

A Study on the Dongxiang Nationality Woman Teachers’ Career Course of Development

【作者】 李艳红

【导师】 万明钢;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 东乡族是甘肃省特有的三个少数民族之一,千百年来在不断的文化融合中东乡族人十分智慧地平衡了社会的开放进步与追寻民族认同之间的冲突,为东乡族社会带来了既有鲜明的民族特点又积极进取的群体个性。在今天面对全球化冲击的背景下,东乡族女教师作为关切东乡族社会现代化进程的知识分子,作为民族教育的核心力量,对她们的生存与发展现状进行研究,将有着超越教育层面的特殊意义。本文从教育人类学的视角出发,以东乡族女教师为个案,运用田野调查的方法对东乡族女教师的生涯发展历程作全貌式的剖析,探讨了东乡族社会“原生”的一些文化传统以及在现代化冲击之下和主流社会的影响下发生了的和正在发生的社会文化变迁及其对女教师生涯发展的影响,进而建构其生涯发展的内在架构,揭示伴随其生涯发展的社会政治、经济、文化的变迁过程。本文在深入考察文化习俗的基础上对5位女教师的生涯历程作回顾性的探讨,期望由此了解不同年龄、不同教龄、不同受教育程度、不同职务以及不同学校类型东乡族女教师生涯发展的异与同。在求学经历中,多数女教师受到自然条件、落后的生产方式和特殊的文化背景等因素的影响;性别差别待遇窄化了女教师的生涯发展;父母亲、女教师、同学、村支书等都是她们生涯发展中不可或缺的助力。婚姻家庭是生涯发展的重要方面,大社会的变动必然会引起家庭各个方面的变动,在社会变迁的过程中,神圣的教法、社会传统习俗和现代观念相互交融,决定着东乡族女教师婚姻家庭价值观念的转变,在这样的文化氛围中,女教师的生涯发展所出现的冲突与挣扎是必然的,这体现了女教师文化自觉后所产生的传统观念和现代观念的冲突,它既是文化培育的结果也是文化冲突的结果。教师专业发展是循序渐进、持续不断的历程,纵贯教师的个人成长史。女教师的专业发展离不开教师的自我努力,关键事件的引领和重要他人的支持。文化变迁、社会变革已成为任何国家、民族和个人都无法回避,无法阻止的历史潮流,而这一切的发生,又必然会不断地打破东乡族女教师与原有传统文化之间的“平衡"状态,使其面临越来越频繁和强烈的文化冲击和文化适应问题。从表面上看,现代文化与传统文化的传承有着互相冲突的价值取向,但从东乡族女教师的一般生活和特殊生涯的发展实践中我们可以看出,文化变迁并不局限于不同文化之间的整合,同时还能激发文化个体的文化自觉,从而有意识地对自身的传统文化进行传承和更新。因此,在现有的生活中,在面对种种冲突、种种不利的条件下,在传统文化的基础之上,依然能在有限的时间与空间之中不断寻求发展的契机,不断使自己在冲突中冷静前行。这也许即是东乡族女教师生涯发展的真实写照。

【Abstract】 The Dongxiang nationality is one of three minorities peculiar to Gansu province. The Dongxiangs have balanced ingeniously conflict between social open progress and pursuing ethnic identification in continuous cultural fusion for thousands of years, which have brought distinctive ethnic character as well as forging groups personality. The woman teachers of The Dongxiang nationality, as intellectuals considerate towards The Dongxiang social modernization and key persons of ethnic education, have made a contribution to The Dongxiangs. Under the background of globalization, there will be a special meaning beyond the level of education for us to study their present living and development situation. The dissertation, from the visual angle of anthropology of education, by a case of The Dongxiangs’woman teachers, and using a method of field working, analyzed comprehensively the woman teachers’ career course of development in The Dongxiang nationality, probed into some ’original’ cultural tradition of The Dongxiang nationality and cultural changes which happened and are happening under the conflict of modernization and the influence of main society, further constructed internal structure of their career course of development, and revealed the course of changes in social politics, economy and culture ,which are following their career course of development.The article made a retrospective probe into five woman teachers’ career course ofdevelopment on the basis of deeply investigating cultural custom, so as to hope understanddifferent age, standing, level of education, post and kinds of school woman teachers’similarities and differences. Most of woman teachers were affected by natural conditions,backward production ways and special cultural background etc in the experience of seekingknowledge; sexual distinction treatment limited woman teachers’ career course ofdevelopment; parents, woman teachers and village branch secretary were indispensableassistant to their career course of development. Marriage was an important aspect of theircareer course of development. Big social changes must lead to all the various aspect offamily changes. During the course of social changes, the woman teachers’ marriage valueswere determined by the mutual blend of sacred instruction and social traditions and modernideas, and in such a cultural atmosphere, the woman teachers’ career course of developmentinevitably presented conflict and struggle, which reflected the conflict between traditionaland modern values that emerged after woman teachers’ cultural consciousness. It was resultof cultural nurture as well as cultural conflict. Profession development of teacher is acontinuous course, and it runs through the history of teacher’s individual growth. Women teachers’ profession cannot develop without their own hard work and other people’s guide and support.Cultural changes and social changes have been history trend that is unable to be avoided and prevented by any nation, ethnic group and individual person. And all this things that have happened can continuously break the ’equilibrium’ between the woman teachers in The Dongxiang nationality and original traditional culture, which makes the woman teachers face frequenter and stronger cultural impact and acculturation. Viewed from the surface standpoint, there is a conflicting value trend between modern and traditional cultural inheritance, but viewed from developmental practice of the women teachers’ general and special career, we can see that cultural changes isn’t only confined to conformity between different culture and at the same time it can also arouse individual cultural consciousness, thus inheriting and replacing their own cultural tradition consciously. So, facing kinds of conflicts and disadvantages in the existing living, they still can continuously seek developmental chances in limited time and space and go forward calmly in conflict based on the traditional culture. This is the true portrayal of the woman teachers’ career course of development.

  • 【分类号】G525.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】758

