

Research on the Theory and Practice of the CPPCC’s Foreign Contacts

【作者】 余育国

【导师】 张骥;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 人民政协理论应是系统的、发展的,外交学理论同样应是系统的、发展的,在这种系统的理论框架下,人民政协对外交往研究也应当是系统的、发展的。本文依据逻辑顺序次第展开,探讨了人民政协对外交往的指导思想、性质、特点、作用、内容、途径和载体等,涉及到人民政协对外交往的思想与政策、内容与形式、内在机制与外部环境。一是在人民政协对外交往指导思想的研究上提出,人民政协在对外交往中要结合政协工作实际有针对性地把握党的外交思想,从总体上坚持党和国家的正确外交原则,包括全面把握与深刻理解毛泽东同志国际统一战线理论、邓小平同志关于国际关系民主化和建立国际新秩序的理论、江泽民同志“和而不同”和胡锦涛同志“和谐世界”的外交理念。同时,要坚持用发展的、系统的、辩证的和重点论的观点,以人民政协理论为指导,正确分析政协对外交往中出现的新情况、新问题。二是在人民政协对外交往性质和特点的研究上认为,人民政协的性质和我国的总体外交格局决定人民政协对外交往的性质是人民外交;人民政协是我国政治生活中发扬民主的重要形式,决定了人民政协在我国民主外交中具有重要地位;人民政协对外交往具有联系广泛、代表性强、层次较高、影响较大、形式灵活、亦官亦民的特点。人民政协在对外交往中,要坚持自身对外交往固有的性质,并通过发挥特点和优势,体现这种固有的性质。三是在人民政协促进我国外交民主化的作用研究上认为,中国有中国特殊的民主观念,但在尊重民主的一般性原则下,人民政协一定要践行民主政治思想,促进我国外交民主化。人民政协的对外交往活动有利于完善我国外交工作的协商、监督和参与机制,有利于改善我国在国际社会中的外交形象,使中国外交迈向民主化和现代化。所以,本文从协商的角度,探讨了人民政协在外交政策形成上发挥作用的必要性、特殊性和机制;然后从监督的角度,探讨了人民政协如何在对外交政策落实上发挥作用,提出要加强对外交活动情况的审议、围绕外交方面的问题反映社情民意、针对外交政策的落实开展视察考察、参与对外交政策落实情况的调查检查等。最后从参与的角度,探讨了人民政协在协助外交政策落实上的特殊作用,认为人民政协对外交活动的民主参与,表现出对国民外交的拓展性,对政府外交的辅助性,对公众外交的引导性和对公共外交的提升性。四是在人民政协对外交往重要内容的研究上认为,人民政协要结合政协的优势和特点,围绕新时期的三大任务,抓住当前国际国内社会中的重要问题,开展对外交往活动。具体来讲,由于人民政协的第一要务是促进发展,人民政协要通过对外交往促进我国的发展外交;由于人民政协是统一战线组织,国内统一战线与国际统一战线理论具有逻辑一致性,人民政协要通过对外交往促进世界和谐与国内和谐;由于人民政协是发扬民主的重要形式,其发扬民主的协商形式与世界民主发展的潮流相适应,人民政协要通过对外交往来促进我国的人权外交。五是在人民政协对外交往形式与载体的研究上认为,外交活动的主要形式有外交大会、会议或会商,即国家代表定期会晤;以声明、信件、照会、备忘录等形式的外交文书往来;规定国家间关系各种问题的双边和多边的国际条约和协定的筹备和缔结;进行政治谈判或其他的谈判;国家代表参加国际组织的活动;在报刊上阐明政府对某些对外政策问题的立场,发布关于重大国际事件的正式消息,正式出版国际条约和文件。人民政协在开展对外交往中一般来说不能超越这些方式,但在这些主要方式中,有些具体外交方式人民政协是不能用的,有的虽然可以用但可能角度不一样,具体手段与要达到的目标也不一样。人民政协由于自身特有的性质和地位,在对外交往中有着特有的途径与载体。本文进而认为,人民政协要把握开展外交互访的特征,切实增强人民政协开展外交互访的目的性、有效性,合理安排外交互访的内容;要综合运用外交声明、座谈会、研讨会、纪念会、招待会、接受采访、发表演说等途径,宣传我国的外交政策与立场;要通过国际会议,促进我国多边外交的发展;要搭建人民政协对外交往的立体化平台,发挥政协主席对外交往与政协组织对外交往的优势与作用。六是在人民政协对外交往的比较研究上认为,由于人民政协是中国共产党领导的多党合作与政治协商的重要机构,并同人民代表大会一样,是我国政治生活中发扬人民民主的重要形式;又由于人民政协对外交往的一个重要对象是议会,所以,对人民政协与我国人民代表大会、我国各政党和西方议会在对外交往中的区别和联系进行研究,是非常必要的。进而认为,人民政协的对外交往不同于人大的对外交往,人民政协的对外交往是人民外交,人大的对外交往是议会外交;人民政协不是议会,它和议会外交也不同,在外交的阶级性、目的性和方式上都有明显区别。人民政协对外交往与政党外交也不同,中国的政党外交一般特指中国共产党的对外交往,而人民政协包括了中国各政党和主要人民团体。但是,人民政协与我国人大、政党和西方议会在对外交往上又有着兼容性与相似性的一面。作为中国人民爱国统一战线组织,同人大一样是发扬民主的重要形式,在对外交往中,要相互联系、相互促进、相互支持;人民政协同西方国家议会一样,包括了各政党的代表人士,要加强与议会的交流和合作;人民政协是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商的重要机构,要积极参与我国的政党外交,充分吸收各党派参加人民政协的对外交往活动,支持民主党派参与中国共产党的对外交往活动。最后,通过研究得出结论:创立人民政协对外交往理论,必须立足于体系的完善,着眼点有两个:一是从理论与实践相结合的层面,创立人民政协对外交往理论。人民政协学是理论与实践相结合的学科,外交学也是理论与实践相结合的学科,二者在学科特点上有很多相似性,这是创立人民政协对外交往理论的学理基础。以此为基础,人民政协对外交往理论也就应有两个方面:即学与术。学是关于人民政协对外交往的本体论部分,包括人民政协对外交往的指导思想、重要原则、性质、地位、特点和内容等,术是关于人民政协对外交往的应用论部分,包括人民政协对外交往的途径、机制、作用、环境等。当然,这两个方面也不能截然分开。否则就称不上是体系。人民政协对外交往理论建设的方向应是建立关于人民政协对外交往的学与术;能否建立起关于人民政协对外交往的学与术,是人民政协对外交往理论成熟与否、全面与否的重要标准。只有在创立人民政协对外交往理论中,提倡学术思维,才能树立科学精神,将之视为科学进行更加深入的研究。二是从内政与外交相结合的层面,创立人民政协对外交往理论。外交是内政的延续。从内政层面而言,人民政协在我国外交政策的形成、完善上起着协商、监督的作用;从外交层面而言,人民政协以参政的方式,积极开展对外交往,两个层面结合最终促进了中国外交的民主化、现代化。研究外交或研究人民政协,都必须研究人民政协的对外交往。同时,研究人民政协的对外交往,是一个交叉学科的问题,既属于对人民政协研究的范畴,又属于对中国外交学研究的范畴,二者的密切联系体现于中国的内政与外交的关系之中。在很大程度上,当代政协事业的发展与我国外交事业的发展决定了人民政协对外交往工作的发展,政协对外交往工作的发展状况往往是政协事业与外交事业发展的表现,其取得的成绩是政协事业得以开创的重要组成部分,也是我国外交工作成绩的一个侧面。

【Abstract】 The theory of the CPPCC(The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)should be systematical and creative,and the theory of diplomacy should be systematical and creative too,so the theory of The CPPCC’s foreign contacts should be systematical and creative also.This thesis researches the guiding thoughts, nature, characteristics ,functions ,contents ,methods, platforms,internal mechanism and external surroundings of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts.In the first chapter,it researches the guiding thoughts of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts. It proposes that the CPPCC should stick to the theory of the CPPCC with developing, systematical, dialectical,and priority viewponts,at the sametime ,the CPPCC should grasp the CPC’s(the Chinese Party of China) thoughts ,including Mao Zedong’s theory of the united front of the world people, Deng Xiaoping theory of international democracy, Jiang Zeming’s ideal that there is much harmony among the different things ,and Hu