

Geological Model of Complicated Carbonate Reservoir with Multi-cycle

【作者】 谭秀成

【导师】 田景春; 陈景山;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 储层研究的本质就是通过精细的地质认识探寻合乎客观实际的统计方法,从而在杂乱无序的数据中寻找某种规律,并利用各种数学方法表述储渗体的时空分布规律。由于碳酸盐岩本身固有的特性要比硅质碎屑岩复杂得多,而且对成岩作用十分敏感,沉积后易发生一系列重大的成岩变化,造成其储层的孔隙类型变化多端,物性分布复杂,非均质性显著.迄今为止,国内外对碳酸盐岩储层的评价与预测多停留在定性—半定量的水平。那么,精细刻画碳酸盐岩储层的横向变化、储层定量评价、建立储层地质模型(特别是渗透率模型)研究的突破将对碳酸盐岩油气田的勘探和开发产生深远的影响。鉴于此,本文在储层配套分析的基础上,首先选取四川盆地磨溪构造嘉二气藏为研究对象,以浅水碳酸盐高频旋回地层的相关理论为指导,对小层进行精细划分和对比;其次以沉积学、测井地质学为指导,把区域沉积格局、测井相、沉积期微地貌、岩类学等因素应用于多因素沉积微相研究中;通过储层配套分析,探寻适合的统计规律,为测井精细处理提供正确的地质模型;并以多种数学方法为指导,阐明不同成因类型储层的工业下限,并利用主成分分析法定量评价储层,提出储层的分类评价标准;通过成岩作用的研究,探寻影响储层发育、分布的本质原因,阐明早期储渗体的时空分布特征、质量变化;进而利用先进的相控储层建模方法和模糊数学方法,建立储层地质模型,并对储层进行平面定量评价。从方法上看,提出了沉积期微地貌恢复方法、多因素沉积微相分析方法、储层动态成因机理分析方法和地质精细约束的储层测井解释方法,并首次把相控测井储层建模方法、主成分分析方法和模糊数学评价方法引入到多旋回复杂碳酸盐岩储层定量评价和储层建模上,综合形成了独具特色的多旋回复杂碳酸盐岩储层地质模型建立方法。

【Abstract】 The core of reservoir research is to find a kind of statistics way accorded with the objectivivity, by which we can find some rule from wild data, and illustrate reseroir’s 3D distribution by means of all kinds of math methods. As we all know, the carbonate rock’s original nature is far more complicated than clastic rock, and it has obvious heterogeneity for it’s very sensible to diagenesis. By now, carbonate reservior’s evaluation and prediction still stayed at a half-ration level. So it will has great affection to carbonate reservoir’s exploration and exploitation on the base of delicately illustrating the carbonate reservoir’s lateral spreading, its ration evaluation, as well as building reservoir’s geological model(especially permeability model). In this paper, the author picked up Jia2 gas reservoir of Moxi structure of Middle Sichuan as the research object. On the base of reservoir’s mating sample analyses, guided by the theory of high-frequency cycle of shallow-water carbonate, the author has done the following works:firstly, to delicately divide the strata into member; secondly, guided by sedimentology and well logging geology, delicately study the microfacies by analyzing regional depositional backgroud, well logging facies, depositional micro-ghysiognomy, and petrology; thirdly, build up the suitable geology model for well logging interpretation on the base of reservoir’s mating analysis and statistics rule’s analyses .finally, calculate the industrial lower limit of different type reservoir by means of all kinds of mathematics ways and evaluate the reservoir with main-factor analyses; build up the reservoir’s classification standard. The author try to find the key reason of reservoir formation and evolution, as well as the early stage reservoir’s distribution rule in space and time by studying on the diagenesis. In the end, the author built up the reservoir’s geological model and defined the reservoir’s plane distribution by the ways of the leading reservoir’s facies-controlling model building and fuzzy mathematics. In this paper, such approaches were presented as micro- physiognomy recovery of depositional stage, multi-factor depositional microfacies analysis, dynamic reservoir origin analysis and well logging interpretation with geological fine bound. It’s the first time to bring the ways of well logging interpretation with geological fine bound, main-component analysis and fuzzy mathematics into the reservoir’s ration evaluation and model- building of complicated carbonate reservoir with multi-cycle, and form the unique model- building way of complicated carbonate reservoir with multi-cycle at last.

【关键词】 碳酸盐岩储层地质模型磨溪构造嘉二段
【Key words】 CarbonateReservoirGeological modelMoxi StructureMemberJia2

