lin Yutang and so on. Although the teaching anthology in the period of the Republic of China chose their works a lot, and the number of them even surpass Lu Xun’s, there is no continuity in modern teaching books,even including Sun Zhongshan and Mao Zedong’s works. However, Lu Xun never and ever disappeared from the history of Chinese teaching anthology. It shows a fact that the historical position of Lu Xun’s works in Chinese teaching materials of middle schools is eternal and immovable.Nevertheless, there are also a great deal of overstated comments and criticism. As Chen Duxiu notes:“Before getting closed to the political party, about 16 or 17 years after the establishment of the Republic of China, he was cursed worthless by the members of this party; as he got closed to it, he was commented so high still by them. It seems that Lu Xun used to be a dog and at present a god. I do think the real Lu Xun is neither a god nor a god. He is actually a man who has talents in literature.”2 This is Chen’s contribution. After 50 years, the Lu Xun studies circled back to Chen’s point of view. It is true that there are really too few periods that take Lu Xun as a real man. In the history of Lu Xun acceptance, as Sun Yushi said,“there has always been a contradictory process between super-secular consecration and anti-consecrated secularization.”3 The acceptance and explanations toward Lu Xun’s works in the middle schools used to be and actually are on the road of“super-secular consecration”. However, Lu Xun is not so detached and pure beyond this world. In contrast, he is lonely and at a loss within the literature world:“A remained soldier between two states,carrying the halbed lonely and puzzeledly”.Reviewing the history, there are a lot of spaces for us to explain Lu Xun no matter he is taken as a“god”or as“a man’s uniqueness and specialty”. Here I just want to get close to Lu Xun in a more direct way, which means that I will put the emphasis on Lu Xun and his works in the field of middle school. It is the visual angle of my thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to make the explanations back to the scene of that era. The thesis’core is the works of Lu Xun in the anthology of Chinese teaching materials of middle schools around the period of the establishment of PRC (most of the anthology after the establishment of PRC are from People Education Press). The academic base is the historical materials of acceptance and explanations’, which are from literature critics, the editors of teaching books and those Chinese teachers. From the point of aesthetics, I will card Lu Xun’s works since they were accepted into Chinese books in middle schools until the early 21th century-the acceptance state of Lu Xun’s works in middle schools for 80 or more years, and at the same time, research the historical development orbit of acceptance toward his works. I will show the historical life and art charm with dynamic state. By this way, we can find the cultural ideology and aesthetic judgments which are reflected by the acceptance history of Lu Xun’s works in middle schools, and at the same time, clarify the basic acceptance process in different periods and discuss how the teachers and students in middle schools could make a correct view toward Lu Xun. I try to find a firm Archimedes Point beyond the anthology of the historical materials by which we can find the relative contents with the anthology of his works in middle schools. It means that I will ,through external research, narrate the original ecological and historical culture context of his works‘acceptance from political culture point of view, reveal the complex internal relationship between the anthology of his works and political cultures at that time, and definite the contribution of his works upon the construction of this modern state nation. They are also the relative problems of this thesis.There are three parts in this thesis: Preface, Content and Conclusion.The Preface briefly the reasons of choosing this topic, the research target, the research methods and the creative points of this thesis. From the view of Chinese teaching books anthology of middle schools, under the context background of acceptance history, I try to measure the depth and culture trends of his works in middle schools, and at the same time, show the characteristics of different times by narrating the exaggeration, extension and distortion of his works during the process of acceptance. We can understand that century better and keep a continuous dialogue with it by his characters which have touched millions of people. It is also the wish of this thesis.Lu Xun’s works in middle school are respected by the people at present and some of them go into daily life becoming popular vocabulary. Let’s make his works’acceptance as a coordinate and review the developments of Chinese contemporary culture and literature. By this way, we can find that when Chinese scholars learn to be spiritually independent there are lots of internal cognition logic, thinking models, internal dynamic, academic models and the changing reasons of all of them. Taking Lu Xun spirit as the best quality of contemporary scholars is not merely a kind of academic behavior, it is also their spirit choice. However, as his works are teaching in the middle schools there are too much criticism which makes them full of wounds. At present, the common problems for its acceptance are