Jintao’s Diplomatic concept that we should construct a harmonios world.In the second chapter , it researches the nature and characteristics of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts. The CPPCC’s nature and the Chinese overall diplomacy decide that the CPPCC’s foreign contacts are the people’s diplomacy on the earth. The CPPCC is an important body in the Chinese political system ,so it can play an important role in the Chinese overall dipomacy . It is a major form for carrying forward socialist democracy in the political life of the country,so it can play an important role in the democratization of Chinese depomacy. The CPPCC’s foreign contacts have charatics of wide connections, strong representiveness,high lever ,deep influence,flexible form .They are official or non-official from time to time. The CPPCC should adhere to its nature and embody the nature through carrying forward its charateristics.In the third chapter, it researches the unique function in the democratization of Chinese dipomacy.Democratic diplomacy is modern diplomacy .China has a special democracy concept ,so it has the special concept of democratic diplomacy. The CPPCC’s foreign contacts are beneficial to the consultative and joint mechanism of Chinese foreign exchanges and foreign affairs.They can contribute to enshape good impression for China in the international community.Fisrtly,this thesis discusses the necessity , feasibility and mechanism during the process of foreign policy for the CPPCC.Secondly ,it discusses how the CPPCC can play an important role in supervising over the implement of foreign policy.Finally,it discusses how the CPPCC can help the government implement the foreign policy.In the fourth chapter , it researches the main contents of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts.the CPPCC’s first task is to improve the development ,so it must improve Chinese development througn foreign contacts.Because it is an organization of the united front of the Chinese people ,which is in accordance with the organization of the united front of the world people,it must improve the world harmony and the Chinese reunification. It is a major form for carrying forward socialist democracy in the political life of the country,therefore,it should improve the human rights diplomacy.it can enlarge the people-to-people diplomacy ,improve the governmental diplomacy,guide the public diplomacy ,and promote the media diplomacy.In the fifth chapter , it researches the methods and platforms of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts.Diplomacy contains foreign polices , and contains the forms, methods ,meanings and platforms of diplomacy. These forms, methods ,meanings and platforms includes the exchanges of diplomatic documents such declarations, demonstrations,letters, notes as memorandums;includes national representatives’diplomatic meetings such conferences, congresses as consultations; includes drafting , concluding, signing and publishing bilateral and multilateral international protocols and agreements;includes political negotiations and other negotiations;includes national representives’participation in the international organizations;includes expounding governmental viewpoints related to the international issues,publisizing the formal news related to international events. The CPPCC can not reject these forms, methods ,meanings and platforms,but some of them should not be used by the CPPCC,otherwise , the CPPCC could transcend its own position.Some of them can be used by the CPPCC,however, the CPPCC should consider its own points,concrete methods and aims. Firstly, this thesis researches how to organize the exchanging visits for the CPPCC. Secondly , it researches how to promulgate the national polices toward the foreign countries for the CPPCC.Thirdly, it researches how to convene and participate in the international conferences for the CPPCC.Finally, this thesis researches how to estabalish the platforms of foreign contacts for the CPPCC.In the sixth chapter , it conducts a comparing research on the the CPPCC’s foreign contacts. During the comparing research on the the CPPCC’s