

Study on the Advanced Treatment of Dying-printing & Polyester Deweighting Secondary Effluent by BAC Process

【作者】 田晴

【导师】 陈季华;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 含有碱减量废水的印染废水,具有污染物浓度高、碱度大、难降解性强等特点,经常规的水解—酸化—好氧生物处理后难以达标排放。废水的难处理性以及日益严格的排放要求,使印染碱减量废水的深度处理势在必行。论文针对印染碱减量废水二级出水中有机物浓度低、难降解程度高、C/N比严重失调的特点,采用吸附性强、能够富集氧气及基质、表面利于微生物栖息的活性炭作为生物载体,选用上流式曝气生物滤池(UABAF)作为反应器类型,形成曝气生物活性炭滤池(BAC)处理印染碱减量废水二级出水;考虑到实践工程中,有机物浓度低、氨氮含量高的制丝废水的混入,会提高印染碱减量废水二级出水中氨氮浓度,本研究在废水中外加氮源,促进反应器内硝化菌大量生长,形成自养菌-异养菌混合生长体系。利用活性炭吸附、以自养菌代谢产物为二级基质的共代谢作用、自养菌氧化氨氮中产生的氨单加氧酶的催化作用促进废水中难降解有机物的去除与转化。研究结果证明该工艺经过长期运行,污染物去除率高、出水水质好,是深度处理印染碱减量废水二级出水的简单、高效、实用的生化处理工艺。论文详细分析了影响污染物处理效率的主要因素,包括:废水中有机物分子量分布特征、特征污染物的吸附降解性、反应器有机负荷、水力负荷、氨氮负荷、溶解氧、反冲洗特性、反应器高度等,为优化反应器运行提供了理论依据。研究了运行过程中,反应器沿程活性炭残余吸附能力变化、生物量及生物活性的分布、溶解氧以及pH值在反应器内的变化规律及其影响因素,分析了以上参数与污染物沿程去除率之间的关系。研究探讨了采用TTC-DHA法分析反应器内生物活性时,活性炭表面附着生物膜剥落步骤对活性检测结果的影响情况,提出了测试生物炭表面生物活性的有效方法。采用该方法分析了生物炭沿程截留/附着生物活性,讨论了生物活性分布与污染物去除效果、生物活性与活性炭吸附以及反冲洗之间的关系。在常规的曝气生物活性炭滤池的基础上,本文还研究了提高反应器溶解氧、强化生物活性的富氧生物炭技术。通过提高反应器内溶解氧来增加活性生物量,强化反应器对各类污染物的去除,取得较好的污染物去除效果。论文从基质去除效率、进出水pH值差异、生物活性、有机物去除的最佳分子量范围、活性炭残余吸附能力等方面与普通生物炭滤池进行对比,分析了富氧生物炭的优势所在,剖析了溶解氧提高对生物炭处理效果影响的原因。此外,本论文还研究了处理印染碱减量废水时活性炭的动、静态吸附容量,对比了活性炭单纯吸附与生物活性炭对废水处理能力的差别,总结了生物炭滤池长期运行中,为达到处理效果,防止活性炭吸附饱和所必须的关键控制条件。研究成果为曝气生物炭滤池处理印染碱减量废水二级出水处理时,反应器所能达到的处理效果、曝气生物炭滤池的处理能力、活性炭的残余吸附能力等方面,提供了可靠的运行数据。

【Abstract】 With increasing application of polyester deweighting techniques in Chinese textile plants, a great deal of alkali-peeling waste streams containing high strength of recalcitrant organic matters and waste alkali are discharged. These alkali-peeling waste streams are normally treated with dying-printing wastewater by hydrolysis-acidification-aerobic bio-treatment processes. But effluents emitted by these conventional bioprocesses are always beyond discharging standards and need urgent further-treatment.Physicochemical advanced treatment methods are operational complicated and high cost, and biological processes are still simple and cost-saving ways. But existence of inhibitory compounds, inadequate biodegradable organic matters and inert active microbial population are all unfavorable factors for further bio-treatment of these notorious textile dying-printing & polyester deweighting secondary effluents (TSE). Granular activated carbon (GAC) has advantages over other bio-media in supplying microbe abundant inhabitation surface area and possessing strong adsorption capacity of micro-inhibitory matters. In this study, we employed up-flow-biofilter and used GAC as support media forming up-flow aerated bio-activated-carbon-filter (UABACF) to treat TSE. In view of the characteristics of TSE, such as low level of biodegradable organic matter, nitrogen nutrition and high content of refractory organics, we attempted to adjust the influent NH4+-N with NH4HCO3 to induce excess nitrifiers growth in the reactor. Therefore, the recalcitrant organics can be removed by activated carbon adsorption, co-metabolism with heterotrophs/nitrifiers, catalyzed oxidization with ammonia mono-oxygenase (AMO). The experimental results demonstrated that the pollutants in the studied streams were effectively removed by UABACF, and high quality effluents were produced during almost 1.5 years of its operation. Therefore, UABACF was the simple, sound and solid process in advanced treatment of TSE.The paper studied the main operational influence factors of the UABACF, such as molecular weight distribution and adsorption/biodegradation characteristics of TSE pollutants, applied organic, hydraulic and nitrogen load, dissolved oxygen(DO), back-wash styles. The reactor performance was optimized when the key controlling factors were understood.The paper also studied the distribution of residual adsorption capacities of activated carbons, the biomass and bioactivities in the reactor. The changing rules of DO and pH values along the height of the reactor, their influencing factors as well as the relationship of pollutants removal to the above-mentioned parameters.The study applied Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride - Dehydrogenase activity (TTC-DHA) assays to measure the activities of attached biofilm on bio-activated carbon (BAC) samples in the reactor. The influences of pre-separation of biofilm from the media surface to the magnitude of attached bioflm activities were discussed and the new TTC-DHA monitoring method of attached biofilm activities of BAC samples were provided. The new method was applied to detect the captured/attached biomass bioactivity distribution along the height of BAC reactor. The relations between bioactivities to pollutants removal, activated carbon adsorption and backwash flush were also analyzed.On the basis of UBACF, we configured pressurized Enriched Oxygen Biological Activated Carbon reactor (PRBAC) which simply increased reactor pressure to create an enriched dissolved oxygen (DO) environment to improve activated biomass within the reactor, leading to pollutant removal enhancement in the reactor. The study evaluated the function of enhanced oxygen level in BAC through comparisons of UABACF and PRBAC in the scope of substrate removal rate, differences of influent/effluent pH values, different molecular size organic matter removal rate, biomass activities and activated carbon residual adsorption capacities.In addition, the study also analyzed the activated carbon adsorption capacities of COD, color, UV254 surrogated pollutants in the wastewater with tumbling bottle adsorption and dynamic adsorption method. Differences between GAC sole adsorption and BAC treatment capacities were calculated. The essential operational controlling parameters in BAC to achieve high pollutant removal and prevent the GAC saturation during long-term performance were also concluded.Conclusions of the research provide reliable operational data on UABACF treatment capacities, activated carbon residual adsorption capacities in the reactor in advanced treatment of the TSE.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】X791
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】842

