

Research on the Value, Quality and Marketing Strategy of E-Securities in China

【作者】 卢大印

【导师】 黄培清;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国学术界虽然对证券网站性质和市场探索很久,但是较多集中在技术和管理层面,而对证券网站作为一种营销手段的内涵却缺乏深刻的研究,本文研究的出发点就是立足我国证券网上交易蓬勃发展的市场环境,从理论角度对我国证券网站的价值、品质问题进行分析,并在此基础上开展对证券网站营销策略进行研究。为了全面、合理地阐述证券网站价值、品质和营销策略,本文采用理论模型分析和实证研究相结合的分析方法,以券商投资证券网站的过程为出发点,试图从证券网站对客户及企业的价值等两个不同构成,来构建衡量证券网站价值的价值模型,从而探讨证券网站投资决策问题;接着则从关系营销和证券网站结合角度,构建证券网站品质模式;最后则从营销策略角度,分析构建证券网站的市场细分,并以此建立一套适合其券商特性的营销策略。基于以上的研究框架,本文主要理论创新点和研究成果如下:1、本论文通过构建衡量证券网站的价值模型,验证该模型对证券网站采用意愿的解释力,研究发现证券公司内外部特征差异会影响证券网站客户价值和企业价值衡量结果,而证券公司对证券网站价值衡量结果越高,其采用证券网站的意愿越高。论文首先参考Keeney[128]的价值焦点思考方法论构建了证券网站客户价值的构成因素,并且运用质量机能展开构建证券网站企业价值,形成衡量证券网站的价值模型;接着探讨证券公司内外部特征(企业规模、国际化程度、信息化程度、证券网站需求程度、产业竞争程度、组织创新程度)对证券网站价值模型中的客户价值8项衡量项目(提高满意度、个性化服务、缩短时间、提高方便性、提高安全性、提高信任度、提高服务品质)的关系;然后探讨证券公司内外部特征对证券网站价值模型中的企业价值10项衡量项目(提高客户忠诚度、增加与客户接触、增加接触途径、缩短服务时间、降低服务成本、提高管理效率、提高系统安全性、提高客户换手率、增加交易量、引进新客户)的关系;最后则探讨客户价值8项衡量项目与企业价值10项衡量项目分别对证券网站采用决策的关系,并验证该价值衡量模型的可行性与解释能力。研究发现“证券公司规模”与“国际化程度”两项因素对证券网站客户价值和企业价值衡量的相关性并不明显,“信息化程度”对证券网站企业价值相关性不明显,对客户价值则相关,其余“证券站应用需求程度”、“行业竞争程度”等3项均与证券网站客户价值和企业价值衡量呈现正相关。另外证券公司对证券网站总价值衡量结果越高,其采用证券网站的意愿越高。最显著相关者为提高管理效率(其中主要的功能包括客户档案管理/分析以及交易管理),其次为缩短时间、降低成本、提高系统安全性及提高客户忠诚度。本研究的重要贡献之一在于提出了一个具体可执行的程序,可作为券商采用证券网站系统评估时的决策参考,同时也可帮助企业评估网站各项系统功能的选择及优先序,并作为改善客户沟通与服务流程的参考。2、本文主要是以实体环境“关系品质模式”(Crosby, et al.,1990[53]; Fletcher,et al.,2000[76])为基础,结合了技术接受模式(technology acceptance model,TAM)(Davis,1989) [59]及交易成本理论(Williamson,1975) [260]的重要概念,进而构建一个适合虚拟环境下证券网站“关系品质模式”的理论。