

Studies on Spreading and Growing and Influences of Crops Originated in American during Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 宋军令

【导师】 李玉洁;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 明清时期,传入中国的美洲原产作物有玉米、番薯、马铃薯、木薯、花生、向日葵、辣椒、番瓜、西红柿、菜豆、菠萝、番荔枝、番石榴、油梨、腰果、可可、西洋参、番木瓜、烟草等近30种。在这些传入的作物里面,对明清以来的中国社会生活影响最大的是玉米、番薯和烟草。第一章首先考察了玉米、番薯、烟草传入中国的路线、时间及其在中国各地的别称,然后就其在全国各地的传播种植情况分别进行了概括性的介绍。本章是后面两章内容立论的基础。第二章重点探讨玉米、番薯、烟草的传种对明清时期中国的社会生活尤其是饮食生活所产生的影响。玉米传入后,随着其推广种植日益成为人们尤其是山区平民的重要食粮,食用的方法有炒、炸、煮、烧和作糕、饼、糜、粥等许多种,同时也被作为了酿酒的原料;玉米的单位面积产量高、适合山地和旱地种植、可以“乘青半熟,先采而食”等优点使其在清代经常被看作是最宜备荒的粮食作物之一;玉米的药用、可作为家畜的优质饲料、燃料、肥料等价值也多被人们认识和加以利用。番薯的食用方法有煮、蒸、烤、煎、炸等许多种,煮熟、蒸熟之后可以作为干粮,还可以和大米、小米混在一起煮粥,同时也同玉米一样被作为了酿酒的原料;相比较玉米,番薯对各种土地的适应性更强,单位面积产量更高、抵御风灾能力更强、从种植到收获所需时间更短、且种植后不怕蝗害,更适合作为救荒作物来种植;番薯的药用、饲料价值也非常突出。对经济作物烟草功效的认识和利用也是本章考察的重点内容。明清时期人们的吸烟方式主要有旱烟、水烟和鼻烟三种,与之相适应亦形成了颇具特色的旱烟具、水烟具和鼻烟具文化,其中又以鼻烟壶文化最具特色和影响;烟草所具有的药用、消遣、提神、排忧、解乏、娱乐、社交等功效也多被明清时期的人们认识和加以利用,从而使得烟草成为了与茶、酒并列的消费资料。此外,玉米、番薯的上市贸易,既增加了农民收入,又起到了平抑粮价的作用;烟商的活跃亦促进了明清时期烟草种植业发展和吸烟风气的蔓延。第三章探讨的是明清政府对玉米、番薯、烟草的态度及其原因。玉米传入中国后,起初并没有得到政府的重视和提倡。清代乾隆年间及以后,由于受到人口增长的压力,玉米“接济民食”的功效逐渐得到了某些地方政府官员的认识和重视,并采取措施在所属地区进行提倡和推广;由于玉米是进山垦殖的流民所植粮食作物的首选,流民在山区的粗放种植玉米经常会导致水土流失,破坏当地的生态环境,再加上清政府担心流民聚居山区会威胁其统治,故而在一些地方政府采取措施限制在山区种植玉米。番薯传入中国后,其有利救荒的优点很快就得到了明清政府的认识和重视,晚明和清代都有不少地方官员在所属地区大力推广种植番薯,一些官员如徐光启、王象晋、黄可润等人还对番薯的藏种、种植技术进行了全面的总结和探索;清代中期及以后,番薯种植因得到乾隆皇帝的提倡而日益推广。烟草传入后,明清政府均认识到了种烟影响粮食作物的种植、损耗地力、耗费人力和肥力、导致粮价上涨和吸烟耗费钱财、危害身体健康、败坏社会风气、容易引发火灾等对粮食生产和社会生活的不良影响,并采取措施禁止种植、贩卖和吸食烟草。但由于种烟的巨大利益,清代皇帝、王公贵族和政府官员多亦吸食和嗜好烟草,以及吸烟容易上瘾使人产生依赖等原因,明清政府对烟草的政策经历了从厉禁到放任的过程。

【Abstract】 Nearly 30 kinds of crops originated in American were imported to China during Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are maize,sweet potato,potato,cassava,peanuts,sunflower,hot pepper,papaya,tomatoes,bean,pineapple,sweetsop,guava,avocado,cashew,cocoa,American ginseng,papaya,tobacco and so on. In these crops,maize,sweet potato and tobacco had the greatest influences to the social life of Ming and Qing.In the first chapter,its main focuses on the route,time and other name in various parts of China of those three crops. Then it gives a general introduction about their spreading and growing in different parts of China . This chapter is the basis of next two chapters argument。The second chapter focuses on the impact of the imported maize,sweet potato,tobacco to the social life,especially diet of Ming and Qing Period。After maize being imported,it became people’s especially mountainous people’s main food along with its wild spreading. Maize could be bombed, deep-fried and cooked as cake, pie, powder, porridge and so on. At the same time it was used as raw material to brewery .The advantages of maize such as its high output, easy to grow on mountainous region and dry land , eating before its greenness and so on made it one of the most proper crops to be prepared against natural disasters. The value of medical use, feedstuff , fuel, fertilizer of maize were gradually known and made use of by the people. Sweet potato’s cooking methods include boil, steam ,bake, fry, deep-fry ,after cooked and steamed thoroughly, it could be served as solid food, also be blended with rice and millet to cook porridge and be used as raw material in brewery like maize. In contrast with maize, sweet potato could be grown everywhere, with higher output and wind-resisting quality , Short growing period , and high resistance to plague of locusts ,this makes it suitable for people to grow it to against natural disaster. Sweet potato’s medical use and feedstuff efficiencies also are outstanding. People’s recognition of tobacco is also the main point discussed in this chapter .There are three main smoking manners during Ming and Qing Dynasties are amoker, shredded tobacco and snuff. Equal with these three smoking manner, there are three smoking set culture. Among these three culture, snuff culture held special features and the most influences. Tobacco’s medical use ,entertainment, pastime, ommunication efficiency are gradually known and made use of by the people, which made tobacco together with tea, wine the most popular hobbies at that time. In addition, maize and sweet potato’s introduction came into the market not only increased peasant’s income but also stabilized the price of foodstuff. The active tobacco traders promoted tobacco growing and the spread of smoking vogue.The third chapter discusses the attitude and reasons of Ming and Qing government toward corn, sweet potato and tobacco. Corn was not concerned and highly thought of during and after Qianlong period, because of population growth, corn’s supplementary effect was gradually recognized by some local governors, they took measures to promote the growing of it. On the other hand, as it is the first choice of refugees who planted it in mountain areas, corn planting in these areas easily caused soild loss , destroyed ecosystem and environment. Besides, the Qing Dynasty government was afraid that refugees gathering would threaten its governance , so some local government limited corn planting in mountain areas. As soon as sweet potato imported China, its advantage for providing disaster relief was recognized and thought highly of by Ming and Qing Dynasties, some officials such as Xu Guangqi, Wang Xiangjin, Huang Kerun even concluded and explored the storage and plant techniques comprehensively. In the middle Dynasty, after tobacco was brought into China, both Ming and Qing governments realized that growing tobacco affected other crops’planting, reduced land nutrition, consumed a lot of human resource and fertilizer, led to price growing, wasted money, did harm to health, corrupted social ethos, caused fire disasters easily, so governors took measures to forbid tobacco planting, selling and smoking. But for its great interest, besides, the majority of nobles and emperors of Qing Dynasty smoked tobacco, smokers were easily addicted to it, governors of Ming and Qing Dynasties had to let it along after forbidding.

【关键词】 明清玉米番薯烟草传种影响态度
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1667

