

Study on Integrated Design Optimization of Satellite Constellation

【作者】 范丽

【导师】 张育林;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 星座设计是星座部署和运行的前提,一个合理的星座设计方案能够实现整体性能最优,达到各方面综合平衡。论文首先系统地提出了星座构形一体化设计概念,进行了星座几何构形相关的主要性能测度和边界条件分析,提出了一体化优化方法,实现了星座构形的一体化优化设计。在此基础上对包括星座构形和卫星系统的星座系统一体化优化设计问题进行了研究。研究了星座时空布局与覆盖性能、功能星座工作性能、星间链路性能、星座运行维持阶段的容错性能、稳定性能等之间的关系,将这些性能作为星座构形的设计准则,通过各种性能的权衡比较获得整体性能最优的星座几何构形。建立了多种面向现代优化方法的星座描述模型。对星座星间链路构建准则和优化设计方法进行了研究,确定了能够反映空间几何特性的Walker星座星间链路设计的基本准则,给出了星座全连通性数学解析判据和永久星间链路分析设计流程。提出了天基多基地雷达系统方案并进行了系统设计,分析了系统各种性能测度与系统站址空间布局之间的关系。基于星座轨道构形约束条件,对有利于小RCS目标探测的大双基地角区域、双基地多普勒频率展宽以及三星T/R-R~2系统定位精度与几何布站和载星飞行几何之间的关系进行了分析,实现了单个性能指标要求下的星座几何构形优化设计,得到了进行星座一体化设计的性能测度分析模型以及指导星座设计的有用结论。论文提出了星座构形一体化优化方法并进行了深入研究,该方法以进化算法作为解决星座优化设计的基本手段。针对一体化设计时,由于约束条件复杂导致求解困难的问题,提出了有效的约束处理方法,包括自适应序列约束边界法和约束邻域排斥策略。针对星座设计存在计算开销大,设计周期长的问题,提出了约束组织和预处理、动态分段策略等优化策略。应用此方法进行了全球导航星座、特定构形的区域覆盖的天基多基地雷达和全球覆盖的天基多基地雷达星座构形的一体化优化设计。设计结果表明该方法能够高效解决综合考虑多种设计因素、具有离散/连续混合变量、无梯度信息的星座一体化优化设计问题。对星座系统一体化优化设计问题进行了研究。首先针对有源主动探测类型星座系统成本模型的特点,采用并改进了天基雷达系统成本模型、卫星设计模型、可靠性模型和系统运行性能分析模型等,模型充分考虑了天基雷达星座的组网工作、采用分布式探测结构对系统性能和成本的影响。然后,将星座系统设计问题分解成多个子问题,建立了设计结构矩阵,分析了它们之间的耦合关系。最后应用了协作优化方法作为设计的组织和协调框架,根据各子问题的特点设计了各自的优化器,对星座系统进行了设计优化。设计结果表明,本文所进行的系统分解和组织,构建的优化体系以及针对问题域的优化算法构成了一套灵活有效的星座系统一体化设计方法,能够对星座系统的性能和成本进行综合权衡,在兼顾子系统间耦合特性和自治的前提下实现星座系统的一体化设计。

【Abstract】 In the recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in utilizing constellation to complete some space missions. Constellation design is the premise of the deployment and operation of satellite constellation system. A fine constellation design solution can not only achieve the overall balance among various performances that often compete with each other, but also contribute to coordination work and long-term stable operation of the system. The concept of integrated design optimization of constellation configuration was first addressed, which is to realize the design optimization and trade-off between multi-criterions influenced by the space geometry configuration of the constellation. Then, the main performance measurements and the boundary conditions with respect to the configuration of constellation were investigated. Finally, the integrated optimization method to realize the design optimization of constellation was put forward to realize the global design optimization of constellation considering multi-criterions. Based on this research, the integrated design optimization of constellation system including configuration of constellation and satellite was studied.The relationship between the space and time arrangement of satellites in constellation and the system performance was presented including the property of coverage, cooperation and information transmission, the performance of system operation and maintenance including robustness and stability as well as the special performance of typical constellations and so on. Several kinds of constellation description models were established. Then the trade off between various properties influenced by constellation configuration was analyzed.Considering that the self-contained ISL (Inter-Satellite Link) is the important part of constellation, the constructing criterion and the optimization design method of ISL were researched. The basic geometry relations of ISL were obtained by analyzing the Walker constellation spatial structure and relative motion of satellites. The criterions for the constellation full connectivity were given and the design process of ISL was demonstrated finally.A SBMR (Space Based Mulitistatic Radar) conception was put forward. The performance of SBMR system with respect to the site arrangement was analyzed. Subject to the basic- satellite orbit configuration, the region of big bistatic angle beneficial to the detection of target of small RCS, the relationship between flight geometry and the spread of bistatic radar Doppler frequency, the position accuracy of tri-satellite T/R-R~2 position system were thoroughly studied. The optimized design of configuration of constellation was studied concerned with any one of the above three figures of merit. The analysis models and some results of the SBMR were given which were needed by the integrated design of SBMR constellation.The optimization method to solve the problem of the integrated design optimization of constellation configuration was studied which can expand the domain of optimization objective and constraint. Considering that the design of constellation has some particular properties such as including many kinds of variables, the performance measurements computed by digital simulation, no gradient information and so on, the integrated optimization model was established based on the evolution algorithm. To deal with the complex constraints, a set of effective constraint handling methods including adaptive sequence constraint boundary method and constraint neighbor region repel strategy were put forward. Other optimization strategies were proposed such as organization and preprocessing of constraints, adaptive partition optimization strategy in view of the big computation expense and long design and so on. The basic procedure of this method was given. This method was applied to some design missions of typical constellation, including the regional and global coverage SBMR constellation, global navigation constellation and so on. The design results show that the method is effective to the complex design optimization problem of satellite constellation configuration which needs to deal with many complex design factors, continuous and discrete variables without gradient information.The integrated design optimization of satellite constellation system was demonstrated by introducing the SBR (Space Based Radar) constellation design. By analyzing characteristics of the cost model of a kind of space based active detection system, SBR system cost models, satellite design modes including main subsystem modes, reliability model and system performance analysis model were adopted and modified, which reflect the influence of the performance and cost imposed by the SBR netted and distribution architecture. Then the constellation system design was decomposed into four sub problems. The design structure matrix was established and the coupling relationships among these sub problems were analyzed. Finally, the integrated optimization design of the constellation system was implemented through using the collaborative optimization that is a multidisciplinary design optimization method as the design architecture. The optimizers were designed according to the property of each sub problem so that everyone can be analyzed by itself and executed its own appropriate optimizer. The analysis model and optimizer of the sub problem of constellation configuration come up from the integrated design optimization of constellation configuration. The design result manifests the effectiveness of the model and method, which can reflect the characteristics of the operation concept of constellation system and search the system optimal solution of the integrated design problem that can keep the coupling property among subsystems and autonomy of each one at the same time.