foreign contacts,it thinks the the CPPCC’s foreign contacts are different from the NPC’s(National People’s Congress) foreign contacts because the NPC’s foreign contacts are parliament diplomacy ,on the contrary , the CPPCC’s foreign contacts are the people’diplomacy. They are different from the parliament diplomacy because the CPPCC is not a congress in China in terms of its nature,and because the class character ,aim and methods of them are different. They are different from the political party diplomacy because the political party diplomacy speacially points to the CPC’foreign contacts, and because the CPPCC contains all the political parties and the main societies in China.However,because the CPPCC is an organization of the united front of the Chinese people, and is like National People’Congress as a major form for carrying forward socialist democracy in the political life of the country,it should connect, improve and help each other with the National People’Congress during the foreign contacts. Because the CPPCC contains the parties’representatives ,so it is like the Parliaments of westen countries ,and so it should exchange with the parliaments of westen countries in the foreign contacts.Because the CPPCC is an important institution of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, it should absorb and support all the parties in the foreign contacts,assist democratic parties to join in the CPC’foreign contacts.At last,all in all,such a conclusion can be drawn: the practice of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts has become more and more rich ,the experience of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts has become more and more mature ,the possibility to build the theory of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts is enough. The theory of The CPPCC’s foreign contacts should be built because it can meet the needs to build and develop the theory of the CPPCC,and because it can meet the needs to build and develop the diplomatic theory with chinese charateristics.In order to build the theory of The CPPCC’s foreign contacts,two points must be considered:One is to integrate theory with pratice in building the theory of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts.The subject of the CPPCC is one integrating theory with pratice,and the subject of dilpomacy is one integrating the theory with pratice,too.So the simularities of such two subjects make the base for the theory of The CPPCC’s foreign contacts,on which the theory of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts have two aspects :the science and the technique.Its science is the basic part of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts,including the guiding thoughts ,important rules ,nature,status ,charateristics and contents of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts. Its technique is the practical part of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts,including methods ,mechanism,role ,surrounding of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts.Two parts depend on each other ,otherwise the CPPCC’s foreign contacts are not systematical.Building two parts is standard of building the CPPCC’s foreign contacts,as it can endeep the research only if build the scientific spirit through building them.Another is to integrate domestic affairs with foreign affairs in building the theory of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts. The CPPCC can play the consultative and supervising role in forming and completing the foreign policy from the aspect of domestic affairs.it can play the participating role from the aspect of foreign affairs.Two aspects can contribute to the democratization and moderniztion of Chinese dipomacy.The research on the CPPCC’s foreign contacts are issues in both the subject of CPPCC and the subject of diplomacy, which embody in the relations between of domestic affairs and foreign affairs.The causes of CPPCC and Chinese diplomcy decide the cause of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts. The cause of the CPPCC’s foreign contacts reflects the causes of CPPCC and Chinese diplomcy.


