

The Effect of Home Environment on Preschool Children’s School Readiness

【作者】 孙蕾

【导师】 张向葵;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 儿童入学准备是近年来研究中的一个热点问题。儿童入学准备是指学龄前儿童为了能够从即将开始的正规学校教育中受益所需要具备的各种关键特征或基础条件。入学准备研究对于存在潜在发展风险之儿童的早期识别和及时干预具有重要价值。本研究采用问卷法和访谈法等,从定量和定性相结合的研究视角,重点考察了家庭环境对儿童入学准备的影响。本文的研究内容主要包括以下六个部分:第一部分文献综述。研究者对儿童入学准备概念的界定、相关理论、入学准备的测量、国外有关家庭环境对儿童入学准备的影响研究,以及国内儿童入学准备研究现状进行了系统、全面的梳理分析。第二部分问题提出。研究者在分析了以往研究存在的问题的基础上,提出了本研究的总体研究构想、要解决的问题和具体研究方案。同时还阐述了本研究将采用的测量方法和研究思路,指出了本研究结果的理论价值和实践意义。第三部分儿童入学准备测量工具的开发。根据美国国家教育目标委员会(NEGP)提出的儿童入学准备领域模型,从身体和运动发展、情绪和社会性发展、言语发展、学习方式、认知和一般知识基础五个维度,编制儿童入学准备系列测评工具(SRTB)并进行施测。结果表明:测验具有理想的难度与区分度、较好的信效度,具有方便使用、结构合理的特点,可以进一步用于中国4-7岁儿童入学准备状态的测量,并及早识别入学准备程度不同的儿童。第四部分儿童入学准备的家庭影响因素研究。从家庭资源系统和家庭教养活动系统两个方面,系统考察了家庭环境各因素对儿童入学准备的影响。研究发现:家庭资源系统中:父母职业、教育程度、父母年龄、家长自身特长等方面对儿童入学准备具有显著影响。家庭教养活动系统中:家长主动给孩子讲解自然知识或科学常识、家长经常带孩子观看演出、体育比赛、电影等活动、孩子独立性、某些方面的父亲参与等方面家庭教养活动对儿童入学准备具有显著影响。第五部分高入学准备儿童家庭环境的质化研究。研究通过对高入学准备儿童的家长进行个别访谈,探讨了高入学准备儿童获得良好的发展的原因,分析高入学准备儿童的家庭环境特征,进一步挖掘促进儿童入学准备的家庭有利因素。丰富了已有的儿童入学准备的家庭影响因素研究,为促进儿童入学准备的家庭教育实践提供可借鉴的理论参考和实践指导。第六部分讨论与反思。研究者在结合本研究文献分析的基础上,综合讨论和深入分析了家庭环境各因素对儿童入学准备的影响、促进儿童发展的家庭有利因素等问题,并在此基础上对本研究的结果、研究的过程和研究的手段进行了全面的讨论和反思。在论文的最后,研究者就未来关于儿童入学准备的研究的发展趋向进行了大胆的预期和展望。纵观本研究的整个过程,研究者突破了国内已有的有关儿童“幼小衔接”研究的局限,从全新的理论视角对儿童入学准备的问题进行了探索性研究。编制了适用于中国儿童的入学准备测量工具,对儿童入学准备的家庭影响因素进行了系统的考察和深刻的剖析,并对开展促进儿童入学准备的家庭教育实践提出了建设性的建议。本研究的结果为国内有关儿童入学准备问题的探讨提供了有力的理论依据和实践指导,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Of late years, the research on school readiness for children is a hot topic in the field of abroad developmental psychology. School Readiness is the key features necessary needed by children to benefit from the incoming formal school education. The research on this topic will be of great value to early recognition and timely intervention for children at potential risk in their development. Methods uesd in this research included Questionnaire Survey and Interviewing Method etc. From the angle of quantitative study combined with qualitative study, we mainly examined the effect of home environment on preschool children’s school readiness.The study of the dissertation included six sections as follow:The first part was literature summary. Subsequently this paper had a systemic and overall analysis to respectively the boundary of the conception of school readiness, some correlative theories, measuring of school readiness, the abroad researches regarding to the effect of home environment on preschool children’s school readiness and the research status in China.The second part was question proposed. Through analyzing the problems existed in the process of past studies, the present study proposed the overall design of research, the specific problems to be resolved and specific research program. Meanwhile, the method of measurement the thoughts of study used in the process of the research were all put forward in the paper. Simultaneously, the theory value and practical significance of the results were shown clearly.The third part was the development of accessing tool of children’s school readiness. Preliminary conceptualizations of the dimensions were offered on School Readiness according to NEGP (National Education Goals Panel): "physical well-being and motor Development", "social and emotional development", "learning approach", "language development" and "cognition and general knowledge". School Ready Tool Box (SRTB) was developed and then used to do the assessment. The result indicated that assessment has not only got ideal difficulty and differentiation but has good reliability and validity. It’s also convenient to use and reasonably structured which can be used to assess the school readiness of children between 4 and 7 so as to identify those who differ in degree.The forth part was the research about the effects of family on children’s school readiness. From two aspects of family resource system and family naturing activity system, the research systematically examined the effect of different factors of home environment on preschool children’s school readiness. It showed two points as follow. Among the family resource system, parents’ profession, educational status, ages and long suits have significant effects on children’s school readiness. Among the family naturing activity system, explaining the Natural and Scientific Knowledge to children, frequently bringing them to watch the activities such as show, sports games and movies, children’s independence, father’s participating in certain aspects have significant effects on children’s school readiness.The fifth part was the qualitative research on home environment of children who have high school readiness. By the means of personal interview with their parents, we tried to find out what constitutes the reasons for the children who have better development, analyse the features of the home environment of children who have high school readiness so as to find out the favorable factors promoting children’s school readiness. It enriched existing researches on effects of family in children’s school readiness and also provided with referential theoretical reference and practical guidance in the hope of promoting family education practice of children’s school readiness.The sixth part was discussion and reconsideration. On the basis of history literature the researcher fully discussed and elucidated the effects of various factors of home environment on children’s school education and favorable factors of family that can promote children’s school readiness, on the basis of which, feature of self-esteem and determined factors. the result, process and measure of investigation were discussed and reconsidered comprehensive in this paper. In the end of this paper, the researcher made a bold forecast and expectation about the development trend of self-esteem study in the future.Above the whole process of research, the researcher broke through the limitation of research on "Ready For Primary School". Also she had an adventurous and innovatory study about children’s school readiness and developed the Test Box suitable for Chinese children, attempting research and exploring study. The author also put up a series of systemic survey and deep analysis and also brought forward the constructive points for carrying out practice of family education for promoting the children’s school readiness. The results of the research will provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the question of children’s school readiness in China, which had the important theory value and the realistic significance.

  • 【分类号】G610;G78
  • 【被引频次】53
  • 【下载频次】4809
  • 攻读期成果

