

Location Factor and Territorial Organization of Urban Cultural Industry

【作者】 王伟年

【导师】 张平宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高,休闲时间增加及大力发展第三产业的提出,文化产业的发展将成为城市新的产业选择方向。城市文化产业是一个集中代表了现代经济、社会和文化发展的全球性趋势的新兴产业,它在西方发达国家社会经济发展中所占据的地位越来越重要,并成长为这些国家最具活力的经济部门及重要支柱产业。由于我国文化产业发展起步晚,相关的理论研究也显滞后,而文化产业涉及到众多庞杂的部门行业,需要从不同学科角度对其加以指导。本文运用地理学、文化学、经济学的理论与方法,对城市文化产业的区位因素进行了系统分析,并探讨了城市文化产业的地域组织问题。全文主体由四大部分组成。第一部分主要是对研究背景、相关概念和基础理论的阐述,为城市文化产业的区位因素和地域组织研究进行理论铺垫,包括第一章和第二章。第一章首先阐述了论文的选题依据,其次对国内外从地理学角度对文化产业的研究进行了综述和评价。基于地理学角度的文化产业研究,国外在文化经济定义、文化产业集群、文化产业区位、文化政策、文化经济发展模式等方面已有研究成果,而国内的研究才刚刚萌芽。第二章在有关概念方面介绍了文化、文化产业、创意产业的内涵,并对为大多数人较易混淆的文化产业与创意产业两个概念进行了辨析:创意产业是文化产业的高端,是文化产业发展到新阶段的产物。理论部分则着重阐释了文化学、区位论、产业集群相关基础理论。第二部分主要是对城市文化产业的区位因素和地域组织的理论研究,是论文的重点,包括第三章和第四章。第三章针对城市文化产业的特征及发展趋势,运用区位论原理,对城市文化产业区位的影响因素进行了较为深入系统的分析。论文认为城市文化产业区位的影响因素主要是地域文化因素、资本因素、制度因素、人力资源因素、技术因素、市场因素。第四章则对城市文化产业两种重要的地域组织形式城市文化产业园区和文化产业带进行了理论探讨。对城市文化产业园区,首先从概念、特征、类型等方面分析了城市文化产业园区的内涵,进而从形成机理、构成要件、形成发展模式、政府的作用等方面探讨了城市文化产业园区的形成,最后对如何布局规划一个文化产业园区构建了一个框架体系:应从发展目标与定位、规划原则、区位选择、项目规划、保障体系等方面着手。对文化产业带的研究,则探讨了其内涵、形成、功能、构成,及我国三大文化产业带环渤海文化产业带、长江三角洲文化产业带、珠江三角洲文化产业带的发展情况。第三部分是理论应用研究。论文以沈阳为例,对城市文化产业的区位因素和地域组织进行了实证研究。文章认为,由于区域中心城市发展、老工业基地改造、建立创新型城市的需要,文化产业将成为沈阳的重要产业。在对沈阳城市文化产业区位条件分析的基础上,从战略、文化产业结构、文化产业品牌方面研究了沈阳城市文化产业发展定位,确定了其以文艺演出、图书出版印刷及发行、影视业、大众娱乐业为核心层,文博旅游、艺术培训业、会展业为外围层,以文化服务业为相关层的文化产业结构。并进一步探讨了沈阳中心城区文化产业地域组织形式,发展两条文化产业带,建设四个文化产业园区。最后提出了沈阳文化产业发展的对策建议:加强文化产业人才的建设、培育文化消费市场、促进信息技术在文化产业中的应用、建立国有、社会民间、境外多渠道的投融资格局。第四部分为结论。对论文的主要论点进行了总结,并提出了论文的创新点和不足之处。

【Abstract】 With people’s living condition improving,leisure time increasing and developing tertiary industry vigorously being put forward,cultural industry will be a new direction for a city’s development.Urban cultural industry is a newly-emerging industry representing the global trend of modern economic,social and cultural development,which occupies an increasingly important position in socio-economic development in Western developed countries and becomes a pillar industry in these countries.Since cultural industry started late in China, relative theoretical research has significantly lagged behind.While cultural industry relates to various industries,it requires guidance from different disciplines.Adopting geographical, cultural,economic theory,this article attempts to analyze location factors of urban cultural industry systematically and explores territorial organizations of urban cultural industry.The full text includes four parts.The first part mainly explains the research background,relevant concepts and basic theories,which provides a theoretical groundwork for researching the location factor and territorial organizations of urban cultural industries,including Chapters I and II.The first chapter begins with stating the basis for selection of papers;then it summarizes and evaluates the cultural industry research from the perspective of geography.It has had some research results in foreign countries in cultural economic definition,cultural industry clusters,cultural industry location,and cultural policy and cultural economic development model,while research is just budding in our courtry.The second chapter describes the concept of culture, cultural industries,creative industries and relevant theories of culture,location theory, industrial cluster theory.The second part deals with the theoretical issues of location factors and territorial organizations of urban cultural industries,which is the focus of the thesis,including Chapters III and IV.Chapter III analyzes the influential factors of urban cultural industries location thoroughly and systematically.The article holds that the mainly influential factors are regional cultural factors,capital factors,institutional factors,human resources,technology and market factors.Chapter IV discusses theories of two important territorial organization forms of cultural industries.As to urban cultural industry quarter,The paper firstly analyzes some concepts,characteristics and types.After that,it explores its formation from formation mechanism,constitute elements,formation and development model and the role of government. Finally,it constructs a framework on how to plan an urban cultural industry quarter including development goals and positioning,planning principles,location selection,project planning and security system.With regard to cultural industry belt,The article discusses its content,form, function,composition,and the developments of three major cultural industry belt in our country:Bohai cultural industrial belts,Yangtze River Delta Cultural industrial belt,Pearl River Delta cultural industrial belt.The third part is a research on theoretical application.Taking Shenyang as an example,the paper engages empirical research on location factors and territorial organizations of urban cultural industry.The article insists that cultural industries will become an important industry in Shenyang for the needs of developing regional central city,transforming old industrial base, and building a creative city.Based on the analysis of location conditions of urban cultural industry in Shenyang,the paper studies the development position of urban cultural industry in Shenyang from strategy,cultural industry structure and cultural industries brand.Then it further explores the territorial organizations form of urban cultural industry of the center zone in Shenyang.Finally,the article puts forward some advice:enhancing the construction of culture industry talented persons,cultivating culture consumption market,promoting the application of information technology in cultural industry,establishing multi-channel structure for investing and financing.The fourth Part is a conclusion,which summarizes the main points and advances innovations and deficiencies in the thesis.


