

【作者】 庞小霞

【导师】 张国硕;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 甲金文中的“井”作为地名、国名、族名含义时即文献中的“邢”字。本文将商周时期的邢都、邢国、邢氏、邢地等综合起来进行了多角度系统研究。商代的邢都和邢方国是指文献中祖乙所迁的邢都和甲金文中出现的井(邢)方。经过考证,文章认为商代邢都和井(邢)方的地望均在今河北的邢台市区一带。邢都性质为辅都,其设置是政治控制、军事指挥、经济发展、生态环境等多方面综合作用的结果。井(邢)方是商文化分布范围内对商王朝时叛时服的一个方国。武丁时期井(邢)方与商王室关系密切,作为武丁三个正室配偶之一的妇姘来自井(邢)方国。妇姘参与商王朝的农业生产、祭祀、战争等重要的经济、政治事务,受到商王的关注并有很高的社会地位。殷墟M260的墓主人可能就是此妇姘。此外论文还就商代邢台地区的农业、手工业、建筑业等社会经济发展的情况进行了研究。西周时期,文献记载分封了邢国,与此同时金文中还有井(邢)氏。文章首先就西周邢国分封的年代、地点、与北方戎狄的关系等问题作出考证。邢国于成王末年被分封在今天的河北邢台,地理位置重要,担当着保卫王朝北土、抵御戎狄侵犯的重任。河北元氏青铜遗存的发现表明邢国附近还有文献中所不见的軝国存在。邢、軝二国曾共同抵抗戎族的侵扰,这一戎族可能分布在邢台以西的太行山区,也可能来自邢台以北地区。从考古学文化来看,分布于燕山以南、河北中北部且年代上不晚于西周晚期的张家园上层文化或许和这支侵邢之戎有关系。接着文章又对西周井(邢)氏的墓葬、世系、族姓、居邑等进行了考查。在对张家坡井(邢)叔家族墓地及传世井(邢)氏铜器的统计分析的基础上可知井氏内部又分成井(邢)伯、井(邢)叔、井(邢)季三支。三支支系主要活动的时间不同,不能理解为简单的兄弟关系。铜器铭文中的井(邢)伯主要活动于穆王至懿王初年这段时间,地位显赫。铭文中井(邢)叔主要活动于懿、孝、夷时期,社会地位很高,在西周王朝中担任重要官职。井(邢)季一系可能是一般的贵族。井(邢)叔分为两支,一支居邑在西周“郑”地,即陕西凤翔一带。井(邢)叔另一支居于“丰”地,此“丰”就是丰京遗址,具体应该在丰京遗址内的张家坡一带。井伯(邢)和井(邢)季两支井(邢)氏分支的居邑待考。关于文献中的邢国和金文中井(邢)氏的关系,本文认为西周分封制度中很可能存在“元子就封于外,次子留相王室”的原则。邢国乃元子大宗一支,留相王室的小宗则形成世家大族井(邢)氏。东周时期,邢国被狄人所逼而迁都夷仪。本文在考证夷仪地望在山东聊城的基础上,进一步分析了邢国南迁后如何被卫所灭的历史真相。邢国旧都邢台在东周时仍称“邢”。论文对文献中记载的东周邢丘古城和邢国旧都邢邑的归属、重要的考古学遗迹等作了详细考察。论文的最后对全文的主要观点作了总结。

【Abstract】 The Xing (邢) in ancient document is the word of Jing (井) that means name of place, state and clan in the oracle and the bronzes inscription. On this basis, the dissertation is intended to sequentially analyze the capital of Xing, the state of Xing, the clan of Xing, the place of Xing in Shang and Western Zhou dynasty from many different aspects.The capital of Xing and the terra of Xing in Shang dynasty mean the capital moved by king of Zuyi and the Jingfang in the oracle and the bronzes inscription, which are located in the Xingtai city of Hebei province. The capital of Xing as the core of auxiliary capital is established because of many aspects, including the political control, military deployment, economic development, and ecological background. The Jingfang in the oracle is one of the most important states located in the culture of Shang, which betrays Shang dynasty but submits sometimes. In the period of the King Wuding, the Fujing (woman) form the Jingfang becomes one of his three wives and takes part in important affairs of the agriculture, sacrifice, war and so on. And the Fujing (woman) is impossible buried in the M260 In Yinxu.In Western Zhou dynasty, the enfeoffment of Xing state is recorded in ancient document, and the clan of Jing (邢) has emerged from the bronzes inscription. The dissertation firstly study the enfeoffing time, place, relation of Xing state, Rong (戎), and Di (狄) in north. As a result, the Xingtai city of Hebei province today is the place that Xing state was enfeoffed by the king of Wu to resist aggression of Rong(戎)and Di(狄)and safeguard the north of Western Zhou dynasty. By the bronzes unearthed at Yuanshi in Hebei province, there is a state named Zhi near to the Xing state, which is not recorded in ancient document And the Zhi state and Xing state resist aggression of Rong (戎) together. After that, the dissertation has discussed some burials, descendants, clan name, and settlement about the clan of Xing. According to analyzing the bronzes about clan of Jing (邢) and the clan cemetery of JingShu (邢叔) at Zhangjiapo, the clan of Jing (邢) are divided into JingBo(邢伯), JingShu(邢叔) and JingJi(邢季). The scope of activities about JingBo(邢伯) are from the King Mu to the early of King Yi. The scope of activities about JingShu (邢叔) are among the King Yi(懿), Xiao and Yi(夷) and assumes important office of Western Zhou dynasty. However, the JingJi(邢季) belong to some common nobles. The JingShu(邢叔) are divided into two branches of clan, and one in Zheng of Western Zhou dynasty, around today’s Fengxiang in Shanxi province, the other in Feng of Western Zhou dynasty, around today’s site of Fengjing. About the JingBo(邢伯) and JingJi(邢季), the branches of clan need to make further research. Then the dissertation gives a view that the eldest of Xing clan are given enfeoffment and become the state of Xing, while the junior are stayed in capital or environs of Western Zhou to assist the kings.In Eastern Zhou dynasty, the state of Xing is driven to move to the YIyi(夷仪) by the Di (狄). The dissertation invests the locality of YIyi(夷仪) and analyzes further the historical situation which the state of Xing is destroyed by the state of Wei. In addition, the dissertation study the ownership and archeological vestiges of the Xingqiu(邢丘.) and old Xing city in Eastern Zhou.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】K221
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】786

