

Research of HSMR Fast Evaluation System for Stratiform Rock Slope of High-Grade Highway in Mountain Area

【作者】 石豫川

【导师】 黄润秋;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 山区高等级公路工程建设具有如下特点:路线长,跨越地质地貌单元较多,从勘察设计到施工周期较短,难以全面深入地了解沿线路基工程地质条件及工程地质问题。这使得路基边坡设计具有一定盲从性,为公路工程建设埋下隐患。显然,针对设计、施工周期短和地质环境复杂的特点,传统的边坡稳定性研究方法和分析手段不合时宜,必须寻求新的途径与新的思路。本文以西南山区国道108线广元段、昆石路、广邻路、渝邻路和渝黔路等5条高速公路边坡为研究对象,归纳总结调查路段边坡结构类型及稳定状况,据此将数量多且危害大的层状岩质边坡的稳定性评价作为主要研究目标。在收集前人研究资料的基础上,首先对边坡发育环境、基本地质条件、边坡结构类型、变形破坏机理及模式进行深入细致的分析;引用统计学理论和地质工程理论的原理和方法,从分析岩质边坡稳定性与坡形、坡高、坡角、结构面特征、岩性及岩性组合特征等方面的关系入手,分析探讨适用于高等级公路层状岩质边坡的稳定性快速评价体系。该体系包含两个层次,首先针对山区公路设计阶段资料储备不足的情况,结合岩体结构分析方法和地质过程机制分析方法,建立以地质宏观判断为主的简洁的岩质边坡失稳判据;其次针对施工阶段资料相对较多的情况,基于SMR体系,同时参照CSMR体系,建立适合山区公路边坡稳定性快速评价的HSMR体系。从而在公路设计、施工阶段均能对开挖边坡进行快速准确的评价。具体如下:(1)针对公路开挖边坡特点,提出将45°作为岩层倾角陡、缓划分界限。在此基础上,建立了简洁的岩质边坡失稳判据(见表1)。运用该判据,设计阶段可对沿线岩质边坡稳定状况进行较为准确的判断,以便采取相应的加固处治措施;施工阶段由于资料更加完备,可以对岩质边坡稳定性作出更为准确的快速判断,提出更具针对性的加固处治方案。(2)鉴于常用岩体质量分类体系源于水电工程和矿山工程等领域,不能很好的评判公路岩质边坡稳定状况,各体系评判结果差异较大,甚至出现评分值超出体系评分范围的现象。引入归一化处理方法,使得各体系评分值差异能直观体现,便于进行差异分析。进一步引入可靠度概念,对初步分类结果进行相关性、一致性分析,寻找各个分类体系之间的内在联系及差异大小,为构建HSMR体系奠定基础。(3)虽然已有分类体系考虑了岩体结构对边坡稳定性的影响,但仍有不足之处,难以应对具有软、硬岩相间组合形式的边坡稳定性评价。在充分考虑岩体结构指标基础上,进一步将岩性组合形式作为参评因子纳入边坡稳定性分级系统中,提高了岩质边坡稳定性系统评分的准确度。(4)边坡的稳定性与坡高的关系并非简单的线性关系。考虑到分类体系的易操作性,将复杂繁冗的物理力学参数剔除后,通过大量样本的统计分析,寻求到一个简便合理的坡高修正函数,能将原有系统的分类结果与实际情况的差异尽可能缩小,满足稳定性初步评价要求。(5)以研究路段113个边坡作为研究对象,总结归纳出适用于高等级公路层状岩质边坡稳定性HSMR快速评价体系。HSMR=ξRMR-ηλ(F1×F2×F3)+F4依据上式计算得出HSMR值,其最大值为100,最小值为0,以20分为间隔,划分为5个级别(见表2)。该体系适用于资料较丰富的施工阶段,也可在旧线改造之设计阶段应用。进一步引入“误判率”的概念,系统地评价了HSMR体系的应用效果,证明了该体系的可靠性。

