

Moves Towards the Harmony: Person and Natural Dual Variation

【作者】 吴景明

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 论文以西方生态批评为理论基础,以生态视角全方位审视中国文学,特别是中国现当代文学,对中国现当代文学中蕴涵的生态文学意识进行梳理、挖掘,探讨生态意识的发展流变并对生态文学未来发展进行指导。论文主体分为绪论、导论、上篇、中篇、下篇五部分。绪论:论文缘起。阐明了选题依据及研究目的,论题的国内外研究现状,研究方法及创新之处,全面总结和梳理了关于生态文学理论及中国生态文学的研究现状,指出了其中存在的问题及不足,为论文研究确立了目标及突破点。在研究方法上,论文力图以西方生态文学、生态批评理论为切入点,对中国现当代文学中人与自然关系进行深入的文本分析,考察近百年来生态意识在中国文学作品中的发展、流变,明晰地梳理中国现当代生态文学的发展线索并力图在理论探讨上指导生态文学创作,为促进自然、社会、人的精神世界三重生态的和谐发展进行努力。导论:生态文学与生态批评的发展。指出20世纪日益严重的生态危机是生态文学兴起的现实背景,而生态危机引起的人类对文明的自我反思是生态文化产生的前提。生态文学是对生态文化的文学阐释,是生态文化的有机组成部分。廓清了生态文学的定义及特征,并对生态文学的伦理价值诉求及精神线索进行了阐释。介绍了纷纭流布的生态批评观及正在形成的中国生态批评潮流,并对生态批评从有限边缘地位到普遍主义的实践进行了全面论述。上篇:生态文学的潜流:中国现代文学中的自然与人。从自然作为复杂的情感寄托(自然与真挚的爱情;自然与眷眷的乡情;美学追求与社会理想);自然作为深刻的哲学思考(自然作为存在的现实;自然作为存在的镜像);自然作为终极的灵魂归宿(废名的自然人性追寻;孙犁的白洋淀人性凝望;郁达夫的自然人性升华;沈从文的人性乌托邦)三个方面结合文学史上重要作家、文学现象进行了深入、细致的文本分析。指出尽管“启蒙”、“救亡”和“翻身”是中国现代文学的主流,但在部分作家作品中还有一条潜在的线索——关注人与自然,思考人与自然的存在状态和价值关系。从这条线索审视现代文学,“自然”作为具有独立价值的存在,在现代作家的笔下呈现出不同的文化景观和审美追求,这种自然文化追求和思考为当代生态文学的产生准备了条件。中篇:中国当代文学的多元生态景观。从先声:从知青文学到寻根文学(当代文学“自然”主题的演进;知青文学:“自然”的发现与回归;寻根文学:传统文化的自然遗风与现代性批判);批判:展示生态危机——生态文学的发轫期(自然生态系统危机的展示;人性生态系统失衡的体现;文化生态系统恶化的隐忧)反思:找寻问题根源——生态文学的发展期(对人类中心主义的反思和批判;从人类社会伦理到自然生态伦理);建构:共存共荣的生态境界——生态文学的探索期(建构美好的生态家园;建构人·自然·社会和谐的生活图景;建构精神世界的生态信仰)四个方面全面阐述当代生态文学的发展阶段、各阶段的特征及代表作家作品,并结合经典生态诗歌、小说、散文、戏剧进行文本分析,特别是关于生态文学对唯经济发展观和科学技术决定论的质疑以及从人类中心主义到生态中心主义的转变论述得较为全面。下篇:生态文学的发展现状及不足。从生态文学的理论探索及研究现状(生态文学内涵日益明晰;创作和研究阵地正不断扩大;相关理论译著成果日益丰厚;有影响的学术文章越来越多);生态文学创作的不足(展示生态危机与文化批判的不足;环境意识的淡漠与创作观念的一味批判;生态文学作品的艺术品味亟待提高;中国哲学生态思想研究的匮乏;生态文学批评的浮光掠影)两个方面结合上述生态文学作品创作实践进行理论探索,意在指导创作实践,丰富生态文学理论,促进中国生态文学创作的繁荣。结语:朝向无尽心灵家园的生态乌托邦。生态文学是对生态危机的积极回应,它与人类生存及未来命运息息相关,因此,不仅是文学问题,更是社会问题、文化问题、生存方式问题,说到底是一个信仰问题。在中国这样一个现代化加速发展,生态危机日益凸显,又缺少宗教信仰的国度,只有每个国人建立生态信仰才能从根本上解决自然与人的和谐问题,建立自然与人和谐共存、共荣的生态社会。生态乌托邦根植于人类心灵的信仰与渴望,为此,人类必须进行不懈的努力……生态文学的现实触发点是全球日益严重的生态危机问题,正是对生态危机的深切感悟才催生了生态文学,但生态文学又不仅仅是为了生态而生态,它还涉及到思想文化批判问题,生态危机并不可怕,可怕的是造成生态危机的思想和文化模式,这才是生态文学的真正出发点。人类已经经历了以向自然索取发展自身文明的三种方式:渔猎文明、农耕文明、工业文明,正向人与自然和谐共存的生态文明迈进,而生态文学做为生态文化、生态文明的文学阐释,作用于人的精神,唤起观众的生态意识,对改善我们的生态现状、生态环境将起到潜移默化的作用。虽然生态文学繁荣的时代还没有到来,但我们可以相信已经为时不晚了。

【Abstract】 The paper take the western ecology criticism as the rationale,omni-directional carefully examines the Chinese literature by theecology angle of view, specially the Chinese present present ageliterature, the ecology literature consciousness which will contain tothe Chinese present present age literature in carries on combs, theexcavation, the discussion ecology consciousness development changesand future develops to the ecology literature carries on theinstruction. The paper main body divides into the introduction, theintroductory remarks, previous, medium-length, the next five parts.Introduction partial: Had expounded the selected topic rests on andstudies the goal, the thesis domestic and foreign research presentsituation, the research technique and the innovation place, thecomprehensive summary and combed has concerned the Chinese ecologyliterature about the ecology literature principle the research presentsituation, had pointed out existence question and the insufficiency,have established the goal and the breakthrough point for the paperresearch. In the research technique, the paper tries hard take thewestern ecology literature, the ecology criticism theory as to cutinto the spot, the person and the nature relations carries on thethorough text analysis to the Chinese present present age literaturein, will inspect the nearly 100 years next life conditionconsciousness in the China literary work development, changes, definedwill comb the Chinese present present age ecology