

The Theory of Main Migration Pathways Controlling Hydrocarbons and Forming Reservoirs

【作者】 罗佳强

【导师】 沈忠民;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在我国石油工业发展史上,“源控论”和“复式油气聚集(区)带理论”对提高勘探成效、增加油气储量和产量发挥过非常重要的作用,是陆相盆地低—中勘探程度区有效的油气勘探理论,但在中—高勘探程度区却有许多局限性和不适应性;而含油气系统理论虽然是现阶段石油地质学研究的热点,但还不能有效地指导陆相盆地的油气勘探。在认真分析“源控论”、“复式油气聚集(区)带理论”与“含油气系统理论”等的基础上,针对陆相盆地中—高勘探程度区油气勘探的特点,提出了新的油气勘探理论——“主运移通道控烃成藏论”,并取得了较多的研究成果。(1)在认真分析“源控论”、“复式油气聚集(区)带理论”与“含油气系统理论”等国内外油气勘探理论,和认真总结我国近50年油气勘探实践的基础上,提出了油气主运移通道的概念和适合中—高勘探程度含油气盆地的油气勘探新理论——“主运移通道控烃成藏论”,即“油气藏的空间分布位置和规模大小受连接有效烃源岩与圈闭的主运移通道类型、位置和输送能力等因素的控制”。(2)根据“主运移通道控烃成藏论”的理论内涵和对油气主运移通道的研究,并以油气主运移通道为主线,提出了与“主运移通道控烃成藏论”相适应的7种油气成藏模式,即①断层、骨架砂体和不整合面组合型通道控制的油气藏,②断层和不整合面组合型通道控制的油气藏,③断层和骨架砂体组合型通道控制的油气藏,④不整合面和骨架砂体组合型通道控制的油气藏,⑤断层控制的油气藏,⑥骨架砂体控制的油气藏,⑦不整合面控制的油气藏。(3)在“主运移通道控烃成藏论”和7种油气成藏模式指导下,提出了适合中—高勘探程度含油气盆地的“顺藤摸瓜”式油气勘探技术,该技术是在定源的前提条件下,描述油气主运移通道的几何形态和空间分布状况,搞清油气运移的轨迹,以“顺藤(主运移通道)摸瓜(油气藏)”的方式确定油气聚集的最有利场所,并优选目标——油气藏实施钻探。根据“主运移通道控烃成藏论”,采用“顺藤摸瓜”式油气勘探技术,可以最大限度地降低油气勘探风险,提高钻探成功率,从而迅速提高油气勘探成效。

【Abstract】 In the development of petroleum industry of China, "source controllingtheory" and "multiple oil-gas accumulative zones theory" are the efficient petroleumexploration theories in the area where present low to moderate exploration intensity innon-marine basins. They played very important roles in exploration efficiency andimproving oil-gas reserves and output in the past. However, there are manylimitations and non-adaptability in the area where present high exploration intensityby them. Although "petroleum system" is the research focus of petroleum geologynowadays, it could not effectively direct petroleum exploration in non-marine basinsof China. Through analysis of "source controlling theory"、"multiple oil-gasaccumulative zones theory" and "oil and gas system", the authors put forward a newtheory- "main migration pathways controlling hydrocarbons and forming reservoirs",and obtain some research findings in the light of the characteristics of oil-gasexploration in the area where present high exploration intensity in the non-marinebasin of China.(1)Through analysis of "source controlling theory"、"multiple oil-gasaccumulative zones theory" and "oil and gas system" and generalization practicalexperience of oil-gas exploration in fifty years of China, the authors put forward anew theory - "main migration pathways controlling hydrocarbons and formingreservoirs", a explanation of the space distribution, location and the scale of oil-gasreservoir that controlled by the efficient source rock and trap in type, location andtransportation ability of main migration pathways.(2)In the light of theoretical meaning of "main migration pathways controllinghydrocarbons and forming reservoirs" and research in oil-gas main migrationpathways, we bring forward this theory and seven models of oil-gas reservoir inaccordance with it.①oil-gas reservoir are controlled by the faults, matrix sand bodies,and unconformity surface combined channels②by the faults and unconformitysurface combined channels.③by the faults and matrix sand bodies combinedchannels.④by the unconformity surface and matrix sand bodies combined channels. ⑤by the faults channels.⑥by the matrix sand bodies channels.⑦by theunconformity surface combined channels.(3)With the help of the "main migration pathways controlling hydrocarbon" andseven models of oil-gas reservoir built, the paper putted forward a "track down byfollowing clues" oil-gas prospecting technology suitable for mid-high degree ofprospecting petroliferous basins. On the premise condition of the extents of the sourceregions, this technology described the geometry and space distribution condition ofoil-gas main migration pathway and beaten out oil-gas migratory track, as well asascertained hydrocarbon accumulations most profitable Location by used mainmigration pathway and oil-gas reservoir. So long as to ascertain oil-gas mainmigration pathways, it could find oil-gas reservoirs are located near or on mainmigration pathways, proper targets of oil-gas reservoirs will be drilled.In the light of "main migration pathways controlling hydrocarbons and formingreservoirs", and adopt "track down by following clues" oil-gas exploration technology,In this way oil-gas exploration risk is reduced greatly, successful ratio of oil-gasexploration is boosted maximally and oil-gas exploration efficiency is enhancedpromptly.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】630

