

Assessment of Tourism Resources and Its Exploitative Models in Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges, Chongqing, China

【作者】 王孝德

【导师】 谢德体; 邱道持;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业资源利用, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 旅游资源作为自然禀赋和后期人为介入的综合体,现已成为区域经济发展的重要依托和基础。目前各地都将旅游资源的开发利用作为区域经济发展的亮点和增长点,但旅游资源的评价及其开发模式的构建,均是这一构想能否实现的关键一环。现有文献在旅游资源评价、模式选择与构建等方面均已取得了一定成就,但在旅游资源评价的因素选择及权重确定,旅游资源开发模式的挖掘和旅游资源管理模式的协调等方面仍存在不足。对旅游资源内涵的认识应充分体现旅游客体的基本属性和内容,对旅游资源评价应展示旅游资源本身具有的美感、哲学和伦理思想,对旅游资源开发模式选择应注重结合地域各方因素进行构建。由于不同旅游者对自然旅游资源评价的差异性和影响自然旅游资源各要素间相互作用的复杂性相对要小,本文用单纯矩阵和模糊数学相结合的评价方法,进行了三峡黄金旅游带旅游资源空间结构评价、潜力评价、分级评价、特色评价和容量测算,并结合SWOT分析,从旅游资源区域整合的角度构建了其开发与管理运营模式,结果表明:(1)三峡黄金旅游带旅游资源丰富多样,品味较高,分布相对集中于主城九区和长江主干线。综观域内巴山绵延,渝水纵横,俯瞰历史源远流长,文化积淀深厚,构成集山、水、林、泉、瀑、峡、洞等为一体的“一轴两圈”壮丽自然景色和融巴渝文化、民族文化、移民文化、三峡文化、抗战文化、都市文化于一炉的浓郁文化色彩;三峡黄金旅游带共有3194个旅游资源单体,密度为0.098/km~2。三峡旅游带旅游资源的空间组合上各区县的差异较大,特别是都市成片旅游区旅游资源多度较大,空间结构的丰富程度较高、异质性较强。沿江点状旅游区,旅游资源总量较多,但空间组合多度较低;瞿塘峡、小三峡和重庆谈判旧址、鬼城名山分别是具有国际Ⅰ级开发潜力的自然和人文类景点,其模糊评分分别达89.1、82.2、85.2和83.8;而小小三峡、天坑地缝和解放碑商圈、三峡博物馆、山城灯海则分别是具有国际Ⅱ级开发潜力的自然和人文类景点,其模糊评分也分别达77.8、75.6、78.5、76.6和76.2。(2)三峡黄金旅游带各旅游资源单体中优良级、普通级占总数的23.43%。其中,五级单体69个,占全部单体总数的2.16%;四级和三级单体分别为121个和241个,各占单体总数的3.79%和7.55%;三级以下的普通级单体317个,占单体总数的9.93%;三峡黄金旅游带特色旅游资源涉及自然特性、人文特性和非物质文化性。其中有以长江三峡为代表的峡谷风光群,以巫山猿人遗址为代表的历史文化,以奉节天坑地缝和巫溪红池坝为代表的科考、探险,有以奉节白帝城、张飞庙为代表的三国文化,以鬼城丰都为代表的鬼文化,形成了融自然风光和深厚历史文化为一体的多品种、多功能的旅游资源体系;三峡黄金旅游带旅游环境总容量为1540643人/日,且总体呈主城九区高于沿江点状旅游区。而三峡黄金旅游带日拉动就业人数为40761人次,除旅游景点分布集中的巫山县外,主城九区较沿江点状旅游区具有明显的优势,这一趋势与旅游环境总量日接纳人次是一致的。(3)SWOT分析能够找出旅游景区优势、劣势、机会和威胁,而对不同类型的旅游区而言,重要是的该方法可针对其本身内在条件巩固优势、减少劣势、抓住机会、减少威胁,在本旅游区域最具优势的方面保持创新核心竞争力;三峡黄金旅游带拥有独特的旅游资源优势,特别是长江三峡峡谷山水风光、深厚积淀的三峡文化和绚丽多彩的民俗风情。而根据旅游资源组合特征,又可将三峡黄金旅游带旅游资源分为主城片区(人文景观)和峡江片区(自然风光)。三峡黄金旅游带的旅游资源节点分布与交通格局状况耦合较好。同时,与周边旅游景区的客源优势和旅游产业优势,都将三峡黄金旅游带与环渤海地区、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲等地区联系起来;目前三峡黄金旅游带在整体品牌形象塑造、旅游市场发育和旅游产业要素统筹等方面存在劣势。三峡旅游形象缺乏准确定位和统一策划,旅游市场机制僵化和旅游企业素质偏低,交通不畅和产品老化仍是制约三峡黄金旅游带旅游业发展的瓶颈。(4)西部开发战略效应遏制了三峡黄金旅游带景区的生态退化,“十一五”和新农村建设都给三峡黄金旅游带发展旅游业提供了新的更大的空间。基于以上分析,认为构建长江经济带和新型川渝合作经济带理应成为三峡黄金旅游带旅游业发展的良好机遇;三峡黄金旅游带SWOT分析应从新增旅游形态和旅游资源整合上着手;三峡黄金旅游带开发的总体框架是“一轴两极两片四联合”。“一轴”:是指传统长江三峡旅游线,是未来长江三峡旅游带的重点发展轴,是三峡旅游生存的生命线,是延续三峡旅游的重要部分,也是串联三峡各地区、各景区的重要轴线。“两极”:一极是以主城区为重点,具有旅游功能和接待功能的核心地区;一极是以巫山、巫溪、奉节组成的旅游金三角为重点的区域,是未来三峡旅游的核心地区,具有国际旅游市场、国内旅游市场、本地旅游市场的多向吸引功能。“两片”:一片是由忠县、万州整合起来的旅游片区,一片是由长寿、涪陵、丰都、石柱整合起来的旅游片区。四联合:结合大三峡旅游区位条件和未来交通发展格局,应该走“大三峡旅游”发展路线,北面与陕西省联合,东部与湖北省联合,南部与湖南省联合,西部与四川省联合。同时应优化旅游开发与生态环境间的关系,应改单纯的峡谷观光游向多形态转变,发挥特色旅游资源的魅力;三峡黄金旅游带是贫困连片区旅游资源发展的典型,开放投资环境和保证当地居民利益之间的矛盾是黄金旅游带内旅游业发展难以回避的问题。对此,三峡黄金旅游带PPT战略强调应以政府主导,以贫困人口受益和发展为中心;三峡黄金旅游带SWOT分析在创意上做出体现差异化的经营特色,根据市、区旅游资源组合的配置特点制定保护的范围和类型。(5)三峡黄金旅游带管理运作模式主要从事企分开、所有权与经营权分离和利益分配上,使资源经营与资产运作相统一。在此框架下,旅游资源开发主要以主城九区旅游整合和其他区域整合为切入点,以体现三峡黄金旅游带的奇、险、神景观特色;主城九区旅游整合应以山城印象为主题的都市旅游、二战英雄城都市游、温泉之都“周末休闲地,都市后花园”、湖广会馆、十八梯等为主要特色。(6)重点建设的旅游项目为抗战主题公园,以利用有效艺术形式把革命文化内在精神价值外化出来;其他区域整合涉及重点整合区域开发、重点整合性开发景区和重点建设项目。重点整合区域开发主要集中于文化与探险,重点整合性开发景区应体现功能与主体的特色,而重点建设项目则主要从确保区域整合、功能定位和开发主体的实现而拟定的具体开发途径;根据三峡黄金旅游带景区吸引物聚集体的吸引力大小差异、规模分布、年接待游客量,对其旅游空间结构的旅游节点进行划分:一级节点为主城区,二级节点为万州、涪陵、巫溪、巫山,三级节点为奉节、丰都、长寿、云阳、忠县。三峡黄金旅游带的旅游发展应充分整合所有的旅游节点,突出综合优势,以更好地带动经济增长。(7)营销推广是三峡黄金旅游带旅游产业链各节点整合和完善旅游“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”均衡利益的关键,改变原有完全由政府主导的营销节事活动运作模式,采用市场招标、企业赞助等多种形式进行市场化运作,做活做大三峡旅游的营销运作。游船运作模式可使游客饱览三峡沿岸核心自然和人文景点。以游船为核心的相对独立的旅游经营模式,将打破三峡黄金旅游带跨区域开放性的旅游资源难以进行封闭式运营的格局,促使三峡旅游迈向休闲消费时代,也是展现三峡旅游形象品质的关键。投资运作模式改变了过去三峡黄金旅游带由政府主导投资的局面,从投资平台搭建、投资总量概算、资金来源、投入预期收益和投资时序等方面保证三峡黄金旅游带旅游资源的开发与保护。在开发思路上,三峡黄金旅游带整合其涉及的景区、景点资源,将开发权和经营权交由旅业开发公司;整合酒店业、旅行社,将经营权交由酒店经营公司;整合旅游车、旅游船,将经营权交由运输公司。(8)旅游业在某种程度上只是半公益性产业,政府投资只能起触媒作用,必须广泛吸纳社会闲散资金的注入才能健康发展。政府在做好财政补贴倾向的同时,减免税费、融资扶持、资源转让和考核奖惩不失为三峡黄金旅游带旅游业发展的有效措施。旅游业吸收就业人员数量多、范围广,但旅游从业人员的综合素质是决定一地区旅游业是否能持续发展的关键环节。对此,三峡黄金旅游带理应从旅游从业人员结构优化、人才培养、人才吸收和激励等方面入手,搭建旅游人才供需信息平台,营造良好的人才氛围;三峡黄金旅游带旅游产业的发展面临区域性的整合,合力的凝聚。为此,必须为此构建跨区域的整合组织管理环境,协调和引导不同行业和部门参与旅游资源开发的意愿,化解冲突。但组织体系除了政府主导外,还应积极吸纳非政府组织和民众的参与。(9)三峡黄金旅游带旅游业发展方向应以主题鲜明、特色突出的旅游度假区为依托,发展观光与度假结合游、平湖与峡谷风光结合游、水陆结合游。研究摸清了三峡黄金旅游带旅游资源的本底,厘定了其开发与运营管理的基本框架。