literature thedevelopment clue and tries hard in the theory discussion theinstruction ecology literature creation, for will promote the nature,social, person’s inner world tertiary ecology harmonious developmentto carry on diligently.Introductory remarks: Ecology literature origin and development.Pointed out 20th century serious ecology crisis is the realisticbackground day by day which the ecology literature emerges, but theecology crisis causes the humanity to civilized self- reconsidering isa premise which the ecologically-conscious culture produces. Theecology article is to the ecology article literature explanation, isthe ecologically-conscious culture organic constituent. Has cleaned upthe ecology literature definition and the characteristic, and hascarried on the explanation to the ecology literature ethics valuedemand and the philosophy foundation.Previous: The ecology literature dives the class, to in Chinese modernliterature nature and person. Takes complex emotion reposing from thenature (the nature and the sincere love; Nature and sincere nostalgia;Esthetics pursue and the society are ideal); The nature took theprofound philosophy pondered (the nature takes the existence thereality; The nature takes the existence the mirror image); The naturetook the ultimate soul home to return to (the waste natural humannature tracks down; Sun Li Baiyang Marsh human nature stares; YuDafu’s natural human nature sublimation; Shen Congwen’s human natureUtopia) three aspects unified in the history of literature theimportant writer, the literature phenomenon have thoroughly carried onthoroughly, the careful text analysis. Pointed out although theinitiation, saves the nation from subjugation and stands up fromfailure is the Chinese modern literature mainstream, but also has alatent clue in the partial writers work - to pay attention to theperson and the nature, ponders the person and the natural existencecondition and the value relations. Carefully examines in the modernliterature from this clue "the nature", the achievement has theindependent value the existence, presents the different culturallandscape and the esthetic pursue in the modern writer’s writing, thiskind of natural cultural pursue and the ponder has prepared thecondition for the contemporary ecology literature production.Medium-length: Chinese present age literature many Yuan ecologylandscape. From Prelude: To inquires into the literature from theeducated youth literature (the contemporary literature "the nature"the subject evolution; Educated youth literature: "Nature" discoveryand return; Inquires into the literature: Traditional culture naturalcustoms handed down from the past and modern critique); Critique:Demonstrated the ecology crisis - ecology literature commences aventure the time (the natural ecosystem crisis demonstration; Humannature ecosystem unbalanced manifesting; The culture ecosystem worsensthe concealed worry) reconsiders: Pursues the question root - ecologyliterature to send the exhibition period (to human center principlereconsidering and the critique; From human society ethics to naturalecology ethics); Constructs the construction: The coexistent co-prosperity ecologyboundary - ecology literature exploration time (constructs theconstruction happy ecology homeland; Constructs constructs the personnatural society harmonious life prospect; Constructs the constructioninner world the ecology belief) four aspects comprehensively toelaborate the contemporary ecology literature development phase,various stages characteristic and represents the writer work, and theunion classical ecology