本论文发现加强证券网站实用性、证券服务及产品期望差异、互动强度,及网络安全性,可提升关系品质;证券网站的服务质量、资产专用性及关系满意度,可提高客户忠诚度以及证券公司的获利;而关系品质的提升,可建立忠诚客户,强化双方未来互动。本论文广泛吸收技术层面(网络安全、人机接口易用性)、组织层面(资产专用性)、营销层面(互动强度)、证券服务及产品层面(证券服务及产品期望差异)、心理层面(网络实用性、隐私权、信任、满意度、忠诚度)等5大类影响关系品质的因素。本研究实证结果发现:服务质量(实用性、易用性)、互动强度、证券服务及产品期望差异,及网上交易安全性均是证券网站关系品质的前因变量,而关系品质的结果变量则包括:客户忠诚度及未来互动程度。其次,本研究发现,客户对证券网站的不满意与不信任几乎都是来自于对该证券网站安全性的质疑。证券网站若要经营全球化证券电子商务,获得客户信任是必要的先决条件,安全网络的前因就是信任。第三,本研究发现,证券网站的竞争基础,并非一味降低证券服务佣金价格,未来反而应着重“服务质量”的提升、培养核心竞争资源,才能凝聚客户的忠诚度,增加证券公司收入以及创造证券电子商务的价值。最后,本研究证实了,客户对证券网站的满意度会影响其忠诚度,再“间接”影响双方未来的互动;客户对证券网站的信任则“直接”影响客户与证券网站的未来互动程度。因此满足客户的需求是第一优先要素,只有满意的客户,才有可能培养出忠实的客户。本论文贡献之二在于通过对于证券网站的关系品质研究,得出的若干建议,可以提供给目前的证券网站及有意发展证券网站的券商拟定营销策略时参考。3、本论文尝试从客户选择网上交易的重要程度去细分证券网站的客户群体,研究发现,中国证券网站客户可以细分为五大市场细分:网站系统安全性偏好群体、网站资讯信息偏好群体、网站操作界面偏好群体、网站个性化服务偏好群体、网站折扣与促销偏好群体,不同市场群体营销手段应区别对待。本研究以“证券网上交易重要属性”进行因子分析后萃取出六个重要因子:“多样性偏好因子”、“讯息促销偏好因子”、“附加功能偏好因子”、“操作系统偏好因子”、“系统安全偏好因子”、“即时互动偏好因子”等六个因子,而根据学者Catherine and Paul(1998) [42]指出对变量作因子分析可能会扭曲资料的原始形态。因此本研究将尝试利用统计方法和类神经互联网方法来加以探讨,并期望能构建较适合于证券业网上交易的市场区分,本研究是采取问卷调查方式,利用问项重要度做集群分析,代入自组织映射神经网络(SOM)学习以辨别群数,决定群数后再加入K-means集群分析方法分出五个区分:本研究以其网上交易因子的重要度做为市场细分的构成基础,分析结果可细分为五大市场细分:网站系统安全性偏好群体、网站资讯信息偏好群体、网站操作界面偏好群体、网站个性化服务偏好群体、网站折扣与促销偏好群体。对于网站系统安全性偏好群体,则多应对这类客户强调本公司网上交易委托系统的稳定与安全性比其他公司安全;对于网站资讯信息偏好群体,则在产品方面上,证券行业应增加网上交易委托系统的资讯更新与传递;对于网站操作界面偏好群体,则需要将网上交易委托系统界面简单化,并免费提供一些网上交易委托培训课程;对于网站个性化服务偏好群体,应加强证券行业营业员的服务观念,多与自己的客户保持联系,能及时的解答客户对网上交易委托的疑问;对于网站折扣与促销偏好群体,可采取手续费折扣与应有投资理财的观念,以吸引网上交易委托人数。本研究贡献之三是应用营销观念以建立一套适合券商特点的营销策略,并可提供给拥有证券网站的券商,在产品、渠道、价格、促销策略上的参考。

