

Study of Levinas’ the Other Issue

【作者】 孙庆斌

【导师】 衣俊卿;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 勒维纳斯是最早把现象学介绍到法国的哲学家,是当代西方哲学思潮中比较具有代表性的思想家之一,也有人把他称作当代思想界唯一的道德学家。他的思想在西方已经得到广泛的重视,近年来国内学者也逐渐开始关注勒维纳斯的学术思想。但是由于研究者的理论视角、价值取向、问题意识各异,目前对其思想的研究尚缺乏系统性、全面性和深刻性,其理论价值难以被充分挖掘出来。本文从勒维纳斯所关注的“他者”问题入手,把勒维纳斯关于“他者”的伦理哲学思想置于20世纪西方文化批判视野之中加以审视,对其“为他人”的伦理思想作了系统的研究和总体的把握,进而挖掘其理论特征和理论价值。犹太教思想和古希腊哲学思想是勒维纳斯批判现代文化的理论基础,他站在伦理学作为第一哲学的立场上,对包括现象学、存在主义哲学、生命哲学、犹太教神学在内的当代主要文化思潮作了超越性诠释和整合;现代社会中人的处境,特别是因文化传统的压抑而造成的人与人之间伦理关系的空虚和无意义困境是其“为他人”的责任伦理学批判的基本指向,勒维纳斯深刻地剖析了现代人在本体论同一性思想掌控下的伦理道德的缺失及其时代困境,从深层次挖掘了现代人生存困境的性质和根源;以“为他人”的伦理精神为实质建构一个伦理形而上学体系,给人以无限的责任关怀是勒维纳斯责任伦理学的理论旨趣。勒维纳斯对20世纪西方文化危机所作的批判,以及对伦理形而上学的张扬,为学术界提供了研究的空间。

【Abstract】 Levinas, the first philosopher who introduced phenomenology into France, was one of the representative thinkers on the contemporary western philosophical trends and the unique moralist in the contemporary ideological circle in a way. His academic thoughts have been receiving extensive attention in the west, which are attracting more and more concern among domestic scholars in recent years as well. Owing to researchers’different theory visual angles, value orientation, and issue consciousness, however, the present study on their thoughts are still short of systematicness, comprehensive and deep quality. Besides, it’s difficult to fully explore its theoretical value. This dissertation, following his concerned issue of“the other”, makes a systematical research and overall grasp of Levinas’ethical thoughts of“for the other”so that explores his theoretical character and value by examining these thoughts within the visual field of western cultural criticism in the 20th century. Levinas regards the thoughts of Judaism and ancient Greek philosophy as his theoretical foundation; chooses the situation of people in modern society, especially the vacuity in interpersonal ethical relationships and meaningless dilemma caused by cultural conventional oppression as his essential guidelines; Leninas analyzes modernists’forfeit of morality and their dilemma of the age under the control of ontological identity, and explores the nature and origin of their existence dilemma; He takes the stance that ethics acts as the first philosophy to make interpretation and conformity towards some contemporary chief cultural trends including phenomenology, existentialist philosophy, philosophy of life as well as divine philosophy of Judaism; considers building an ethical ontological system which takes the ethic spirit of“for the other”as its spiritual substance, accordingly, giving people infinite responsibility concern as the basic theory interest of ethics of responsibility Levinas’criticism on 20th century western cultural crisis as well as his embrace of ethical metaphysics supplies much room for academic research, consequently possesses significant theoretical and realistic meaning.

【关键词】 勒维纳斯他者责任伦理
【Key words】 Levinasthe otherresponsibilityethics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期