从区域整合角度,本研究为政府制定旅游资源开发模式和其他组织介入活动提供决策依据,并丰富人们对旅游资源开发模式的理解,为区域旅游资源开发模式构建提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Tourism resources, as the complex combination of natural endowment and intervention of human beings, have become an important base for regional economic development. Presently, China’s government treats the development of tourism resources as the spotlight and as a new way of regional economic development. However, the evaluation of tourism resources and its construction of the development model are fateful to the realization of economic growth. Existing documents have considerable achievement on tourism resources evaluation, selection and model building and so on, but they are inadequate on the choice of factors and the weights of the tourism evaluation, on the understanding of misuse the experience of other County area for reference, on the exploration of tourism resources development models, on the coordination of tourism resources management models and so on. The understanding of connotations of tourism resources should fully embody basic attributes and contents of tourism objects. The evaluation of tourism resources should display aesthetic, philosophical and ethical values, which tourism resources possess. The selection of models to develop tourism resources should emphasis on the integration of all the regional factors. Different tourists differentiate on the evaluation of tourism resources. The complexity which influences the interaction of tourism resources is relatively small.By using the combination of simple matrix and fuzzy mathematics, this paper makes spatial structure evaluation, potential evaluation, classification evaluation, characteristics evaluation, classification of tourism resources and capacity estimate of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges. Based on SWOT analysis, this paper build the development, management and open models for the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges, from the integration of regional tourism resources. The results are as follows.(1) Tourism resources are abundant in the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges with high quality, and their distribution mainly concentrates along the main line and the tributaries of Yangtze River.’ In the region, mountains stretch long and unbroken for thousands miles, rivers wind their ways around mountains. It is a place of long history and of profound cultural heritage, and of one-area-rwo-anises, with magnificent natural scenery as hills, water, forestry, springs, waterfalls, Gap, hole, etc, and rich cultural flavor as Bayu culture, national culture, immigrant culture.Three gorges culture, anti-invasion war culture, urban culture, etc. The Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges has a total of 3,194 tourist resources monomer, with 0.098/km density. Space composition of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges is quite different among various districts. Especially the tourism resources of urban tourism groups are abundant, with richer spatial structure and larger heterogeneity. Point tourism districts along river are large in total, but low of the space portfolio degree. Qutang Gorge, Small Three Gorges, Chongqing negotiations site, famous mountains of Goghst City are respectively natural and humane attractions of internationalⅠpotential for the development, with fuzzy scores 89.1, 82.2, 85.2 and 83.8, respectively. Small Three Gorges, Tiankengdifeng, the Jiefangbei downtown, the Three Gorges Museum, City Lights of Mountain City, are respectively natural and humane attractions of international II potential for development with fuzzy scores 77.8, 75.6, 78.5, 76.6 and 76.2, respectively.(2) 23.43% tourism resources monomers of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges ordinary or good. Among them, 69Ⅴmonomers accounts for 2.16% of the total, 121Ⅳmonomers and 241Ⅲmonomers are respectively 3.79% and 7.55%, 317 ordinary monomers below the third level accounts for 9.93% of the total.The characteristics tourism resources of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges involve natural and cultural characteristics and non-material culture. Three Gorges along the Yangtze River, the representative of gorge landscape, Wushan man site, the representative of history, Tiankengdifeng of Fengjie and Red Dam of Wuxi the representative places for