

【作者】 陈治

【导师】 李昌麒;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 福利是一个跨越经济学、伦理学、哲学、社会学、政治学、法学等多学科领域的概念,具有丰富的内涵与外延。它往往表现为各种名目繁多的公共补贴、现金资助、社会服务并伴随着错综复杂的实施体系、灵活多样的实施方式,尤为重要的是,它是特定政治、经济、社会、文化背景的产物,不可避免地带有各自国家独特历史传统与价值观念的深刻印迹。然而,透过表象理性审视,不难发现在这些处处彰显“差异”的现象背后,实则贯穿着一条体现“共性”的演进线索,这即是围绕利益分配所展开的自由放任主义与国家干预主义的论争及其实践。因而,尽管福利问题本身带有个性、多元化与地方性的特点,但均无法回避对以国家为主导的福利模式与以市场为主导的福利模式进行不断的权衡与探索。这实际上构成了认知福利的两种视角——主要基于静态与空间维度的认知视角以及主要基于动态与时间维度的认知视角,本文将采取后者。而经济法——蕴含国家与市场的辩证关系并将之作为基本的认知范式、追求实质平等旨在实现社会公共利益,没有理由排斥对福利的关注。这是因为,一方面经济法的基本命题都是围绕国家与市场的关系而展开,这当然不能忽略国家与市场的福利角色——是需要国家实施福利干预抑或放任市场自发调节促使个体为自身福利承担责任的问题;另一方面,经济法奉行实质平等与社会公益的基本目标,旨在改变社会成员间的在资源、机会、条件、结果上的不平等境遇增进社会整体的利益。而常常最为直观地体现这种实质不平等现象的即是在关乎人们福利需求的经济社会领域,如收入保障、劳动就业等,对此,经济法亦须作出回应。当“福利”与“经济法”发生牵连时,经济法便被置于一个社会现实的场景下,产生诸如经济法在这样的社会场景中扮演怎样的角色、其地位如何的涉及法律与社会关系的议题,用一个规范的概念表达,即是经济法的功能。本文即尝试从福利的视角探究经济法的功能。这意味着福利问题是全文的论证背景,而从中推及经济法的功能是全文的论证主题。将要展开的是,什么是福利与福利的供给,福利的供给呈现怎样的变迁历程;在福利供给变迁中经济法究竟具有怎样的法律功能,其功能又是如何生成的,它具有怎样的功能限度,最终又如何实现。具体内容由六章构成。第一章——福利供给的理论概说。本章构成全文论证的前提部分,主要阐释福利与福利供给两个基本的概念。为此,本章首先选取经济学、伦理学、哲学、政治学、法学中的福利思想进行考察,提出福利已经从早期的偏重于个人“效用判断”的概念发展成为一个跨越多学科、具有多种蕴涵的政治经济术语,尤为重要的是它与当代政府的活动密不可分,实际上代表着一种有别于传统行政目的的新的政府目的,其核心即在于进行福利配给与实施。在此基础上,本章对于福利供给的本质、内容、主体、方式进行揭示,并将之与传统的行政目的以及公共经济学上的公共产品供给进行比较。本章的主要任务是将全文的逻辑起点进行限定,以便为后文论证的展开提供条件。第二章——福利供给的变迁与争鸣:以福利供给模式为视角的考察。本章以福利供给模式为视角,集中考察福利供给的变迁历程,在评析有关观点争议的基础上,对这一历程进行总结,指出这是一个以实现利益均衡配置为目标、对国家与市场的福利角色进行不断权衡的过程。它演进的方向是谋求政府的功能角色与市场的机能并重,并就福利供给的内容、主体及方式进行具体变革,推动一种新的供给模式的建立。在这一过程中折射出有关福利需求与社会分配、国家干预与市场调节、公共部门与私营部门关系的基本命题,为引入经济法功能的分析提供了一个重要的社会背景与实证基础。第三章——福利供给变迁中经济法功能的定位。本章提出全文的中心命题:在福利供给变迁中经济法具有利益配置的功能与社会整合的功能。这是开启法律与社会互动论证的序幕。本章首先回答的是,为什么要从福利供给变迁中探寻经济法的功能,在“福利供给变迁”与“经济法功能”二者之间究竟具有怎样内在的关联;然后分别就福利供给变迁中经济法的利益配置功能与社会整合功能之蕴意进行具体阐释;最后提出从福利供给变迁探究经济法功能的意义,这即是改变经济法功能的认知进路与传统定位,以及进一步完善经济法“需要国家干预论”的正当性基础。第四章——福利供给变迁中经济法功能的生成。围绕上一章提出的中心命题,本章将具体论证:经济法的利益配置功能与社会整合功能的生成原因是什么,它们又是如何生成的?这是法律与社会互动的论证重点。考虑到福利供给的变迁总是体现在相关法律制度的变化上,故本章首先从福利供给变迁中经济法功能生成的制度背景入手,指出这些制度均存在一定的片面性与局限性,无法全面担负福利供给变迁中提出的在内容、主体与方式上的重建任务。而经济法的利益配置功能与社会整合功能正是在这样的背景下应运而生。这表明经济法功能的生成并不是封闭与自我证成的,而是立足于外在的现实动因。那么,为什么是经济法而非其他的法律部门生成了这样的功能呢?关键在于经济法内部的结构属性为其功能的生成提供了条件,这实际上契合了法律社会学上结构功能主义的分析路径,揭示出经济法的功能是借助内部的结构特点而与外在社会现实产生关联的状态。第五章——福利供给变迁中经济法功能的限度。本章进一步论证的是在福利供给变迁中经济法存在功能的限度,也就是经济法功能受到各种因素的制约从而难以在社会系统中发挥实效。这种限度既可能是经济法“与生俱来”的,即经济法无法应对所有的福利问题;亦可能是社会现实划定的,尤其是当以我国为考察基点时,经济法功能发挥的社会基础尚显薄弱;还可能是经济法的规范因素决定的,即经济法既有的规范体系无法满足需要。总之,经济法功能的限度是在法律与社会互动过程中必须考虑的因素,它们构成了经济法功能实现的制约因素。第六章——福利供给变迁中经济法功能的实现。本章旨在论述经济法功能的实现过程。在福利供给变迁中经济法功能的实现,即是将经济法的利益配置功能与社会整合功能转化为现实的存在,并以一种新的供给模式的形成作为功能实现的标志与结果。如果把经济法功能的生成看作是从系统内部探究经济法与社会发生关系的状态,那么,经济法功能的实现便是从系统外部探究经济法的社会效果。这实际上构成了法律与社会互动论证的一个完整链条。为此,本章将从经济法功能实现的条件、经济法功能实现的途径、经济法功能实现的阶段、经济法功能实现的具体法律机制几个层面展开论证。

