

A Study on Person-Organization Values Fit: Utility and Strategies

【作者】 谭小宏

【导师】 秦启文;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 个人与组织匹配能够较好地反映和指导组织的人力资源管理工作,同时给员丁个人的职业生涯管理以启示。不少理论研究者和实践工作者认识到个人与组织匹配的理论价值和实践意义,对个人与组织匹配的涵义、测量、效用、作用机制及其实践应用等进行了研究。随着组织文化研究的兴起,一些研究者开始从组织文化的视角探讨个人与组织匹配问题。本研究旨在从价值观的视角探讨生产型企业的个人与组织匹配问题,即对生产型企业员工个人与组织价值观匹配进行系统的研究。借鉴国外相关的研究方法和思路,探讨国内生产型企业中个人与组织价值观匹配的结构、特点、效用和提升策略等。这对深入理解个人与组织价值观匹配的涵义,对组织在实践中提升个人与组织价值观匹配,对管理心理学和人力资源管理的研究都有重要的意义。本研究在文献分析的基础上,将个人与组织价值观匹配界定为:个人期望的组织价值观与个人知觉到的现实组织价值观之间的差距程度。采用间接的单一水平测量方法进行测量,并使用绝对差和法计算匹配的指标。共设计五项研究:首先,编制出结构清晰、具有较高的信度和效度、适合中国生产型企业的组织价值观问卷,并在此基础上发展出个人与组织价值观匹配的测量工具。其次,考察国内生产型企业中个人与组织价值观匹配的特点,探讨员工的性别、年龄、文化程度、工作时间以及企业类型等变量对个人与组织价值观匹配的影响。第三,探讨个人与组织价值观匹配对个体层面的工作满意度、工作投入、组织支持感以及离职意向的影响。第四,考察个人与组织价值观匹配对组织层面的组织效能的影响。第五,调查企业人力资源管理当中个人与组织价值观匹配提升策略的使用情况,并采用层次分析法进一步确认各种提升策略的有效性。研究的主要结论如下:(1)通过对175名企业员工的预试问卷调查、对426名员工问卷数据的探索性因素分析和对457名被试数据的验证性因素分析,结果发现组织价值观包含人本取向、团队取向、形象取向、客户取向、产品取向、社会责任取向、创新取向、绩效取向和求真取向等9个因素。自编的组织价值观问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为细织价值观的测评工具。(2)对798名生产型企业员工的问卷调查发现,个人与组织价值观在不同因素上匹配程度不同,形象取向的个人与组织价值观匹配最好,而人本取向的个人与绍织价值观匹配最低。(3)人口统计学变量对个人与组织价值观匹配有较小的影响;不同类型的企业中个人与组织价值观匹配存在差异,外资企业与合资企业在总体上要优于国有企业和民营企业。(4)个人与组织价值观匹配对工作满意度、工作投入、组织支持感具有显著的正向预测作用,对离职意向具有显著的负向预测作用。(5)个人与组织价值观匹配和组织效能具有一定的关系,形象取向的个人与组织价值观匹配对组织效能有显著的正向预测作用。(6)企业促进个人与组织价值观匹配的策略存在差异。(7)使用层次分析法能够确定个人与组织价值观匹配提升策略的有效性的权值,从而提供各种策略使用的优先顺序。总之,本研究对国内生产型企业的个人与组织价值观匹配进行了较为系统的研究,具有较高的理论价值与实践意义,主要体现在:建构了组织价值观九因素结构模型,编制出具有较高信度和效度的组织价值观问卷,并在此基础上发展出个人与组织价值观匹配的测量工具。考察国内生产型企业中个人与组织价值观匹配的现状,并研究个人与组织价值观匹配对员工的工作效能和对组织效能的作用,拓展了个人与组织匹配的研究内容。对企业中个人与组织价值观匹配的提升策略的应用情况进行调查,并运用层次分析法对个人与组织价值观匹配提升策略的有效性进行了初步探讨,对企业的人力资源管理实践具有重要的应用价值。本研究的创新之处主要体现在以下四个方面:一是建构了包含形象取向、求真取向等九个因素的组织价值观结构模型;二是从个体和组织两个层面拓展了个人与组织价值观匹配的研究领域;三是尝试采用层次分析法探讨个人与组织价值观匹配的提升策略的有效性;四是研究方法有所创新,运用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、回归分析、相关分析、层次回归分析、组内一致性与组问差异性检验、层次分析法等多种方法开展个人与组织价值观匹配研究。本研究存在的局限主要是研究取样范围不够广,缺少追踪研究和实验研究,未能使用一些客观的效果性变量。今后的研究还应该在组织价值观问卷的完善、个人与组织价值观匹配计算指标的选择、采用多种研究方法开展研究等方面继续努力。

