

Research on Control and Application of LEO Spacecraft Formation Flying

【作者】 孟云鹤

【导师】 戴金海;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 航天器编队飞行是一种新的航天器空间运行模式,凭借其巨大的技术优势、广阔的应用前景,从诞生之初就倍受青睐,被称为代表未来航天发展趋势的技术。同时,航天器编队飞行技术本身面临着巨大的技术挑战,在动力学、控制与应用方面有很多问题等待研究。基于近地轨道(LEO)的优良特性和广泛应用,本文以近地轨道航天器编队飞行为研究背景,对航天器编队动力学问题、编队捕获与机动问题、构形保持与重构问题以及航天器编队飞行应用于InSAR测量的优化设计与协同控制问题进行了较为系统和深入的研究,并对航天器编队飞行应用于局域轨道封锁的方式与能力进行了探讨。主要研究内容与结论有:1.在航天器编队动力学分析中,推导出了引力摄动作用下稳定构形存在的约束条件,提出J2摄动稳定构形设计方法——基于三轴振动同步的构形设计;根据航天器轨道摄动理论推导出描述J2摄动影响下编队构形长期运动的解析表达式,其可信性得到仿真验证。2.研究了基于冲量作用的编队捕获控制策略。提出两次径向控制冲量与一次轨道面法向控制冲量组合以及三次沿迹向控制冲量与一次轨道面法向控制冲量组合实现编队构形捕获的两种控制策略,并由仿真实例表明该方法简便且有效。3.构建了编队构形保持控制的一般性框架结构,对使用不同发动机推力模型的构形控制效果进行分析。理论推导得出了一阶意义下脉冲推力、连续变推力和继电型推力三种推力模型在构形控制中作用等效的结论,给出了推力模型转换方法。4.研究基于微推力和简单四冲量控制的编队构形重构技术。提出一种新的基于微推力控制作用的航天器编队构形重构方案,给出构形重构的两种底层控制实现方法,推导出所需速度冲量上限的估算表达式,把简单构形重构问题归结为代数方程的求解问题,把复杂构形重构问题表达成一般分配问题,并应用蚁群算法进行求解:提出基于简单四冲量(三次沿迹冲量与一次轨道面法向冲量)的构形重构底层控制方法,给出已知始末构形参数求解控制冲量大小与施加时机的数学表达式,把总燃料消耗表达成构形参数形式,并将其应用于求解复杂编队的构形重构问题。仿真表明这些方法有效且各有优点。5.首次把基于主矢量理论的多冲量最优控制方法应用于航天器编队的轨道机动控制,为降低单次冲量值而应用小推力发动机,提出了多冲量轨道机动路径规划方法。6.以面向全球DEMs测量的主SAR卫星带伴随航天器编队的InSAR系统为研究背景,提出全球一重瞬时寻访有效覆盖的总要求,给出航天器编队轨道与构形需满足的覆盖约束条件和两种覆盖方式,研究了渐近式构形调整的优化问题,构建了满足InSAR编队系统构形与轨道优化设计的数学模型和逻辑结构图,给出模型的简化和求解方法。7.研究主SAR卫星带伴随航天器编队的InSAR系统中编队构形与姿态的协同控制问题。给出协同控制的框架结构图,设置了轨道协同规划器与姿态协同规划器,明确了解决思路,从构形规划、姿态规划、构形与姿态协同控制三方面具体地阐述了协同控制方法并进行仿真计算。8.探讨利用航天器编队实现局域轨道封锁的具体方式,提出“摧毁型”航天器编队和“干扰型”航天器编队的概念;分别研究基于冲量控制和微推力控制方式的航天器编队局域轨道封锁能力,仿真表明携带总质量20%燃料的航天器编队至少可以实现周围200km以上距离的局域轨道封锁。总之,本文以理论分析与仿真计算相结合的方式,对近地轨道航天器编队飞行的动力学、控制与应用进行了有益的研究和探讨,提出了若干解决编队控制与应用问题的方法,对于其它轨道上的航天器编队飞行的相关研究也具有借鉴意义,将为我国分布式航天器技术的理论研究和实际应用提供技术参考。