【Abstract】 The monograph probes into a theoretic matter of economic law function in an angle ofview of change tendency in welfare provision. As we know, welfare has its variousconnotations and extensions in economics science, ethics science, philosophy, sociology,politics science and law science. The more important, the welfare provision systems havebeen deeply influenced by distinct history traditions and values. However such problem aswhat role the government or the market has played in he matter of welfare provisionbecomes a common focus in those different systems, just as in economic law whichconcerns the same question and investigates how to combine the two sides. Then the topicabout welfare is related into the economic law, further the topic about the law functioninvolved the relation of the law and the society can be put forward to settle the societalproblem especially rose in the tendency in welfare provision. This monograph is intendedto answer the following questions: What is welfare and welfare provision? How do welfareprovision systems change? What law functions does economic law have in the changetendency of welfare provision? How do these law functions come into being? Whatlimitations do substantial economic law systems have in face to a new model of welfareprovision? How do economic law functions realize? This monograph consists of sixchapters.Chapter one, entitled by the idea source of welfare provision, is a logic premise of thearticle. This chapter may take on two missions, first of which is to interpret the concept ofwelfare in view of a new theory on government purposes to allocate and implement welfare,which have differentiations with the traditional administration purposes to limit inmaintaining the public order; Second of which is to point out the concept of welfareprovision in concerns of the substance, the content, the implementation body and theimplementation way.Chapter two, entitled by the change and controversies in welfare provision in view ofsome typical models, sets an important observation background, in which such basic topicsconcerning of relationship between welfare and assignment, government intervention andmarket regulation, public sector and private sector emerge. A key point of view based onsummarization of the changing process is that combination of the government and themarket to reform welfare provision systems should become a direction in the changetendency and a new kind of welfare provision model may be established as a result.Chapter three, entitled by the settlement of economic law function in the change tendency of welfare provision, is to put forward a core standpoint that economic law hasbenefits assignment function and social integration function in this process. The firstquestion to be answered is why economic law function is analyzed in view of the changetendency of welfare provision, and what is relationship between the change tendency ofwelfare provision and economic law; The second question is how to define the benefitsassignment function and the social integration function; The last one is what is significanceof such research on economic law function.Chapter four, entitled by the formation of economic law function in the changetendency of welfare provision, is to focus on demonstrating the reason and the approach offormation of economic law function. With a view to the change tendency of welfareprovision always accompanying with the law reform, therefore the start point of analysis inthis chapter is the limitations of the law institutions concerning of welfare provision, thebenefits assignment function and the social integration function can get over suchlimitations as to the puzzle of welfare assignment and compound implementation. So thereason that economic law functions form is based on outside factor. While the approach thateconomic law functions form can be found inside, which means the internal structure ofeconomic law supply important conditions of formation of its law functions.Chapter five, entitled by the limitations of economic law function in the changetendency of welfare provision, is furthermore to set force the limitations of economic lawfunction. The reasons that limitations exist, first of which is economic.law can not resolveall problems concerning of welfare, secondly it has to be restricted with basic societalconditions, and the third of which is substantial institutions in economic law are incapableof accommodation with establishing a new model that produces detailed law reform tasksconsidering the welfare content and the welfare implementation.Chapter six, entitled by the realization of economic law function in the changetendency of welfare provision, is to bring benefits assignment function and societalintegration function into effect and be marked with a new model coming into truth. So therealization of economic law function explores the outside effect of economic law, just incontrast with the formation of economic law function which delves into the inside structure.To this end, this chapter is intended to focus on the conditions, the approaches, the phases,and the law institutions needed for realization of economic law function.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】717