【Abstract】 The study of E-Securities is an everlasting hot issue, but most of studies focus on technology and management. The meanings of E-Securities as a marketing tool are seldom deeply studied. Based on the Chinese developing E-Securities market, this dissertation analyzes the value and quality of E-Securities and does research on the marketing strategy of E-Securities.To explain the issue of CB financing comprehensively and logically, this dissertation adopts academic and empirical research routes. Based on the process of the investment of E-Securities, this dissertation tries to deal with the decision on the investment of E-Securities. For this, this dissertation sets up the value model of E-securities which is dependent on business value and customer value. Then it sets up the quality model from the point view of the combination of relationship marketing and E-Securities. At last, this dissertation analyzes the market segmentation of E-Securities and sets up a set of marketing strategy fit for the users.The primary creation and research results of the paper are as follows:1. Through setting up the value model of E-Securities and validating the capability of explanation about the wills of the E-Securities adoption, this dissertation finds that the difference of the internal and external securities company characteristics will affect the evaluating of the customer and business value. The higher the evaluating result is, the stronger is the wills to adopt the E- Securities.At first, referring to the methodology of Keeney’s[128] value focus thinking, this dissertation makes up the constituent factors of customer value, and then through developing the business value model of the E-Securities based on the theory of the quality function development, this dissertation sets up the value model of E-securities. Secondly, this dissertation discusses the relationship between the internal and external characteristics of securities companies (scale, internationalization, informationization, the need of customer service, competition, organization innovation) and the eight items evaluating the customer value in the E-securities value model. It also discusses the relationship between the internal and external characteristics of securities companies and the ten items evaluating the business value in the E-securities value model. At last, this dissertation does the research on the effect of the eight items evaluating customer value and the ten items evaluating business value on the decision of the E-Securities adoption, and validates the feasibility and capability of explanation of the value model. The research finds that the scale and internationalization of the securities company have not obvious correlation with the business value and customer value, the need of the application of E-Securities, the competition and the organization innovation have positive correlation with the business value and customer value. In additional, The higher the evaluating result is, the stronger is the wills to adopt the E- Securities. The most obvious correlation item is improving the efficiency of the management, in the next place is the shorting the time, reducing the cost, improving the system security and improving the customer loyalty.One of the contributions of this dissertation is providing the executable process, which can be the decision reference when the securities companies evaluate the adoption of the E-Securities, help securities companies set up the choice and order of the E-Securities function, and be used for reference to improve the consumer contact and service process.2. Based on the Relationship Quality Model (Crosby,1990[53],Fletcher, 2000[76])which is used in entity circumstance, and also combining the concept of the Technology Acceptance Theory(Davis,1989) [59] and Trading Cost Theory(Williamson,1975), this dissertation builds up the theory of the Relationship Quality Model which can be used in virtual environment. This research finds that E-securities practicability, disconfirmation, interactive intensity and trading security can improve the relationship quality, service quality, asset specificity and customer satisfaction can improve the customer loyalty and profit of the securities companies, and the improvement of the relationship quality can set up the loyalty of the customer and strength the interaction between the company and customer.This dissertation widely absorbs the technology side(trading security, easiness), organization side(asset specificity),marketing side(interactive intensity), service and product(disconfirmation of product and service), psychological side(practicability , privacy ,trust, satisfaction, loyalty). This research finds that service quality(practicability , easiness), interactive intensity, disconfirmation of product and service ,and trading security are the antecedents of the E-Securities quality. The consumer loyalty and future interaction are the consequence of the E-Securities quality. Secondly, this research finds that the dissatisfaction and distrust are all from the doubt of trading security, obtaining the trust of the consumer is the necessary precondition to running the international E-Securities, and net security is the antecedents of the trust. Thirdly, the research finds that the basic of E-Securities competition is not the discount of the commission, but is the improvement of the service quality, core competition resource, which can improve the consumer loyalty, income of the company, and the value of E-Securities. At last, this research demonstrates that the satisfaction of the customer can affect the loyalty, and indirectly affect the future interaction, and the trust of customer can directly affect the future interaction. So satisfying the need of customer is the No.1 important factor. Only satisfied customers can be the loyal customers.One of the contributions of this dissertation is that through the research of the relationship quality, the advice can be used for reference to enact the marketing strategy of E-Securities.3. This dissertation tries to segment the customers from the point view of the importance of the choice of E-Securities. The research finds that the E-Securities customers in China can be segmented to be five segments: favoring the security cluster, favoring information cluster, favoring operational interface cluster, favoring individuality cluster, and favoring the discounting and sales cluster. We must make a difference among the clusters in marketing.After factor analysis based on the important characteristics E-Securities, this research extracts six important factors: diversity factor, information factor, additional function factor, operational system factor, system security factor and timely interaction factor. According to the theory of Catherine and Paul(1998) [42], the factor analysis may distort the original form of the data. So this research tries to use the statistics and artificial neural net to segment the E-Securities customers. Using questionnaire ,SOM and K-means cluster analysis, this research segments the market: favoring the security cluster, favoring information cluster, favoring operational interface cluster, favoring individuality cluster, and favoring the discounting and sales cluster. For the favoring the security cluster, the securities company should emphasize the security and stability of the system. For the favoring information cluster, the securities company should enhance the updating and transmitting function. For the favoring operational interface cluster, the securities company should simplify the interface and train the customers. For the favoring individuality cluster, the securities company should improve the service and contact with the customers. For the favoring the discounting and sales cluster, the securities company should adopt the commission discount and financing intention to attract the investors. One of the contributions of this dissertation is to help securities company to set up a set of marketing strategy fitting for the users and can be used for reference to build the product, channel, price and sales strategy of the securities company.

【关键词】 证券网站价值品质市场细分
【Key words】 E-SecuritiesValueQualityMarket Segmentation
  • 【分类号】F832.51;F49
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1546
  • 攻读期成果

