

Research on Process Model Based Framework of General Missile Design Optimization and Its Key Technologies

【作者】 聂冲

【导师】 王维平;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 信息化战争环境促进了导弹作战运用方式的变化,也对导弹总体设计提出了更高更严格的要求,要求导弹总体设计能够满足性能、周期、费用、适应性、可靠性等多方面的综合优化指标。国内外的实践表明,多学科设计优化(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,MDO)是满足上述要求的有效方法。然而,当前国内的导弹总体优化设计中仍然存在不少影响MDO应用的问题,制约了总体优化设计效率与水平的提高,主要体现在:各学科之间的异构性使得学科之间的数据交换存在困难;优化方法实现与问题耦合紧密,难以满足MDO需求,也难以选择适合于问题的优化方法;优化设计执行过程缺乏灵活性,不能满足多样化的调度需求等方面。上述问题可以归纳为总体优化设计过程建模、优化方法评价选择和总体优化设计过程调度等理论问题,其中,过程建模问题是核心,优化方法评价选择问题和优化设计过程调度问题与其密切相关。优化方法的评价选择需要考虑优化问题的属性和优化方法的特性,而优化问题实际上是基于各学科设计应用定义的,各学科设计应用和优化方法则是优化设计过程的主要组成元素;总体优化设计过程的调度需要处理学科间的数据交互关系,而其调度对象就是总体优化设计过程本身。论文借鉴并行工程、现代集成制造系统、虚拟样机等设计理念中的过程模型思想,对基于过程模型的导弹总体优化设计框架及其关键技术进行了深入研究,期望在一定程度上解决导弹总体优化设计中存在的上述理论问题,并促进总体优化设计效率与水平的提高。论文的主要创新工作可以概括为以下四个方面:(1)基于过程模型的导弹总体优化设计框架针对导弹总体优化设计面临的基本问题,提出基于过程模型的导弹总体优化设计框架,将导弹总体优化设计过程划分为过程建模—设计探索—过程自动化三个环节,并给出其参考过程和各个环节的参考视图,作为辅助导弹总体设计部门进行总体优化设计的基本方法论。(2)导弹总体优化设计过程建模针对总体优化设计过程具有多学科异构设计应用、多样化交互关系以及多种优化方法等特点,提出总体优化设计过程模型的形式化描述,支持对设计应用、数据交互关系和优化方法的抽象表示;以接口组件作为设计应用的基本抽象形式,给出了优化方法的组件接口规范和总体优化设计过程模型的运行时抽象描述;进而提出了总体优化设计过程建模体系结构,辅助建立总体优化设计过程模型,能够为学科间的设计数据交换提供有效支持,促进总体优化设计效率的提高。(3)基于适用性评价和优化策略的优化方法选择针对总体MDO的优化方法评价选择需求,提出基于适用性评价和优化策略的优化方法选择技术,其基本思想是将优化问题的定义与优化方法的选择分离,采用设计探索方案表征优化设计过程,提出基于设计探索方案的优化方法评价选择过程;在总体优化设计过程模型的基础上,提出了优化方法的适用度指标,用于评价优化方法对于优化问题的适用性;提出了基于适用度和优化策略的优化方法选择过程,实现优化方法的辅助选择,能够有效地促进总体优化设计效率的提高。(4)基于有向图的导弹总体优化设计过程调度借鉴并行计算任务调度中的图论思想,针对导弹总体优化设计的多样化调度需求,提出基于有向图的导弹总体优化设计过程调度技术。在总体优化设计过程模型的基础上,建立从优化设计过程模型到有向图调度模型的转换,详细讨论了条件、反馈和嵌套组合等特殊调度关系的扩展处理;借鉴经典有向图搜索算法,提出包含预扫描和主调度两步的有向图调度算法,能够支持导弹总体优化设计的自动化执行,有效地促进总体优化设计效率的提高。论文的研究将丰富系统工程与导弹总体优化设计方法的研究,推动国内导弹总体优化设计工作的发展,并为导弹总体设计部门提供理论方法辅助与工具支持,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

【Abstract】 The information war environment accelerates the changes of missile operating ways, and demands missile general design focus on the balance among performance, cycle, cost, adaptability and reliability. The researches of homeland and overseas show that multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) is an effective approach to satisfy above demands. However, there are some problems in the domestic missile general optimization design, which restrict the application of MDO and influence the improvement of efficiency and quality of general optimization design. For example, the heterogeneousness of different disciplines makes it difficult to exchange data among disciplines, the tight couplings between optimization method and problem make it difficult to meet the needs of MDO and determine suitable optimization method, and the execution of optimization process is not flexible enougth to meet the variable schduling needs.These problems can conclude as theorical problems that belong to process modeling of general optimization design, evaluation selection of optimization method and general optimization design process scheduling. The process modeling is the key of problems, which are closely interrelated with evaluation selection of optimization method and optimization design process scheduling. The variable discipline applications and optimization method are primary components of optimization design process, which both have influences on the evaluation selection of optimization method. The optimization design process scheduling needs deal with interaction relations among discipline applications and its scheduling object is just the optimization design process.Using the reference of process modeling idea of concurrent engineering, contemporary integrated manufacture system and virtual prototyping, this thesis makes an in-depth research on missile general optimization design framework based on process model, as well as corresponding key technologies. The above problems would be resolved to certain extent and the efficiency and quality of missile general optimization design would improve. The innovations of this thesis include following four parts:(1) Aiming at fundamental problems in missile general optimization design, this thesis proposes missile general optimization design framework based on process model for the first time, which divides general optimization design process into three parts that are process modeling, design exploration and process automation. Moreover, this theis also presents the reference process of the framework, as well as reference view of each part. The framework would provide methodology guide for missile general design engineers and promote the improvement of efficiency and quality of missile general optimization design. (2) Aiming at the characteristics of general optimization design process, such as multidisciplinary applications, variable interaction relations and multiple optimization methods, this thesis proposes the process model formalism of general optimization design that provides abstract description for design application, data interaction relation and optimization method, as well as the optimization method component inferface specification and the runtime formalism. This thesis also presents the process modeling architecture of general optimization design, which can assist in building the process model. The process model of general optimization design would provide support for design data exchange among disciplines and promote the improvement of efficiency of missile general optimization design.(3) In order to meet the needs of evaluation selection of optimization method, this thesis proposes the selection method of optimization method based on applicability evaluation and optimziation strategy. The core idea of method is to separate optimization problem definition from optimization method selection. This thesis presents evaluation selection process of optimiztion method based on design exploration plan. Based on process model of general optimization design, this thesis presents a quantitative applicability measure to evaluate the applicable extent of optimization method to problem. Combined with optimization strategies, this thesis also presents the multiple method selection schema and corresponding process. The method would promote the improvement of efficiency of missile general optimization design.(4) Aiming at variable scheduling needs of general optimization design, this thesis proposes the directed graph based general optimization design scheduling method using the reference of graph scheduling in parallel computing area. This thesis proposes the transformation mapping from process model of general optimization design to the directed scheduling graph model, and expounds the special dealing with conditional relation, feedback relation and nested relation. Using the reference of classical directed graph search algorithm, this thesis presents the two-step scheduling algorithm, which includes pre-scanning step and main scheduling step. The method can support the automatic execution of general optimization design process, and promote the improvement of efficiency of missile general optimization design.The research of this thesis would enrich the methodology of systems engineering and missile general optimization design, and promote the development of missile general optimization design at homeland. It would provide theoretical guide and tool support for missile general design engineers, and be beneficial both from theoretical and practical perspectives.