the lagging ideas of the editors and teachers in teaching targets, and the limitation of social politics and cultures. They all make most of the public dislike Lu Xun habitually. When we regret that past acceptance of his works did not attract students’interest we are also afraid that this acceptance cannot provide them confidence at present and in the future. Therefore, we must strength and inherit the original Lu Xun Literature and maintain its position as well as its influence. Make Chinese class back to Chinese itself, arouse people’s expectation toward unknowable world, and meet the purpose of“making a man”. It is also a practical and meaningful work.However, the political culture in different periods affects the anthology a lot. There are some relationships between them: when the social political economy and culture system are relatively stable the anthology will also keep stable, even if there is adjustment they must be a simple one; when there are great transformations and economy develops far behind there will be more adjustments, changes even deletion and revision. Therefore, Lu Xun’s works in Chinese books of middle schools become a barometer of the times. The anthology changes as soon as social model changes. No matter before the establishment of the PRC or after it, therefore, the anthology of Lu Xun’s works is still a narrator and an expresser of politics, economy, ideology and culture at that time. It connects with the social development with the meaning of“coordination”and“identical constitution”. It shows that, on one hand, his works are really complex, and on the other, his thinking is made toward future.There are altogether five chapters. The first chapter illustrates how Lu Xun’s literary works enter into the middle school textbooks, how the literary world and the educational world accept and explain Lu Xun’s literary works, and how the politic culture and psychological construction of the compilers influence the selection of Lu Xun’s works for middle schools. Through the classification of materials of Lu Xun’s works for middle schools in the Republic of China, obviously we can see that most compilations of Lu Xun’s works for middle schools in the Republic of China concentrate on his novels and prose, junior middle schools have more passages than senior middle schools do, one main feature of the compilations for textbooks is subjective prejudice. However, for the quantities of the compilations, Lu Xun’s works are not as good as Zhou Zuoren’s and Hu Shi’s. The selection is only a part of a piece of literary work without any explanation below the passage. The exercises after class did not appear until the end of the Republic of China, in the library of Beijing Normal University we could only find five teaching guidance materials, which mainly emphasize on the literary narration. However, quite differently from this, there are obviously more essays in middle school Chinese textbooks in liberation area after 1940s, and in the process of selecting the materials we could perceive some kind of Mao Zedong’s ideas, which remind people of signals’control for human beings in a natural way. Although the middle school Chinese textbooks in liberation area are careless creative, they provide examples for middle school Chinese textbooks construction after the founding of state. Upon the acceptance and illustration of Lu Xun’s works for middle schools, Mao’s Lu Xun theory surpasses all the previous Lu Xun’s theories and improves the Chinese nation’s realization of Lu Xun.The second chapter emphasizes on the reselection of Lu Xun’s literary works during the seventeen years after the founding of state. The number of essays gets much bigger than before the liberation. Compared with Lu Xun’s other works, essays have a more serious influence on Chinese people’s spiritual life, most of Lu Xun’s famous words come from his essays. However, the compilations emphasize on politics and concentrate mainly on class struggle with a profound political cultural background. The compilations obviously can not become models for middle school Chinese teaching materials. The textbooks and compilers have serious political inclination for understanding Lu Xun’s literary works thus to some extent envolopping the true meaning of Lu Xun’s works. It is embodied in the following aspects: after the founding of the state, all news media, artistic production and theoretical analysis and discussion hold the absolute attitude to criticize or praise. Think about it, if the society only has one idea or one voice people’s rigid thought would become ignorant and backward, at the same time losing the value of human being. This is the definite result caused by long-time thought restrain.The third chapter mainly analyzes the compilations of Lu Xun’s literary works in the culture reform period. During that period the middle school Chinese textbooks are controlled by Four People, People Education Press does not publish national united textbooks. This chapter mainly takes the textbooks published by Beijing and Jilin province as cores to know clearly the national acceptance of Lu Xun’s literary works in middle schools. Beijing is the political and cultural core of the whole nation, in order to match with the wrong history process in the culture reform period and class struggle, middle school Chinese textbooks become the tools for seizing political power, Lu Xun is the largest puppet. At the