【Abstract】 For its advantages in technology and its vast field of application, Spacecraft formation flying(SFF), a new mode of spacecrafts motion., has been a hot point since it appeared and is called as a kind of technology that representing the developing trend of space technology. At the same time, there are a lot of challenges in dynamics, control and application.Based on the excellent feature and the wide application of low earth orbit (LEO), the Problems about SFF in LEO, including formation design and dynamics analysis with perturbations, formation establishing, formation maintenance and reconfiguration problem, whole formation orbit maneuvers, design and optimization and coordinated control of SFF system for InSAR measurement, are systematically studied in the dissertation. What’s more, there is a discussion on the method and the ability of local space control with SFF. The main contents are as follows:1. In the analysis of formation dynamics, the orbital constraints of stable formation are provided considering the gravitational perturbations. A method based on three orthogonal directions synchronized to design formation is presented. Based on spacecraft orbit theory, expressions to describe formation secular movement considering the J2 perturbation are educed. It is proved to be in a high precision with numerical simulations.2. The method to establish formation with impulses is studied. Two approaches to establishing SFF are provided: one is to utilize the impulses in radial direction and in cross-track direction, the other is to utilize the impulses in along-track direction and in cross-track direction. The methods are proved simple and practical with simulations.3. The basic frame of formation maintenance is structured and the formation control effect with different thrust models is analyzed. It is theoretically proved that three models of thrust—impulse thrust, continuous thrust and Bang-Bang thrust are equivalent in formation control. The method of transformation among the thrust models is also presented.4. Reconfiguration of SFF with micro-thruster and simple four-impulses is discussed respectively. A novel idea and two corresponding low level control methods with continuous micro-thrust to reconfigure are raised, and two low level control methods are provided, and the expressions estimating fuel consumed (ΔV budged) are educed. Then, the reconfiguration problem of simple SFF comes down to solving algebra equations, while the reconfiguration problem of complex SFF are expressed to general assignment problem (GAP), and the best solution can be obtained with ant system (AS) algorithms. At last, a low level control method with simple four-impulses is presented, and the magnitude and the time of control impulses are expressed as formation parameters. All the upper methods are applied to the reconfiguration example of SFF with 10 spacecrafts. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approachs.5. The multi-impulse method of orbit maneuvers based on the primer vector theory is applied to maneuvering problem of SFF for the first time. To avoid impulses’ being too large, the idea of path-planning for multi-impulse orbit maneuvers of satellite formation is presented, and numerical simulations show that the method provided here is simple and practical.6. Considering spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) systems as the application of SFF for achieving highly accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) on a global scale, the requirement of Global Single Instantaneous Access Effective Coverage (GSIAEC) and some restrictions on orbit are put forward. Thus two ideas about coverage are provided. Based on a new technique of adjusting and controlling formation, the whole model of design and optimization of formation and orbit of SFF is summed up. A logic structure discovers the essence, and simulation results show that the method can solve the problem and be of general meaning.7. The coordination control of formation and attitude of concomitant satellite formation in spaceborne InSAR system is studied. The coordination architecture with an orbit coordinator and an attitude coordinator is presented, which illustrates the approach to the coordination problem. Then, formation planning methods, attitude planning methods and laws of coordination control are respectively studied. At last, numerical simulations indicate the architecture of coordination control is feasible.8. The methods to control local space with SFF are discussed. Two kind of application concept of SFF in space orbit blocking, which are destroying SFF and disturbing SFF. The abilities to control local space with SFF based on impulse control and micro-thruster control are explored respectively. Results show that SFF with 20% mass of fuel can control space in a range of 200km at least.In conclusion, by analyzing and simulating, it mainly studies the problems in dynamics, control and application of SFF in the dissertation and proposes some methods on the control and the application of SFF, which can provide ideas for the study of SFF in other orbits, and be of some help to the development of distributed spacecraft system (DSS) of china.

  • 【分类号】V448.2
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1213

