

【作者】 杜澎

【导师】 陈忠林;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 真正现代意义上的环境刑法始于二十世纪中叶,人类在发展经济、过度开发环境的同时,不断受到环境问题的困扰,长期积累的环境问题逐渐显现出来,环境本身以其自有的方式“报复”人类,诸如厄尔尼诺现象、物种的灭绝,等等。由此,人类开始面临环境问题的挑战。环境问题受到整个人类社会的广泛关注,如何运用法律手段规制环境问题已成为国际社会、各国政府及法学家们不断尝试和探讨的课题,运用刑事法律保护环境是其中的课题之一。在我国环境刑法的发展较为迟滞,与国外相比也比较迟缓,主要原因有二:一是立法滞后、笼统。我国环境刑法的制定相对较晚,截止刑法典修订以前,并无实质意义上的环境刑法编纂。1979年刑法没有明确的环境犯罪规定;对环境犯罪行为主要依赖单行刑法和环境行政法中的附属刑事条款追究刑事责任,而且呈零散支离状态。1997年刑法创建了环境刑法的雏形,并于破坏社会管理秩序罪章中单独规定了“破坏环境资源保护罪”一节,共涉及14个罪名(现为15个)。这些环境刑事制裁的内容不仅囿于传统刑法理念的僵化模式,而且是单行刑法和附属刑事条款规定的汇总,缺乏一种突破性的理念追求,传统思维定式的固有缺陷没有得到根本的订正。在刑法中加大对环境犯罪的刑罚比重和惩治力度是现代社会演进的必然产物,也是人类保护环境必然需求。二是理论研究薄弱。就目前而言,环境刑法的理论研究相对比较薄弱,因为环境刑法研究的起点较晚,司法实践中的相应判例较少,原始性的资料比较缺乏。环境刑法研究的触点带给理论界和实务界一种迥异于传统的思辨方式,这种理性思辨使传统刑法理论受到多方位的冲击。因此,许多问题亟待深研究、探索。如污染环境犯罪较传统犯罪类型大相径庭,刑法有关污染犯罪的笼统规定及立法缺陷不足以臻达惩治此类犯罪的目的。再如环境刑法的行政从属性、环境刑法的保护客体等问题,也对传统刑法理论形成冲击。这些命题的未来定位关乎环境刑法发展的价值取向和刑法理论的深层拓展。论文“环境刑法的基本原理”这个选题主要围绕环境刑法而展开,之所以称为“基本原理”,原因有两点:一是论文整体内容不包括环境刑法分论部分,即没有涉及具体的环境犯罪,只是论及环境刑法总论中的基本问题;二是所论内容仅为环境刑法构架的一般原理,许多争议性问题没有全面展开论证。全文共分为八章:第一章环境刑法的立法模式与内涵,第二章环境刑法的发展与特点,第三章环境犯罪的概念,第四章环境犯罪的客体要件,第五章环境犯罪的主体要件,第六章环境犯罪的主观要件,第七章环境犯罪的客观要件,第八章环境刑法的刑罚设置。

【Abstract】 Environmental criminal law, in a modern sense, appeared at the middle of 20 century. Human Beings have been suffering from environmental harassment when they developed economy and over exploited the natural resource and industry pollution. Long- accumulated problems regarding environment are gradually coming up and it started to "revenge" man by its own way such as extinction of species. Since then, human beings began to face the challenges raised by environmental issues. The international community as a whole began to concern the environment and it is becoming the subject on how to protect the environment through laws, which is deeply considered and tried to resolve the environmental harassment by world society, every government and jurists.Comparing with other developed states, protection of environment through criminal law in China is relatively late. There are two main reasons: (1) The legislation was falling behind of the practice and even though there were some laws regulating environment, most of them were too general. The legislation regarding environmental criminal law was quite late either and there essentially was no codification of environmental criminal law until the adoption of revised criminal law in 1997. Before 1997, the punishment of crimes against environment mainly depended on the special criminal laws and accessorial criminal punishment of administrative laws. However, they were so broken that could not effectively apply to protect environment. 1997 Criminal Code creates the preliminary environmental criminal law and independently provides the section of "Crimes against Environment and Resources" in Chapter of "Crimes against Social Order", which contents 14 types of crimes [now 15 kinds of crimes added by Amendment (Ⅲ) ]. However, these criminal punishment against environment could not overcome the traditional concept that is to some extent, much more ossification and lack in innovation ideas on legislative model. It becomes necessary result for social evolution and human beings’ living condition to add more provisions and enhance the level of punishment. (2) Theoretical research on this topic is weak. At present, it can be said that theoretical research on environmental criminal law is still weak and late. There is lacking reference material coming from practice especially lacking in cases.Researching on environmental criminal law brings new thinking way in academic field and practice. Meanwhile, many problems are coming up and need to further and deeply study, for instance, pollution as a kind of crime is totally different from traditional common crimes. Current criminal law can not effectively punish this kind of crime. Many other issues such as administrative nature of environmental criminal law and protecting interest of environmental criminal law are provided so general that can not effectively punish these kinds of crimes. It makes the traditional criminal law have to face new challenges and research.The dissertation studies specially on fundamental theory of environmental criminal law. The author has two considerations for doing so. First, the dissertation is trying to study basic theory of environmental criminal law, which means that does not include any special crimes. Second, there are so many debates on environmental criminal law. However, the dissertation is seeking to study on general principles rather than spreading to study the debates. The dissertation has seven chapters. They are as followings: chapter one is "legislative form and concept of environmental criminal law". Chapter two is "development and characteristics of environment criminal law". Chapter three is "the concept of environmental crime". Chapter four is "the object of environmental crime". Chapter five is "subjec of environmental crime". Chapter six is "mens rea of environmental crime". Chapter seven is "actus reus of environmental crime". Chpter eight is "establishment of punishment in environmental criminal law"

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1338