exploration, Baidi City and Zhangfei Temple of Fengjie, the representatives of Three Kingdoms culture, Fengdu, the Ghost city, the representative of ghost culture, etc, constitute the tourism system with variety and multifunction, involving the combination of natural scenery and profound history. The framework for the development of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges is one-axis, bipolar, two-areas, and four-joints. One axis refers to the traditional tourism line of Three Gorges along Yangtze River, which is the future important developing axis of Three Gorges along Yangtze River. It is the lifeblood to the survival of Three Gorges Tourism, an important axis to joint different districts. Bipolar, one polar is the core region, focusing on main urban districts with the tourism and hospitality functions. The other polar is future Three Gorges tourism core region, focusing on the Golden Triangle region, constituted by Wushan and Wuxi. Fengjie, and having the attractive international tourism market function, attractive national tourism function and attractive local tourism function. Two areas refer to, the district of tourism integrated by WanZhou, and Zhongxian, and the other district of tourism integrated by Changshou, Fuling, Fengdu, Shizhu.Four-joints: based on the Big Three Gorges tourism geographic conditions and future traffic development pattern, the plan of Big Three Gorge Tourism should be adopt, that is, to joint Shanxi province to the north; Hubei Province, to the east; Hunan Province, to the south; Sichuan Province, to the west. The capacity of tourism environment of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges is 1540643 per/day. Its capacity in main nine urban districts present larger than point tourism districts along river. The Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges stimulates the employment of 40,761 per day. In addition to Wushan county focused on tourist attractions, the main nine urban districts has more obvious advantage in the stimulated employment than that of point tourism districts along river, which is in accordance with the daily tourism environment capacity.(3) SWOT analysis could present the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourist attractions. For different types of tourist districts, SWOT is important because it could strengthen advantages, reduce disadvantages, seize the opportunities, and reduce threats, so as to keep the innovative core competitive power. The Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges possesses unique tourism resources, especially the valley landscape of Three Gorges along the Yangtze River, the profound cultural heritage of Three Gorges, and the colorful folk customs. According to the tourism resources portfolio characteristics, the tourism resources of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges can be divided into: the main urban patches (Urban Landscape), and valley and river patches (natural scenery).The tourism resources nodes of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges well couple with the distribution of traffic pattern. For example, the golden waterway connects east and west of China. Five rays stretch Sichuan province. A ray and the Yangtze River go through Hubei province. Two rays stretch to Hunan province and Guizhou province. Meanwhile, the advantages of tourism resources and tourism industry of neighboring tourism districts link the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges with Bohai region, Yangtze River Delta and Zhu River Delta and other regions. Presently, the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges is inferior in the aspect of overall brand image, of tourism market development, of the coordination of tourism industry elements. The lack of accurate position and unified planning, the rigid tourism market mechanism, the low quality of tourism enterprises, the poor traffic circulation and aging products have become the bottlenecks for the development of ht golden tourism belt of the Three Gorges.