【Abstract】 Person-organization fit can give better guidance of management of human resource. Meanwhile, it can also provide enlightenment for personal career management. Many theoretical researchers and practitioners have recognized its theoretical importance and practical significance and carried out researches on its meaning, measurement, utility, operational mechanisms and practical application. As the springing up of researches on organizational culture, some researchers have begun to probe into person-organization fit from the perspective of organizational culture.The object of this study is to probe into the person-organization fit from the perspective of values, namely to systematically investigate the person-organization values fit. By using related methods and inspirations of foreign researchers for reference, this study works over the structure, characteristics, utility and advancing strategies of the person-organization values fit in domestic manufacture enterprises. It has significance not only of the in-depth understanding of person-organization values fit and its better appliance in practice, but also of the research in the field of managerial psychology and human resource management.On the basis of literature review, the essay defined person-organization values fit as "the disparity degree between expected organizational values and actually perceived organizational values by individuals". The essay adopted the method of indirect individual-levels measurement and calculated the fit index using the absolute value of subtract. Five investigations were carried out in this study. First, the essay developed Organizational Values Scale with clear structure, high reliability and validity, which was suitable for employees from manufacture enterprises in China. On this basis, a tool for measuring the person-organization values fit was developed. Second, the essay investigated the characteristics of the person-organization values fit in the domestic manufacture enterprises, and discussed the influence of the variables such as employee’s gender, age, education, length of service and types of enterprises on the person-organization values fit. Third, the essays investigated the influence of the person-organization values fit on individual job satisfaction, job involvement, perceived organizational support and intention to quit. Fourth, it investigated the person-organization values fit’s influence on organizational effectiveness. Finally, it investigated the strategies for advancing the person-organization values fit used in the human resource management in enterprises and further confirms the effectiveness of various strategies by analytical hierarchy process (AHP).The conclusions are as the follows:(a) With an advance questionnaire administrated on 175 employees, an exploratory factor analysis of the data from 426 employees and confirmatory factor analysis of the data from 457 employees, the result showed that organizational values included 9 factors: humanism orientation, team orientation, identity orientation, client orientation, product orientation, social responsibility orientation, innovation orientation, performance orientation and science orientation. The Organizational Values Scale had high reliability and validity, which could be used as the measurement tool for organizational values.(b) A survey on 798 employees from manufacture enterprises showed that the person-organization values fit had different fit degrees in different factors. The person-organization values fit with the identity orientation was the best, and the person-organization values fit with the humanism orientation was the worst.(c) Demographic variables had a lesser influence on the person-organization values fit. There was a discrepancy in the person-organization values fit in different types of enterprises. As a whole, the person-organization values fit in foreign-funded enterprises and joint ventures was better than that in state-owned enterprises and private ones.(d) The person-organization values fit had a significant positive prediction of job satisfaction, job involvement, and perceived organizational support, and had a significant negative prediction of intention to quit.(e) The person-organization values fit had a certain relation with organizational effectiveness. The person-organization values fit with the identity orientation had a significant positive prediction of organizational effectiveness.(f) There were differences in the strategies to advance the person-organization values fit adopted by different enterprises.(g) Making use of analytical hierarchy process can determine the effectiveness weight of advancing strategies of person-organization values fit, thereby provide the priorities for strategies.In a word, the essay systematically studied on person-organization values fit in the domestic manufacture enterprises, constructed the 9-factor structure model for organizational values, developed the Organizational Values Scale with high reliability and validity, and on this basis developed a tool to measure the person-organization values fit. The essay also examined the status quo of the person-organization values fit in the domestic manufacture enterprises, discussed the person-organization values fit’s function for employees’ working efficiency and organizational effectiveness, and enlarged the research contents on the person-organization values fit. Moreover, the essay investigated the application of advancing strategies for the person-organization values fit in enterprises, and primarily probed into the effectiveness of the advancing strategies for the person-organization values fit using AHP, which has a significant application value for human resource management in enterprises.The innovations of this study lie in 4 aspects. First, it constructs structure model for organizational values. Second, it extends the research domains on person-organization values fit from the individual level and organizational level. Third, it confirms the effectiveness of various advancing strategies of person-organization values fit by AHP. Fourth, the multiple methods used in this study are innovative to some extent, such as exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, within group consistency and between group discrepancy test, and AHP. The main limitations in this study mainly lie in that the sampling is not large enough, tracing research and experiment are absent, and some objective effect variables are not considered. Therefore, the future researches should make efforts on making the Organizational Values Scale more perfect, making the counting index for the person-organization values fit more precise, and adopting more methods to carry out the project.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】C936
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1967