【Abstract】 Mountain high-grade highway construction have the following characteristics: longdistance and passing more geological landform region, short cycle from survey and design toconstruction. These make the subgrade engineering geology characteristic and problemdifficult to fully and deeply investigation. Above reason make the subgrade slope designpossess uncertainty and embed hidden trouble for the road engineering construction.Therefore, conventional slope stability investigation method is out of date, the new methodmust be found.The expressway slope of the national road 108 route Guangyuan Segment, Kunshi Road,Guanglin Road, Yulin Road and Yuqian Road in southwest mountain area have beenresearched. The slope structure types and stabiliy have been concluded and summarized, then,the stability evaluation of stratiform rock slopes have been taken as main research objectwhich is big quantity and high hazard. On the basis of collecting materials, deep and carefulanalysis about slope’s forming environment, basic geological condition, structure types,deformation and breakage pattern and its mechanism was carried on, then using statistics andgeology engineering theory, the relative of rock slope stability and landform, slope elevation,slope angle, structure characteristic, lithology, lithology combination situation etc. have beenstudied. The stratiform rock slope mass rating which suit to high-grade highway has beenanalyzed and discussed.This system includes two levels, firstly, because of the geological data lack in mountainroad design phase, the author using rock structure and geological process mechanism analysismethods, established a concise rock slope stability criterion which mainly base of geologymacro judgment. Secondly, considering the construction phase have more geological data, onthe basis of Slope Mass Rating (SMR) and Chinese system for Slope Mass Rating (CSMR),the Highway rock Slope Mass Rating (HSMR) has been presented which suit to fastevaluation of rock slope stability in mountain. So the stability of excavated slope can be havefast and exact appraisal in road design and construction phase. The details are as follows: (1) To the road slope excavation characteristics, put forward and regard 45°as thedemarcation line which divides the rock stratum with steep, slow inclination, on this basis, aconcise rock slope stability criterion is established(table.1).By using the criterion, thestability of the rock slope along the line can be comparatively accurate judged in designphase, so the corresponding reinforcement and administration measure can be taken. Duringthe course of construction, because the materials are more abundant, more accurate fastjudgement to the rock slope stability can be made; thus put forward more pointedreinforcement scheme.(2) Because the common rock mass classified system is established on the basis ofwater-power engneering or mine engineering, which can not best be used in road rock slopestability evaluation, the normalization managed method has been introduced, which can makeeach system grade value difference visible, easy to do the difference analysis. Then, thecredibility degree conception has been introduced, which can do the correlation andconsistency analysis for the preliminary classified result, find out the relation and differenceof each classified system. These established the foundation of HSMR rate..(3) Though there is categorised system that has considered structural impact on the slopestability at present, there are some shortage. For example, its very difficult to accord with thestability of soft, hard rock slopes mutually. On the basis of fully considering structural indexof rock mass, lithology combination has been included in the hierarchical system ascommenting factor, which improved the marked accuracy of rock slope stability system.(4) The relation between the slope stability and its height is not simple linear relations.Considering the simple operation of categorised system, reject the complicated andsuperfluous physics mechanics parameter, then by using statistical analysis of a large numberof samples, Seeked a simple and convenient revision function about slope height, which cannarrow the difference of the categorised result of the original system and actual conditions as much as possible, and meet the preliminary appraisal requirement of stability.(5) 113 slopes have been taken as studied object, then, high-grade Highway stratiformrock Slope Mass Rating (HSMR) has been introduced: HSMR=ξRMR-ηλ(F1×F2×F3)+F4HSMR value can be calculated according to the above formula, its maximum is 100, theminimum is 0. Regarding 20 as the interval, which is divided into 5 ranks (table.2):These system is best be used in geological data relatively abundance construction phaseor be used in older line reconstruction design phase. The "mistake judgment ratio"conception has been further introduced, systematically evaluated the HSMR applicationeffect, proved this system reliability.


