

A Research on Recombination of Engineering Graduate Student Cultivation Resources in China

【作者】 彭静

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着1980年《中华人民共和国学位条例》的颁布,以及随后《关于改进和加强研究生工作的通知》、《关于加强培养工程类型工学硕士研究生工作的通知》、《关于进一步改进和加强研究生工作的若干意见》等一系列加强研究生培养工作的政策文件的出台,我国的研究生教育得到了较快发展。随着2000年研究生扩招政策的实施,在短短几年时间内我国的研究生数量迅速增加。由于培养资源总量增加的步伐没有跟上,加之我国传统的资源配置体制的弊端而导致的高等学校内部的资源利用效率偏低,使我国工科类研究生培养质量受到了较大影响。在此背景下如何提高工科类研究生培养资源的效率,实现培养资源的增量和增效成为一个急需解决的问题,本文的研究也因此而具有相应的理论和实践价值。本文从问题出发,选取了27所理工科院校,通过对教育部所发布的其各类研究生培养资源数据的收集,以及通过对这27所学校中随机选取的6所院校相关人员的访谈,分析出我国工科类研究生培养资源配置中存在的主要问题:工科研究生生源结构不合理,生源质量下降:工科研究生培养的教师资源不足,教学质量下滑;科研经费投入不足影响研究生培养;实验室资源配置模式阻碍实验室效率的发挥;课程资源开发和利用缺乏合理性。而造成这些问题的主要原因在于:国家科研经费的配置和高校研究生培养的地位不相称;高等学校主管部门和高校培养资源意识缺失;研究生培养资源配置制度不完善。基于对问题的分析,本文根据教育学、经济学、统计学等的相关理论,分析了我国工科类研究生培养资源重组的价值取向和基本原则,通过对资源重组的要素结构的分析,借用Malmquist指数构建了评价工科类研究生培养资源效率的数理模型。在此基础上,本文提出了优化我国工科类研究生培养资源的几项具体措施:加强政府与市场的配合,实现资源的增量改进与自主递增;建设综合性大科技平台,促进有限工科研究生培养资源效益增大;合理利用研究生培养资源要素,提高资源使用效率;发挥研究生教育对教育系统外的效益,协调“产-学-研”资源;优化变革研究生培养制度资源,为资源重组提供制度保障。本文力求的创新在于:梳理我国工科类研究生培养资源配置制度的发展历程;界定培养资源重组的概念;分析工科类研究生培养的特殊性;构建评价工科类研究生培养资源效率的数理模型;明确优化我国工科类研究生培养资源的针对性措施。

【Abstract】 Graduate Education in China has been developing fast since a series of graduate student cultivation policies appeared publicly one after the other, including Regulations of Degrees of People’s Republic of China, Notification of Improving and Strengthening Graduate Students Affairs, Notification of Reinforcing Engineering Graduate Students Cultivation, and Ideas of Improving and Strengthening Further Work of Graduate Students. With increasing enrollment policy of graduate students actualized, the quantity of graduate students mushroom in recent years. Because of the lag of the total incensement of education resources and the low efficiency of the resources use in higher education, the quality of engineering graduate students relatively decline. Under this situation, how to improve the efficiency of resources to cultivate engineering graduate students, and how to balance the increment of resources and the efficiency is an urgent question to be solved. That is why doing this research possesses its theoretical and practical value.Based on the problems existed in engineering graduate cultivation resource, the paper collected data of cultivation resources from 27 different engineering universities, random interviews the relevant staff from 6 of these universities, and then analyses the main problems of cultivating resource allocation in engineering graduate education. The problems are: unreasonable structure of graduate student source caused quality decline of graduate student source; inadequate resource of teaching staff resulted in quality decline of teaching; inadequate scientific research funding affected talents cultivation; laboratory resource allocation model hindered laboratory efficiency; and curricula development and use are lack of rationality. The main reasons are: disproportion between national scientific research investment allocation and status of graduate student cultivation; lack of thinking of cultivation resources in higher education administration and universities; and imperfectness of the system in graduate cultivation resource allocation.Based on relevant theory from pedagogy, economics and statistics, value orientation and basic principles of recombination of engineering graduate student cultivation resources are analyzed. After the analysis of structure of resource elements and assistance from Malmquist index, a logistic model is constructed to evaluate efficiency of engineering graduate student cultivation resources. And then, some suggestions are put forward: strengthening the links of government and the market to increase resources; constructing a comprehensive science and technology platform to optimize efficiency of engineering graduate student cultivation resources; utilizing elements of engineering graduate student cultivation resources reasonably to improve the efficiency; exerting benefits outside graduate education to coordinate resources of "production, study and research"; and optimizing institutional resource of graduate cultivation to ensure recombination of cultivation resources.The originality of research is that history of engineering graduate student cultivation allocation system of China is combed; concepts of engineering graduate student cultivation resource recombination are defined; particularity of engineering graduate student cultivation is analyzed; logistic model to evaluate the efficiency of engineering graduate student cultivation resources, and strategic measures to optimize engineering graduate cultivation are clear-cut.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