(4) The western development strategy curbs the ecological degradation of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges. The 11th Five-Year Plan and the new rural construction provide more opportunities for the tourism development of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges. Based on the above analysis, this paper thinks that the Construction of Yangtze River Economic Belt and the construction of new Sichuan and Chongqing economic cooperation Belt should become the golden opportunity for the tourism development of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges. SWOT of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges should optimize the relationship between tourism development and ecological environment, based on the coupling of the new tourism forms and resources. Government could accommodate migrants from the reservoir area though the development of tourism. The simple canyon sightseeing tours should be changed into various types, displaying the charm of unique tourism resources. The Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges is the typical case of tourism resources development in poverty-stricken regions. The contradiction between opening investment environment and the guarantee of the interests of local residents becomes the inevitable question for the tourism development of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges.PPT strategies emphasis government as leaders, and regard the benefits and development of the poor as the main consideration. SWOT analysis of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges makes creative expression of differences in operating characteristics, according to the configuration features of municipalities or district tourism resources portfolio.(5) Bifeng Gorge, Ke Rock, Huang Mountain, Shanxi model, etc are successful domestic scenic enterprise management model. Among them, Shanxi model, Bifeng Gorge model are local government-led models. But they are promoted by the coordination of tourism department and resources department. In the process of operation, the government-led models result in a smaller market, while the business-led models lead to a contrary result. As far as the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges concerned, the Shanxi model has more reference significance. Apart from integrating resources, which demonstrates the scale operation and scale effect and promotes the effective integration of the market, resources, products, it forms a strong investment and financing platform to ensure the coordinated development of exploration and protection of tourism resources. The management and operation model of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges integrates the operation of resources and assets, mainly based on the separation of enterprise from government, on the separation of ownership from management, and on the distribution of interests. The focal points of tourism resources development should be placed on the tourism resource in the nine districts of the main urban and other districts. And the tourism resources development should reflect the unique, dangerous, marvelous landscape features. Urban tours, with the Mountain City impression theme, World WarⅡhero city tours, the city of spring," a leisure place for weekends, the beautiful garden of the city", the Huguang Old Meeting site, Eighteen Stairs, etc, should be the main characteristics after the integration of tourism resources in the mine districts of the main urban and other districts.(6) Anti-invasion war park is a key tourism construction project, with the inherent value of revolution by using the effective art forms. The integration of other districts involves scenic spots development and key construction projects. The regional development should emphasis on culture and adventures, and the scenic spots development should show the functions and the characteristics of the objects, and the key construction projects should formulate the specific approaches for development, from the realization of regional integration, functions, position and the subject. According to the attraction, size, distribution, and yearly tourist’s capacity, this paper classifies tourism nodes of tourism spatial structure: the main urban, one node, Wanzhou; Fuling, Wuxi, Wushan, two nodes; Fengjie, Fengdu, Changshou, Yunyang and Zhongxian, three nodes. The tourism development of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges should fully integrate all tourism nodes, highlight the comprehensive advantages, and promote more of economic growth.