

The Study on the Unification, Evolution and the Central Structrue of Blazars

【作者】 刘洪涛

【导师】 谢光中;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(云南天文台) , 天体物理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对活动星系核的基本特性、主要特征、观测结果和理论研究现状作了全面综述,特别是对活动星系核中性质最为特殊的blazar天体多波段能谱特征、统一与演化和理论模型进行了详细评述。同时,详细介绍了本人在攻读学位期间,对blazar天体的中心结构、中心黑洞质量、统一演化的研究工作和研究结果。主要研究工作和研究结果如下:(Ⅰ)、通过模型计算了高光度blazar天体宽线区产生的宽发射线和稀释黑体弥散辐射对高能伽马射线的吸收。首先计算了平谱射电类星体(FSRQs)中的伽马射线吸收,结果表明,如果伽马射线辐射区接近宽线区内半径,FSRQs中10-200 GeV的伽马射线不能逃逸出宽线区产生的这两种弥散辐射场。还计算了高频平谱射电类星体HFSRQ PKS 0405-123和经典类星体3C 279中的伽马射线吸收,计算结果表明,如果伽马射线辐射区接近宽线区内半径,PKS 0405-123中10-200 GeV的伽马射线不能逃逸出宽线区产生的这两种弥散辐射场,但3C 279中10 GeV附近的伽马射线有部分吸收,这与观测不符,其他部分的伽马射线则不能逃逸出宽线区的弥散辐射场。将模型计算结果与GLAST卫星将来的观测结果相比较,将能限制10-200 GeV伽马射线辐射区相对于BLR的位置和BLR的结构。(Ⅱ)、对一个样本进行了光学测光和分光观测,对比研究了Kerr黑洞最小光变时标法和反射成图法估算出的blazar天体中心黑洞的质量。这两种方法估算出的黑洞质量相差不超过一个数量级,反射成图法估算出的质量MBH系统地高于光学最小光变时标估算出的质量MH。MBH可能是宽线区以内的质量,而MH可能是光学连续谱辐射区以内的质量,所以黑洞质量MBH应该扣除宽线区到光学连续谱辐射区之间所有物质的质量。(Ⅲ)、我注意到宽发射线Hβ有双峰结构,并对双峰结构尝试给出了合理的解释,我还注意到巴耳末宽发射线可能存在引力红移,并尝试在双黑洞模型下来解释准周期性光学变暗和爆发、Hβ双峰结构、引力红移和喷流摆动。我还计算了双黑洞的引力辐射。由发射线引力红移估算出的主黑洞质量与反射成图法和最小光变时标法得到的结果基本相符。(Ⅳ)、FSRQs和BL Lac天体应该是同类天体,处在blazar天体不同的阶段,FRⅡBL Lac天体可能是介于FSRQs和FRⅠBL Lac天体之间的一个中间态,FRⅡBL Lac天体中心黑洞的自转可能高于FRⅠBL Lac天体中心黑洞的自转,FRⅠ和FRⅡBL Lac天体的母体可能分别是FRⅠ和FRⅡ(G)射电星系。全文共分六章,前两章是背景综述,后四章是研究工作部分。第一章介绍了活动星系核和、blazar天体的基本性质、主要特征及分类;第二章介绍现有各种活动星系核中心黑洞质量的估算方法;第三章介绍了有关高光度blazar天体中高能伽马射线和宽线区的研究工作;第四章介绍了两种方法估算blazar天体中心黑洞质量的研究工作;第五章介绍了有关PKS 1510-089的研究工作;第六章介绍了blazar天体统一与演化及blazar天体与FR射电星系统一的研究工作。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, I have summarized basic properties, major characteristics, the current results of observations, and theoretical studies on active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Especially, I reviewed the special subclass of AGNs, blazars, focusing on properties of multi-band spectra energy distribution, the unification and evolution of blazer, and the relevant theoretical models. The thesis summarized the works and results of researches of blazars during my PhD in central configurations, masses of central black holes, unification and evolution.The main works and results are: (I) Using a model to calculate the . absorption of high-energy gamma rays by the diffuse radiation of emission lines and diluted blackbody from broad line region (BLR). Firstly, I calculated the absorption of gamma rays for FSRQs. The gamma rays of 10-200 GeV cannot escape from the two radiation fields if the gamma rays are emitted close to inner radius of BLR. Secondly, I calculated the absorption for HFSRQ PKS 0405-0123 and classical FSRQ 3C 279. If gamma rays are emitted close to inner radius, the gamma rays of 10-200 GeV in PKS 0405-0123 cannot escape from the two radiation fields. For 3C 279, the gamma rays around 10 GeV are partly absorped by the two radiations, which is not consistent with observations. The rest of gamma rays cannot escape from the two radiations if gamma rays are emitted close to inner radius. Comparing the results predicted with GLAST observations in future can limit the emission region of 10-200 GeV gamma rays relative to BLR and structure of BLR. (II) (II)Spectrophotometry and photometry for a sample of blazars are performed. Comparing the black hole masses MH from the minimum variability timescales with MBH from the reverberation mapping show differences between MBH and MH are not larger than one order of magnitude, and MBH are systemically larger than MH. It is probable that MBH represent the mass inside the BLR, while MH represent the mass inside the continual emission region. It indicates that the mass contained in the region from the BLR to the continual emission region should besubtracted from MBH. (III) I found that broad emission line of Hβhas adouble peaked profile, and tried to explain the double peaked profile of PKS 1510-089. I also found that broad Balmer emission lines probably have gravtitational redshifts. I tried to explain in the context of binry black hole model the quasi-periodic optical darkening and brightening, the Hβdouble peaked profile, the gravitational redshift of Hβemission line,and the wiggling of jet. I calculated the gravitational wave radiation from the black hole binary. The primary black hole mass derived from the gravitational redshift is in agreement with results from the minimum variability timescales and the reverberation mapping. (IV) FSRQs and BL Lacs should be the single population and are at the different phases. FR II BL Lacs are probably the intermediate stage in the sequence from FSRQs to FR I BL Lacs, and it is probable that the central black holes of FR II BL Lacs spin faster than those of FR I BL Lacs. The parent populations of FR II and FR I BL Lacs are FR II (G) and FR I radio galaxies, respectively.There are six chapters in this thesis altogether. The first two chapters are the reviews of backgroud and the last four chapters are the part of my works. Chapter one is a review of the basic properties, major characteristics, and classifications of AGNs and blazars. Chapter two reviews various methods estimating the central black hole masses of AGNs. Chapter three focuses on study of high energy gamma-rays and structures of broad emission line regions in powerful blazars. Chapter four presents works on estimating the central black hole masses of blazars by two different methods. Chapter five presents my investigations on PKS 1510-089. Chapter six introduces study on unification and evolution of blazars, and relationship of blazars with FR radio galaxies.

【关键词】 blazar天体黑洞吸积结构统一演化
【Key words】 blazarsblack holeaccretionstructureunificationevolution