beginning of the culture reform, Lu Xun’s articles had been swept away from Chinese classes in middle schools for Lu Xun’s literary thought did not match with the struggle circumstance at that time. Two years later, the complications increase, and the complications of essays step on the top of Lu Xun’s articles selected in the Chinese textbooks history. During the culture reform period, the illustrators of Lu Xun’s works for teaching textbooks hold a serious political and vulgar attitude to distort or deform Lu Xun’s articles. The main reason for this lies in the influence from politics thus the meaning being totally deviate from Lu Xun’s thought itself to make Lu Xun a political puppet, an absolute tool. However, we feel relieved to see that Mr. Li Helin published a book during that period which called a lot of attention in literary world. This book plays an important role in spreading Lu Xun’s works and culture. With its strong practicality this book helps people to go into a new page in acceptance of Lu Xun’s literary works.The fourth chapter illustrates the complications from 1978 to 2000 are relieved from“politics upon everything”. This directly concerns about the initiate from the literary world, of course the social transformation is the critical element. The number of complications still increases, reaching the top of Lu Xun’s articles in Chinese textbooks for middle schools. During the process different types of literature may be maintained the same rate as before, deleting some inappropriate essays as well, because these essays are used by Four People with a complicated meaning and they are not in need for political culture. We could see a good situation for compiling textbooks for middle schools in the new period: various types and materials, clear emphasis for studying. However, the compilers in the new period do not completely release from the political and cultural context of the culture reform, the materials are still deeply engraved with culture reform. The ideology expressed by Lu Xun’s articles for middle schools seriously blocks the inherence of Lu Xun’s literature, reavealing that the teaching systems for Lu Xun’s literature become very rigid and stiff. The acceptance and illustration for Lu Xun’s literary works has encountered a great change. The postmodernism eliminates all authorities, including Lu Xun.The fifth chapter discusses those great breakthroughs of Lu Xun’s anthology in the middle schools Lu Xun’s in the new era (after the year of 2000). Facing the multi=culture, the teaching textbooks deleted his articles for arguments, especially those essays in the period of combating with old scholars. In contrast, the articles of Lu Xun’s“enemies”appeared in it, including the works of Hu Shi, Xu Zhimo, Liang Qiushi and so on. Some of these works even in the same union with Lu Xun’s works. This selecting way makes me think of“people in the May Fourth Movement”. Lu Xun’s anthology in the new edition (the 8th edition of People Education Press) became more scientific and theoretical because of those great scholars’participation and guild, such as Yuan Xingpei, Feng Qiyong, Qian Liqun, Lin Fei, Xie Mian and so on. There are less essays and more novels and prose. They emphasis on fostering students’humanities nature and cultivating their cultural foundation in order to arouse their independent spirit. Since the contemporary political culture has been in the stage of harmonious development which needs rethink the human nature ,“take man as the substance”become the mainstream of contemporary political culture development.The Conclusion concludes the modern meaning of Lu Xun Literature and his ideology. Since the market economy system developed comprehensively, social conditions changed to be better, compulsory education operated effectively, and scientific knowledge became popularized, Lu Xun works teaching tends to be more and more humanity and specialization. However, as the market economy develops more and more deeply, the competition becomes sharper and sharper. Some schools pursue the proportion of students entering higher school unilaterally in order to get the maximum benefits. It makes the students become a machine of exams. They neglect the comprehensive education as emphasizing intelligence development. If we cannot change this utilitarian education intent we will never meet the“people’s modern nature”. The comprehensive development of students will be blocked wither. The meaning of learning Lu Xun Literature and his ideology is to improve people’s thoughts of comprehensive development. Therefore, it is necessary to provide enlightenment education to the students, beginning with basic education. We should advocate humanism and insist human-centered thinking. At the same time, we should elaborate the creative spirit and critic spirit. There are full of handicaps in developing enlightenment education because there are restraints of social political ideology, limitation of authority in the class and confinement of the teachers. Nevertheless, there is hope because of market economy, initiation of political civilization and Chinese teaching reform. It is hard to relocate Lu Xun’s articles into historical culture context at his time, and at the same time, rehabilitate the real meaning of his works. Therefore, the meaning of his works that different people explain is different due to the variable times and historical culture contexts.