poetry, the novel, the prose, the play carryon the text analysis, specially elaborates about the ecologyliterature to only economical development view and the science andtechnology determinism question as well as from the human centerprinciple to the ecology center principle transformation profoundly.Next: Ecology literature development present situation andinsufficiency. (The ecology literature connotation is day by daydefined from the ecology literature theory exploration and theresearch present situation; The ecology literature creates and studiesthe position unceasingly to expand; The related theory translationachievement is day by day rich; Are more and more many compared withthe influential academic article); The ecology literature creationinsufficiency (the demonstration ecology crisis with lacks thethorough discussion and the cultural critique insufficiency; Thecreation idea constantly critique and the writer cannot persevere tothe environment question; Ecology literary work art savors urgentlyawaits to enhance; The fundamental research lag, lacks the Chinesephilosophy tradition ecology thought the research with to inherit; Theecology criticism has not obtained enough takes, has not formed theclimate in the literary arena) two aspects to unify the above ecologyliterary work creation practice to carry on the theory exploration,intends to the instruction creation practice, the rich ecologyliterature theory, promotes the Chinese ecology literature creationprosperity.Conclusion: Faces the inexhaustible mind homeland the ecology Utopia.The ecology literature is to the ecology crisis positive response, itwill be closely linked with the human survival and the future destiny,therefore, not only will be the literature question, will be thesocial question, the cultural question, the survival way question,said will be a belief question. Accelerates in Chinese this kind ofmodernization to develop, the ecology crisis day by day appears, alsolacks the religious belief the state, only has each people toestablish the ecology belief to be able fundamentally to solve thenature and person’s harmonious question, establishes the nature andthe person harmoniously coexists, the co-prosperity ecology society.The ecology Utopia is rooted in to the human mind belief and the hope,for this, the humanity must carry on unremittingly diligently... ...The ecology literature reality triggers the spot is the global day byday serious ecology crisis question, was precisely has only thenexpedited the ecology literature to ecology crisis sincerereconsidering, but the ecology literature not merely was for theecology but the ecology, it also involved to the thought culturecritique question, the ecology crisis is not certainly fearful, iscreates the ecology crisis which was fearful the thought and thecultural pattern, now at last was the ecology literature genuinestarting point. The humanity already experienced by has demanded tothe nature develops own civilized three ways: The hunting and fishingcivilization, the agriculture plough the civilization, the industrycivilization, makes great strides forward to the person and the natureharmonious coexistence ecology civilization, but the ecologyliterature does for the ecologically-conscious culture, the ecologycivilization literature explanation, role Yu Ren’s spirit, arousesaudience’s ecology consciousness, to improves the function which ourecology present situation, the ecological environment will playinfluences subtly. Although the ecology literature prospers the timehas not arrived, but we may believe already lasts is not late.