(7) Marketing is the keypiont of nodes integration in the tourism industry chain of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges and of perfecting the balanced interests among" eat, live, walk, visit, purchase and entertainment". The current tourism situation needs change the government-led operation model and adopts the market-led operation model by market tender corporate sponsors and other means, which makes a flexible Big Three Gorges. The touring ships may enable tourists to enjoy the main natural and humane attractions along the Three Gorges. The relative independent tourism operation mode, with touring ship as the core, breaks the pattern that the open cross-regional tourism resourced can hardly be operated in a closed way, and promotes the Three Gorges tourism to the leisure und consumption times, and also is the key to display image and quality of Three Gorges tourism. The invest and operation model has changed the government-led invest situation and guaranteed the development and protection of tourism resources in the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges, from the investment platform construction, the total investment budget, the funding source, the expected investment income,the investment timing and other aspects. On the development ideas, the tourism resources will be developed and operated by the tourism development corporation, based on the integration of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges and involved tourism resources. With the integration of hotel industry and travel agency, the operation rights will be handed over to hotel operators. With the integration of cars and ships, the operation rights will be handed over to transport companies.(8) Tourism, to a certain extent, is only semi-public welfare industry. Government investment can only play a catalytic role.Only by the large absorption of social idle funds can guarantee the healthy development of tourism. Apart from government financial subsidies tends, the tax relief, financing support,-the transfer of resources, praise and punishment are also effective measures for the tourism development of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges. The participants of tourism are large in number and wide in range, but the comprehensive qualities of participants are crucial to determinate the sustainable development of a region’s tourism. Therefore, the talents supply and demand information platform should be constructed to create sound atmosphere in the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges, from the aspects of optimization of personals, talents training, talents absorption and encouragement. The cross-regional integrated organization should be framework to coordinate and guide the will for participation the tourism resources of different sectors and department, and to resolve conflicts. The organization system, apart from the lead by government, should actively absorb non-governmental organizations and public participations.(9) Based on the tourism resorts with clear themes, prominent characteristics, the direction of tourism of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges should be combined tours: a combined tour of landscape eyesight and holiday travel, a combined tour of lake touring and gorges and villages touring, a combined tour of waterway and land. This paper studies and ascertains the nature of tourism resources of the Golden Tourism Belt of Three Gorges and draw out the framework of its development and operation model. From the perspective of regional integration, this paper provides decisive bases for the framework of tourism resources development models by government and the intervention of activities by other organizations, and enriches the understanding of tourism resources models, and provides the references for the framework of regional tourism resources development models.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】3838

